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Should We Put A Stop To Organised 'regular' Cruises


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Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”


Fear is the path to the dark side hmmmmmmmmm much fear i sense in you

the kid that died wasnt even in a car club sadly see no connection other than he drove a japanese car but cops shall make there connections as best as possible i guess. sad state of affairs when you get in more trouble for driving a nice car than people do punching heads in out on a saturday night in town.

laying low on the cruises for a while might be a good option it was to be expected an increase in police brutality,

bad things are it dont really encourage potential new members to come along and yeah kinda looks bad from the police point of view not that we could look much worse in their eyes at the moment.

If i bring my mum is that all the adult supervision we need on cruises though ;)

anyone wanna do a scooter cruise? or rental car cruise? :)

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I think we definitely have to speak to Neil and find out exactly where we stand.

Kellies thread gave the impression they will be attending future events and proactively looking for 'dangerous' modifications.

We need to find out if this really is the case or not.

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So just a thought guys... going along with cubes request of ideas on how to improve this situation...

I have Neil's email address, but in no way do i feel comfortable negotiating the fete of fellow SAUers all on my lonesome..

Anyone feel the urge to wanna have a stab at it??

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all u ppl worried about bonnet popping i'll personally offer to bring wire cutters and cut your bonnet cable lol

...............................and get defected for that one ;)

im leaving this one alone...........i dont come on enough cruises (mainly cos i cant keep up anymore in the land yacht) so i dont want to make a comment where its not appropriate. i do however see where SLED is coming from............

Edited by Matty 31
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i think the bold comments from cubes are looking more like where we need to be heading as i dont think we want SAU viewed as a vigilantie/outlaw section of the cummunity? which is where things MIGHT head, and was the point of my previous post

the first point of call would be to negotiate with Neil and from that we can decide where to go, but if sapol are going to froce the issue, then we'll have to stop posting up cruises...

but where will it end? can we paintball, meet at villis, go-kart, go check out the r35 at mallala, sau dinners, sau calanders? where will we draw the line (no pun intended)? =\

Edited by Fishpaste~
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in my opinion telling the police about the cruises is a stupid idea, it doesn't mean they'll tell every police officer on patrol that night about the cruise so u could get a cop who doesnt no anything at all about the cruise and rock up and decide to defect cars,



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Ban cruises? No.

Mix them up a bit? Yes. (change the meet spot/time/route around for each cruise)

Notify cops? No.

Leave ALL details to PM? Yes.

I too have organised a few cruises in my time, mostly small runs with few cars but me and a mate did lead a good 40 odd cars on one, was great fun.

I basically do what is outlined above, and haven't had any dramas ever.

I might do another one soonish (actually been entertaining this idea for a while)

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Cubes if you intend on being a moderator stop deleting posts that you dont agree with. Ive been sitting here watching this thread and every 2 seconds people posts keep disappearing if they disagree with you. In which case i imagine you will prove my point and either edit or delete this post.

This is MOST DEFINITELY not the case.

I have only deleted a small number of posts. 3 in total.

1 of which was from JDM032 resulting in a warning increase and the other two - one from Nene of which was O/T and also another from Mike which was O/T related to myself being out of line and myself O/T in one of my own posts.

Speak to your Nene I have sent her a PM.

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How about you tell the cops when you are having the cruises the first couple of times to see how they are going to behave, if they want to try to defect the car you next time go with plan B . You might be suprised they to might own a skyline and might just want to look at our cars because they like then. maybe.

Just a thought and trying to help you guys find a solution I dont want to see cruises become a thing of the past like the Bay Carpark and the anzac hwy cruise Opps am I showing my age lol.

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I have only deleted a small number of posts. 3 in total.

1 of which was from JDM032 resulting in a warning increase and the other two - one from Nene of which was O/T and also another from Mike which was O/T related to myself being out of line and myself O/T in one of my own posts.

Make that 4 :):P

Anyway, my vote is no of course you don't ban/stop the cruises in question. Just go about it a little smarter ;)

*edit* and having just voted, I'm quite surprised to see 22 for yes and 15 for no. What is this the Aussie Government? Ah this isn't working for us, we'll ban it.

Edited by AndrewJZX100
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I wish I had something a little more positive to add at this point in time, unfortunately all I have is...

One major factor, that's not likely to change in the next 10 years (and possibly longer) is the fact that, unlike the older muscle car scene, late model Japanese cars have a youth 'hoon' stigma attached to them.

If the state government and 'overall' police agenda (not the odd one or two) was committed to improving relations with enthusiasts and fostering positive relations with car and bike groups, then we'd have a new drag/track facility in the pipeline and underway already. Instead, we have seen it go by the wayside.

We are often our own worst enemies in every possible way - think about that one for a moment or two the next time you don't exercise commonsense and discretion with your right foot.

This issue is one that is not easily solved.

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What about creating a SUB-forum in SA where only regular members are allowed to enter and discuss cruises? Keeps the "unwanted" attention out... and have a list of requirement to be able to enter that sub-forum - EXAMPLE: regular chit chatter on SAU maybe?, regular cruiser, known amongst the member or get to know, not a member of "the law" or rock up in a marked Police car(joke! haw haw) and so forth... someone else could have a think of requirements. Moderators could keep track on whos who of the SAU SA scene and allow permission into the SUB-forum as it goes...

Also, a new Moderator could be appointed(along with the current ones) - one that frequents cruises and so forth... on a previous forum that I was a moderator of I made it as though the cruises that I organized are the "official" cruises and are posted in an SA's Event sub-forum after it was discussed in the main SA section - putting the Events section to actual use! The Events section here seems to often get looked over.... and aswell as attending the cruises regularly - it keeps me up to date with the members and how things are going etc. I'm not having a dig at the Moderators here but am just saying, but if there was a regular Moderator attending each cruises and had stepped in and discussed things with Kellie earlier it might not have got to the stage where every cruise is notified to the Police are wanting to attend future cruises... and discussing on the future of how cruises are to be handled...

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a sub-forum with permission to the approved and well known eh....

whether that would work or not would be up to the mods to decide but at least you are coming up with alternative ideas Vu, well done

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What about creating a SUB-forum in SA where only regular members are allowed to enter and discuss cruises? Keeps the "unwanted" attention out... and have a list of requirement to be able to enter that sub-forum - EXAMPLE: regular chit chatter on SAU maybe?, regular cruiser, known amongst the member or get to know, not a member of "the law" or rock up in a marked Police car(joke! haw haw) and so forth... someone else could have a think of requirements. Moderators could keep track on whos who of the SAU SA scene and allow permission into the SUB-forum as it goes...

Also, a new Moderator could be appointed(along with the current ones) - one that frequents cruises and so forth... on a previous forum that I was a moderator of I made it as though the cruises that I organized are the "official" cruises and are posted in an SA's Event sub-forum after it was discussed in the main SA section - putting the Events section to actual use! The Events section here seems to often get looked over.... and aswell as attending the cruises regularly - it keeps me up to date with the members and how things are going etc. I'm not having a dig at the Moderators here but am just saying, but if there was a regular Moderator attending each cruises and had stepped in and discussed things with Kellie earlier it might not have got to the stage where every cruise is notified to the Police are wanting to attend future cruises... and discussing on the future of how cruises are to be handled...


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im not sure what others are taking from this. but to me it seems that there are a few common agreed points here

* private messaging/mailing list for organising cruises.

* discuss with this Neil character about the finer details of the intent to pop bonnets.

is anyone stepping up to take care of it them?

i like what you have mentioned there Vu with a private section on the forum, it will be difficult to set up IMO.

jzx100.com has a private section for donating members i believe.... have not seen it cos i have not parted with any hard earned to that forum :P maybe that could be a goer.

i personally would be happy with Vu as a mod. (level headed and approachable. and is definitely regular enuff on here) :)

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Cheers :P Its a rough idea but it could be improved on - something similar to forums where they have a section purely for paying members(events, technical write ups, discussion etc) - for us requirement could be paying/donation members + a regular on SAU/on cruises/meets?

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A fairly productive thread.

It appears the majority are not happy with the way it stood and we have some good suggestions so we shall get working on them.

Thinking back the poll should have been worded different but regardless we have had some good discussion.

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i believe we need to see were we stand with officer neil... and then go from there..

like nene said she has his email.. wat can we do about it?

maybe as a community we can have a meeting with him or something? talk the situation over? make it look like we are a civil community and are willing to co-operate if he does? we need to show them we arent like all the other irresponsible drivers out there...

if they are willing to keep the hood popping out of it then maybe it will work?

maybe if we can keep it to, we will call him as soon as things go off tracks?

any ideas?

i think we need to TRY and work a solution with neil if not move from there?

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