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Don't Be A Hoon, It's Not Worth It.


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I know how you feel, i had a Senior officer attempt to do a similar thing to me about 3 maybe 4 years ago.

Lies, false statements, witnesses that weren't even there and so on.

It does put your morale fairly low when you know they take an oath, but will lie through their teeth in a court room to justify their means.

End of the day i got off most of the charges as the Magistrate wasn't too impressed with the officers recollection which changed 2-3 times (or witnesses that didn't show up)... But still i copped a little bit of a knuckle wrap and a minor charge.

At least its over with and you can relax now :sick:

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man that's harsh. it's always the few dickheads that can let down an entire organization's reputation. if only there was a way to weed out the idiots BEFORE giving them a badge

its simple... dont give the wankers a reason.

there are lots of great coppers out there and there are lots of wankers... just like theres lot of great Mr Whippy Van drivers and those that on a boiling hot day see you in their mirror, bare foot and running on the melting bitumen, slow down until you almost catch up to them only to then slam the gas and take off on you, jingle pumping, leaving you stranded, hopping because your feet are blistered and mentally scarred in such a way that it can never heal.

well... so im told

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Got done speeding around 5 years ago and lost my licence for a year. The cop that caught me was great and i thought that was the end of it.

A few days later i had another cop come into my work and abuse me in front of other staff and then take me down to the station and accuse me of doing doughnuts in the work carpark (safeway supermarket). They said they had signed statements and video footage of me doing it!! I asked them what car i drove and they couldnt answer lol. I also knew that there were no cameras in teh car park.

Anyway i got harrassed by this same copper for no reason for the next 3 months until i actualy moved interstate (for uni). He would wait next to my car at work (befor my actual loss of licence date) until i put my keys into the ignition and the put his sitrens and lights on, check my details, go over my car and then leave. I kept a brave face and used to smile when i would serve him at the bottle shop....he couldnt even look me in the eyes when he realised who i was. To this day i still have no idea why all that happend but this guy is now in search and rescue so i have nothing to worry about. To make things worse my old mans good mate was the senior sergent at the station but i never knew this at the time.

Anyway its not worth it anymore especially trying to get to work without a licence.

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i care? why?

Because Skylines already have a bad reputation and are seen as 'hoon' cars, so your just adding to the stereotype that we all have to carry and comments like that are seen by the public, so that fu(ks it up for the rest of us.

Don't take offense because i don't mean any, just giving you an idea of the general consensus on this forum.

If you don't care, and want to keep posting things like that you will cop it from moderators.

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mate, im the biggest hoon, yo just need to know where to do it, and when to do it.

only problem with hooning is you get carried away and have a high risk of crashing like i did into the gutter :sick:

Hooners FTW

So why do it?

You're risking your life, and more importantly the lives of everyone else on the roads.

I really do hope you wake up to yourself before it's too late.

Edited by jezza boii
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its simple... dont give the wankers a reason.

That's the wrong attitude. I understand where you are coming from, but as tax payers we shouldn't have to be afraid of being harassed by the police. The worst thing people can do is just say 'that's the way it is, there's nothing we can do about it'.

To the OP, its messed up that you got put through all that for a minor traffic offence. But at least now some people know to not say/admit anything to the police.

Someone on the first page said that not giving a statement can be seen as being guilty and not showing remorse for your actions. That's not true, that's only the case if you choose to answer some questions and not others (obviously you have to answer questions about who you are and where you live). At least that's my understanding of it...

I don't understand how police can give out fines to people without showing any evidence. No video footage or even camera stills. I got a fine for speeding 15km/h over the limit, and there wasn't even a radar detector or anything, just an officer 'judging my speed'. Obviously I'm taking it to court, common sense says that there isn't enough proof... but somehow I don't think that's going to happen (even though I have 4 witnesses in the car).

I'm pretty sure that major drug dealers and underworld figures don't get convicted with that little evidence, and they're only flooding the streets with drugs and murdering and extorting people. (yes I understand that going through a massive process for every little fine would be uneconomical, but since you're already taking it to court, the same rules should apply).

Just my opinion

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With speaking to a solicitor and giving "No Comment" interview can hinder your defence also. Shows you have no remorse for your actions so if found guilty will get steeper punishment.

I disagree.Yeah I am aware of your occupation and the legal training you get before you get the shiny shoes. ;0)

It's well within your rights to No Comment the interview. And the police and especially the judge know that.

For those that aren't aware of that, their niavety can sink them before their legal representation steps in, as in this guys case.

A word of advice from a friend in the know was always "No Comment" until you get legal advice, even if you think you know better. That way, you cannot incriminate yourself any further.

BTW, I'm far from being a crook.

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I don't understand how police can give out fines to people without showing any evidence. No video footage or even camera stills.

That's why they're paid to do the job. If they had to prove every little offence, then they may as well encourage citizens arrests. Some, and I say some law enforcers take advantage of their power.

I got a fine for speeding 15km/h over the limit, and there wasn't even a radar detector or anything, just an officer 'judging my speed'.

Same thing happened to me when Iw as 18. No radar, but the cop booked me all the same. On-the-spot fine was written out. Alledged speed was written down as 78km/r and (something) speed was 75km/hr.

At that age, I just paid it and forgot it, but nowadays I'd run him through the courts asking for hard evidence. It can go either way, but if it turns out bad, it will hurt your pocket. I'd act on principle tho, unless I knew I was in the wrong.

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damn man..went through alot didn't ya..what a stupid cop to run in front of a car..if anything he should of flashed his badge...

reminds me of a guy at work...had a mystery shopper at work and he was watching me guard the entrance at kmart...i let a guy go without checkign his stuff cause i really cbf'd and all of a sudden he comes up to me not mentioning who he was, very angrily for some reason and in casual clothes saying..."why didn't you check that guys bags?!"...i reply "they were clearly from bigw...and who the hell are you?"

he then told me who he was and i failed at life...should of told me who he was first lol

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Obviously everone has the right to no comment. I would advise everyone to get legal advice. If you know how to answer certain questions it's much better to give answer than no comment and no comment to other questions.

I was just stating that if somebody no comments to everything it won't always help them.

I give out numerous speeding fines following people and measuring their speed off my digital speed display. That's how many speeding fines are issued. I am getting a few contested fines back lately all measured on Laser though but people just don't like losing their Licences. All were 6 month suspenion offences.

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Some guy runs out in front of my car with his arm raised. He grabs aggressively at my windscreen wipers , side mirror and anything else he can in attempt to single-handedly wrestle my car to the ground.

Reckon the copper should be charged under the "too stupid to be a cop" laws. What a dumb-ass moron, jumping in front of a car then try trying to grab hold of it as it attempts to drive off. What if it had of been a hardened crim behind the wheel who didn't give a shit if he ran some-one over.

As for the falsifed/exaggerated statements; Cops should realise that every time they screw some-one over that they have just made another life long enemy who will will be far less likely to co-operate if and when its required. Most people will accept the punishment if its just but when things get all twisted out of shape then people tend to get resentful.

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mate, im the biggest hoon, yo just need to know where to do it, and when to do it.

only problem with hooning is you get carried away and have a high risk of crashing like i did into the gutter :P

Hooners FTW

so you know 'where to do it', and 'when to do it'; but not 'how to do it'?. gutters have been around for a long time Matey!!.

wake up to yourself, before you mount a gutter and kill some innocent passerby using the footpath for it's intended purpose.

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wow this turned out to be a interesting topic =]

badluck on your incident...ive got a court date in december for careless driving due to being in a rush to school, in the wet &slippery, accidently went sideays around a corner and spun out in the intersection.(no traction/abs) undercover comes up behind me. Just wasnt paying enough attention to the road condition especially considering id been up for like 15minutes. i wasnt hooning or speeding, just miss judgement which ive learnt from and now i always know what to look out for hence learning from my mistake.

mistakes are good to learn from ..hopefully there just isnt any police or fines involved with them.

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I cant beleive how tough the road laws now.

I got my P's back in 2000 and was a bit of an idiot. I remember doing a U turn in front of an unmarked cop and spining the inside wheel a little (commodore wagon) and then chirping around the roundabout 100m up the road (pretty late at night). I got pulled over and received 2 fines on the spot...failing to have full control, twice 1 min appart. Each fine was 1 point and $125. If i did that now i could have my car impounded!!! What a joke. Also remember a cope pulling me over cause "I looked suspicious" Anyway i had done nothing wrong and he realised that. He saw my car had an almost bald tyre and i had an aftermarket small steering wheel. He let me off on those and got me for my front P plate falling off the window......no points and $90 fine. Now its 3 points and $225 (i think). THREE points just for not having plates up!!!!

I'm not even going to start on the thrusday and sunday night drags in the east and western industrial estates...........

Victoria is turning more and more into a police state. I'm lucky i have had most of my fun already

Your never going to stop young men having fun in cars.

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yeah and your never gonna stop young men killing themselves or others by driving recklessly. I know what your getting at but are road rules that hard to follow? Im sure if you knew the cop was there you wouldnt break traction doing a U'ey and the like which means you made the choice to drive that way unless it was the cars mechanical fault that was out of your control. Im sure after that you made sure your P's were always up yeah?

What im getting at is yeah the penalties are tougher but the rules have never really changed. Tougher just means people will learn from their mistakes alot quicker than before and if they dont they deserve to loose their license for a while to remind them that having a license is a priveledge and not a given.

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Tough luck mate. At least it's all over now.

Hooning isn't only a risk to lives but to our pockets as well... :)

Road rules aren't that hard follow and as most of you (if not all) would agree when I say we pay enough taxes. So why risk donating more to that lovely charitable institution known as "the government". Save yourself the hassles AND money.

Event/track days are the time to have fun in your beast. Not in the streets.

All in all, as long as the lesson is learned; that's the important thing. :P

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