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Don't Be A Hoon, It's Not Worth It.

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That's the wrong attitude. I understand where you are coming from, but as tax payers we shouldn't have to be afraid of being harassed by the police. The worst thing people can do is just say 'that's the way it is, there's nothing we can do about it'.

To the OP, its messed up that you got put through all that for a minor traffic offence. But at least now some people know to not say/admit anything to the police.

Someone on the first page said that not giving a statement can be seen as being guilty and not showing remorse for your actions. That's not true, that's only the case if you choose to answer some questions and not others (obviously you have to answer questions about who you are and where you live). At least that's my understanding of it...

I don't understand how police can give out fines to people without showing any evidence. No video footage or even camera stills. I got a fine for speeding 15km/h over the limit, and there wasn't even a radar detector or anything, just an officer 'judging my speed'. Obviously I'm taking it to court, common sense says that there isn't enough proof... but somehow I don't think that's going to happen (even though I have 4 witnesses in the car).

I'm pretty sure that major drug dealers and underworld figures don't get convicted with that little evidence, and they're only flooding the streets with drugs and murdering and extorting people. (yes I understand that going through a massive process for every little fine would be uneconomical, but since you're already taking it to court, the same rules should apply).

Just my opinion

musnt have been clear enough with the entire post...

"dont give the wankers (that exist within the police force, not refering to all police) an excuse by being a farkin tool on the road.."

that is most definately the right attitude.

what happened to Bond on the otherhand is a different story... no way i would have put up with that bullshit. thats what small video cam corders are for and mobile video phones are for, collecting evidence against wankers like that

My apologies for the size of this post, for reference, I drive an R33 series 1 non-turbo.

Alright, so all the way back in April (a couple of months after I bought my car) I was out showing off my new car to some friends. As I leave I decide to show off a bit, nothing too major, just revved the car up, dropped the clutch and spun the wheels for a moment before accelerating away. I'd never visited my mates at their new house, so I didn't know the neighborhood. I drove around the corner and right into a dead end. I turn around and head back the way I came.

As I'm coming back some (my mates had already gone inside) guy runs out in front of my car with his arm raised. He was big, and he was pissed. Now I'm not a violent person, I've never been a fight, been a victim of an armed robbery and I'm build like a rake. I slow right down to a crawl, and he steps to one side to approach my passenger window. I think "f**k this", I'm not sticking around to receive a verbal bashing, or worse a physical bashing, whatever his intent may be. So I floor it and try to get away. I had my clutch in, and forgot I was in second. So basically, I go nowhere fast. He grabs aggressively at my windscreen wipers (would've torn them off if they were on the other side of the car, instead they slid out of his hands), side mirror and anything else he can in attempt to single-handedly wrestle my car to the ground.

So I piss off. Few hours later I get a call from the cops, I'm told to come to the station immediately. It turns out the guy who ran out in front of my car was a Senior Constable (although they didn't tell me this until after I admitted why I knew I had been called in). I do exactly as I'm told and am arrested, interviewed and charged with four charges; failure to have proper control of the vehicle, excessive noise and smoke, driving in a dangerous manner and reckless conduct endanger serious injury. I co-operate fully, am completely honest about the how ordeal (overly so) and even apologize in person to the Senior Constable.

Six months later I receive a summons to court, I call a lawyer and go in to talk. Now I'd been worried about this for a while, but I never thought it was that serious. I thought I was going to get in trouble for a burnout (we probably wouldn't call it that, but in the eyes of the law, that's what it was) and nothing more. Turns out reckless conduct is a criminal offense, not a traffic offense, that means a criminal record.

We get the police brief and it only gets worse. The Senior Constable's statement is filled with lies and exaggerations, he claims I accelerated at him, not past him when he stepped (he claims he had to jump) to one side. To make it worse, there's a second statement (which was filed two months after the incident) from another neighbor (I assume) claiming they saw the burnout. The description they use is... it's like something you'd see from a 1000hp muscle car at a drag show. Lines like "cloud of white smoke filled my house" "I was certain he wasn't going to stop till his tires blew" "car was going sideways".

A few days later i had another cop come into my work and abuse me in front of other staff and then take me down to the station and accuse me of doing doughnuts in the work carpark (safeway supermarket). They said they had signed statements and video footage of me doing it!! I asked them what car i drove and they couldnt answer lol. I also knew that there were no cameras in teh car park.

oh son of rajab yet another reason why cops need bi-annual mental health assesments

cmon federal gov! fund an independent company to evaluate there mental health!

Edited by DAS KAMU

Damn, thats some pretty bad luck right there... I'm just recollecting every time I've chirped or spun them a little even by accident, any one of them could turn into something like your situation.

Anyway, perhaps you should of ran him over instead (if you knew who he was at the time), one less corrupt police officer isn't going to hurt anyone. :(

I cant beleive how tough the road laws now.

I got my P's back in 2000 and was a bit of an idiot. I remember doing a U turn in front of an unmarked cop and spining the inside wheel a little (commodore wagon) and then chirping around the roundabout 100m up the road (pretty late at night). I got pulled over and received 2 fines on the spot...failing to have full control, twice 1 min appart. Each fine was 1 point and $125. If i did that now i could have my car impounded!!! What a joke. Also remember a cope pulling me over cause "I looked suspicious" Anyway i had done nothing wrong and he realised that. He saw my car had an almost bald tyre and i had an aftermarket small steering wheel. He let me off on those and got me for my front P plate falling off the window......no points and $90 fine. Now its 3 points and $225 (i think). THREE points just for not having plates up!!!!

I'm not even going to start on the thrusday and sunday night drags in the east and western industrial estates...........

Victoria is turning more and more into a police state. I'm lucky i have had most of my fun already

Your never going to stop young men having fun in cars.

as much as everyone here is against speeding and carrying on, the last sentence in that post is true, even though fun may not be the right word to describe it. since joining this forum, my attitude has definately changed. if you're stupid enough to need any of the situations to happen to you before you change your ways, well you certainly deserve it. probabyl more

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