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Should We Put A Stop To Organised 'regular' Cruises


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I take it your NOS system was removed before this Cara? I don't think he would have let something like that slide. That's the point that other hi-po mod owners are trying to get across, it IS a big deal for some of us

EDIT: Crap Cubes beat me to it (even though my post was made 3 minutes earlier... :s weird)

Edited by heslo
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look guys, Neil pulled me over today on my way to the bank........he asked me to pop my bonnet....i dont have an issue with that......he was a really nice guy and seem very genuine on actually helping us - not just defecting us. He said SAU have a good rap as a "club".

look i really think u all need to stop being so paranoid and maybe acutally realise that there is a cop out there that does want to help us, he pointed out a few things on my car that i need to get fixed - things he could have easily defected me for, but he didnt.... i had a really good chat to him and i really think we should just give him a chance.

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I've been pulled over on numerous times and never have been asked to pop my hood.

I was warned with a defect for dark tint of which I peeled off and that was it.


Did you have your NOS bottle in the boot? :P

I'm sure that would have attracted a fairly hefty defect.

What sort of things did he point out? All minor I presume being NASP.

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No need for attitude Cara, a simple question was asked... point is, if he spotted the lines and defected you, what would your previous post have said? Would you still think it's a great idea to have police supervision on our cruises?

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the lines are still in the engine bay -

cubes do u reall y think im that f***ing stupid to have the bottle in the boot? honestlty? im not f**ng stupid u know, i do have some common sense. and do u not think i havent hidden the lines aswell?

of which the lines are being removed this weekend anyway cause i have sold the kit

if your so god damn worried a bout getting defected then dont F***ing modify ur cars.

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Cara, tell me, are you still intending to do the NA-to-turbo upgrade? And will that be getting engineered to be legal and certified via Transport SA? Will you also carry out the required brake upgrade and get this engineered?

I ask these questions - and could ask many many more - because 'popping the bonnet' has the potential to cost you a considerable amount more than a moment of your time. It will cost you large sums of money to have the upgrades correctly engineered, and even then, thanks to the poorly run state regulatory body that oversees vehicle modifications, it may not be deemed legal.

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the lines are still in the engine bay -

cubes do u reall y think im that f***ing stupid to have the bottle in the boot? honestlty? im not f**ng stupid u know, i do have some common sense. and do u not think i havent hidden the lines aswell?

of which the lines are being removed this weekend anyway cause i have sold the kit

if your so god damn worried a bout getting defected then dont F***ing modify ur cars.

No need to start swearing and carrying on as I do not care if your stupid fat ugly or what not. You completely missed the point.

Its one thing being pulled over on the street driving but its another for bunny (nothing against bunny thanks for letting every one know) to state he will be at future meets and proactively looking for dangerous/excessive mods.

All it takes is for one or two complaints due to an idiot and its a prime opportunity for a defect blitz + a little media attention and there we have it SAU is on ACA as a mass defected forum/club that houses 'highly modified' hoon vehicles. Not likely but you never know. :P

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I agree with a few people and their ideas,and think that a thread with 'this month we are having a cruise' should be made with no details of the cruise just an area where people interested can say pm me for details or something similar,then everyone will know one is happening and due to the pm will have details etc.

As for the opening of the bonnets what a load of sh"t,there is no reason to do any of this,if we are told by the police that they want to co-operate then turn up say hello,check all is ok and if feel like a cruise themselves then feel free to come along for the escort.

some people are saying its ok 'he' just let me know this and that needs attention,then why cant they or this "neil" organise a free inspection without "consequences" for our cars,to show or "help" us make our cars acceptable.

Ill tell you until this type of thing can be done(never) the police will continue to say they are "helping" us and our cars,but can guarantee that there random looking under bonnets does us no favours,it just help them while writing out there next 'random' license check,sorry defect lol

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i dont live by the "IF's" of llife anymore.

and yes if i was going to do the turbo engine conversion o would be going through the proper channels of transport sa.....i already have the necessary brake upgrade.

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Is your brake upgrade engineered and certified? And have you looked into the cost associated with getting the engine upgrade engineered and certified - not that any of this will mean it is automatically accepted.

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Is your brake upgrade engineered and certified? And have you looked into the cost associated with getting the engine upgrade engineered and certified - not that any of this will mean it is automatically accepted.

i have upgraded to stock r34 gtt front and rear brakes. are they engineered and certifified? no not at this point. i wont be doing my turbo conversion for a while, i dont have the money atm to do, and yes i have looked at everything........

who said a stock r34 gtt engine has to enginered and certified? it dosent..........just need to be approved for roadwortheness....plus transport sa let u know of anything u have to do to make sure ur car is up to level it needs to be at for the stock gtt engine.

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