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I hate the fuuk heads who go out just to start fights

I hate scum of the earth people who sit at home, living off the dole, have kids to collect the baby bonus, live in filth, Would rather buy a pack of smokes than feed their kids, Show no discipline towards their kids. Stuff all past, bugger all future.

I hate people who out source work to other countries to save a buck or two. Keep the dollar here and support your own country you scum of the earth F#%Kers

I hate Politicians

I hate Ditsy girls who live in their own little world of going out, getting smashed and have no regard for anyone but themselves and have myspace blogs like 'omg like sarah is like totally my best friends, like she's like my rock, we like get out, drink too many illusions and throw out guts up, but its' all good because my bestie sarah like holds my hair back while i throw up so it's like all good, like you know like whatever like yea like'

I hate it when people judge you before they know you

+1 to all that!!!

When holden's were building the tools for the then new VE model, they outsourced everything to China, well when the tools got here and we started doing production trials on them (from what the engineer told me) they spend just as much to build them there as they did to get them right here. Moral of that story is GMH learnt and do everything here now i beleive!!!

What the hell is wrong with the northern suburbs!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate when EVERYBODY around you on the road slows down to 20ks under the speed limit because there's a cop driving near you!!!!


yeah it's hoons :P like you speeding down curtis road thru the roadworks that give us other hoons a bad name ive seen ya lol

just joking :)

Ever noticed nobody does the speed limits though in the roadworks?? Whats up with that???

i hate shit like this.
+ 1 dave!


i hate people hating on the northern suburbs. even shit goes down in burnside!


On agreenance

Edited by Boof
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i hate receipts. i have to give you this shitty bit of paper back to prove to you that i bought it? you think i STOLE this 100 ltr fish tank? sorry officer, i slid it down the front of my pants and wandered out.

got it from pet stock on prospect rd, only bout 7 months ago.

Theyre dodgy as. They sold my brother a dragon which cost around $900 which had intestinal worms. He paid for a pathologist to get an autopsy done and ended up taking them to small claims court to get his cash back


EDIT: Scandy, u do realize that chicks dig respiratory infections?

Edited by Dohmar
got it from pet stock on prospect rd, only bout 7 months ago.

Ah, you'll be fine. I work at the Parafield store. This is what you'll be asked... What model tank is it? Where is it leaking from? Make sure the filter isn't overflowing or splashing, which may cause dripping over the side. They'll then ask you to bring in the tank (depending on the size btw) and they'll fill it up and check for leakage.. Perhaps, if you are able.. take a video of the leaking while it's still at home? Might be a little easier to deal with :(

You should have been signed up as a pet stock member when you bought the tank. The purchase will be recorded on there, which makes life easier :teehee:


Theyre dodgy as. They sold my brother a dragon which cost around $900 which had intestinal worms. He paid for a pathologist to get an autopsy done and ended up taking them to small claims court to get his cash back


EDIT: Scandy, u do realize that chicks dig respiratory infections?

I don't believe that Prospect sell lizards. You may be confused with one of the other pet shops that do sell reptiles in the prospect area?

I don't believe that Prospect sell lizards. You may be confused with one of the other pet shops that do sell reptiles in the prospect area?

Thats possible, but Im pretty sure it was the one in the Kilburn area...

That said man, leaking fishtanks are piss easy to fix. I used to build and repair my own. Just need a decent brand of silicon and some adjustible clamps with padding


Probably not Petstock then..

If it is an Aqua One tank, which most likely it is.. the bottom of the tanks are surrounded with plastic and may be a pain to get to. Tank should be covered by warranty still anyway :(

i just bought some sellys aquarium repair silicone.

it was a pretty small area of the manufacturers silicon that come away thus letting water leak out.

i just patches it up on the inside and outside, have to let it cure for 2 days before i can fill it to the top again.

thanks for your help though sarah! ill be coming to see you soon i reckon... time for bigger :(

100ltr is old fashion now

get me a good deal? hahah

yeah sarah its aqua one, the leak was right up the top rear on the right hand side, just under the light switch/electrical case.

should be all good now, just looks pretty gay atm with half a tank of water lol

i hate how i just read 8 pages of hate shit to find out why the purple wiggle owes someone $600.lol

i hate that i needed to sell the 32, gotta start thinking towards the future for a house and saving and shit. im 19 i should be living it up, but i guess saying to your 20 year old mates, hey come sit in my house, is better than saying hey sit in my watever car that i own, that ill get 10% of the money i put in it back!

i hate the rep bad import drivers give the rest of us!

i hate how nene didnt invite me over for chicken.lol

i hate not doing washing beacause the stupid weather man says its gonna rain,

then i do the washing cos he says it isnt gonna rain, and it pisses down!

i also hate indigestion.

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