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What Really Gets Up Your Knickers?

craig R33

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I hate days where all i do is sit on my arse and watch facebook and SAU-SA for new updates!! I'm so bored i've gotten desperate and i'm playing Zoo Tycoon 2 on the DS... :S


Edited by Ryan&Sez
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I also hate...

-Police that think that pod filters are Blow off valves and you end getting all nerdy at em and they act as if ur beign sarcastic

-Those little mini cockroaches that seem to be everywhere

-Wasps that rebuild their nest things in the same place after u destroy it numerous times

-lawn mower engines that cant take as little as 1-2psi boost before shitting themselves

-police that speed when they dont have their lights on and they do it for no reason but to make other people feel weak

-fat, gold-tanned bogans that spend all of their retirement money on big landcruisers/patrols and giant caravans and go sit on their arses in a hillbilly park for hours on end and spend whatever other time they have fishing and or creating new embarrissing bogan words to make other countries think Australians are a bunch of illiterate and retarded gorrillas.

-people that put flame stickers on old mitsubishi magnas (you know who you are)

-shady 50yo men with big black glasses, short shorts and 1990's faded american baseball caps cuz they think looking like a pedo is cool (if they arnt pedos)

-HKS for making their T51R are so god damn expensive but then again so dam sexually arousing to peoples ears

-gran turismo 4 cuz every single car (past 3/4 of the rev range) sounds like a suffocating PoS , even the god damn V8's sound like whipper snippers

-Boostcruising search engine cuz it wont let u search without having to wait 20 god damn seconds cuz of the 'flood control' bs.

-the people that ask what type of BoV that guy has in videos featuring Compressor Surge

-24 (tv show) for making feel like hatching terrorist plots and torturing people by cutting holes through their finger tips

-people that call their R33's M Specs when it is TYPE M

-the guy on cardomain who has a white stagea and is adament that it has a 500hp V6 RB26 when the pic shows a almost bog stock RB25. Then when u get into an arguement about the fact that is I6 not V6 and that is a RB25 not 26 he makes racist comments towards how retarded us Australians are.

-The people that coordinated my year 9 field trip to canberra back in the day and made it so wwe didnt go to any fun places cuz one of the bullies made one of the ortistic kids cry by pinching him.

-The bowling place next to the maccas in Canberra cuz the Initial D racer thing stole my money and the owner said deal with it (wat a douche)

that is all for now =)

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I hate rules that apply in one case, to the point that people get flamed for it. But then the rules are bent to not apply to another identical situation, for the benefit of the same people who did the flaming earlier. :thumbsup:

I hate people who say one thing, and go against their word later. No standards whatsoever.

Edited by RubyRS4
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i hate fake tan.

get over it n be happy with urself.... there is no need to turn orange :thumbsup:

haha yeah thats the most hilarious thing ever... makes me think that these people have eaten too much carrot


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cant stand all the fake people that sit back and bag or winge about how sh#t other car clubs are,how they deserve to be defected etc,when our club at the moment looks like we have too many tools in it,that fight,cause sh#t and dont want to be part of the solutions. Nothing worse than too many people having something to say but not willing to stand up and help solve/organise sh#t.

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Holden Statesman driving bogans

Commodore driving bogans

People who call me mate when they're not even remotely close to being a mate

Those that mimic lines out of movies or even from someone else's speech because they think it's a cool thing to say

Those that think it's their god given right to change lanes without looking because they've put the indicator on

Those that tailgate (thinking I'm going to be intimidated and speed up..... I'll actually slow down and force them into the other lane to go round me!)

Those that try and turn right from the left lane on a roundabout (dual lane roundabout in front of ttp)

Those that turn right at traffic lights and turn straight into the left lane (oblivious to the fact that there are 2 lanes that can go right!!!)

P Plating commodore drivers who think that their VR/S/T/X heaps of shit are actually a fast car and want to drag (my bog stock R33 isn't even fast.... yet)

I could keep going....... (to be continued maybe)

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cant stand all the fake people that sit back and bag or winge about how sh#t other car clubs are,how they deserve to be defected etc,when our club at the moment looks like we have too many tools in it,that fight,cause sh#t and dont want to be part of the solutions. Nothing worse than too many people having something to say but not willing to stand up and help solve/organise sh#t.

I think thats like 95% of any car club Damo.

I agree totally. :P

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People who call me mate when they're not even remotely close to being a mate

Are you quite the sensitive individual? I call people mate, and get called mate by stangers all the time.

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