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Dickhead, scroll up and read again.

I said I'd never actually heard of someone being given the fine. We've all heard of the fine itself. But do we have any evidence to support anyone ever actually receiving one? No.

I then further went on to compare to issuing of said fine to the boogeyman.


Wheres youre evidence she says http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/252383-i-got-pinned-for-not-having-an-cat-converter/ oh woopsies and u wonder why they call u dickhead dave around here. Hell i've never heard of anyone been done personally for car rebirthing either, but how many people would of been done for it = shit loads! Just because u havent heard of something, doesnt mean u can just play the ignorant card and go oh no no no that will never ever happen, look what happen 2 Jesse James who was alose a cocky one, 250k will teach him hey

So next time someone brings up a valid point with proof dont troll only to end up owned in the process, a quickj bit of reseacrh would of given u the 10k fine awnser already. I was tryin 2 help out people who may otherwise not known about it, so keep ya imature comments to yaself!

Edited by discoPumpkin

what do ya mean it doesnt happen here, if ya get caught without a cat on the street or in regency without a cat then off course ya gona cop a fine, no one is exempt matter what stat you're in,geez can u imagine if every import had no cat in SA, we'd have more holes in the ozone layer then ya could poke a stick at

Bottom line ya u run a de-cat at you're own risk, case officially closed

Wheres youre evidence she says http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/252383-i-got-pinned-for-not-having-an-cat-converter/ oh woopsies and u wonder why they call u dickhead dave around here. Hell i've never heard of anyone been done personally for car rebirthing either, but how many people would of been done for it = shit loads! Just because u havent heard of something, doesnt mean u can just play the ignorant card and go oh no no no that will never ever happen, look what happen 2 Jesse James who was alose a cocky one, 250k will teach him hey

So next time someone brings up a valid point with proof dont troll only to end up owned in the process, a quickj bit of reseacrh would of given u the 10k fine awnser already. I was tryin 2 help out people who may otherwise not known about it, so keep ya imature comments to yaself!


Right. Read through that. Owner of the car got pulled over, officer noticed the car was running a de-cat and the owner/driver of said car was informed he would receive en EPA summons for emissions testing. The officer then proceeded to threaten a $1500 fine.

Owner of the car received his EPA summons, and called to check the procedure. Was informed he would have to pay the princely sum of $74.90 for the inspection. Nothing mentioned in the notice about a fine. Nor was anything relayed to him by the person he contacted.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with linking me to that? That a person can be sent for an emissions inspection if an officer believes they're not running emissions control gear? Okay, cool. I've never actually denied that.

Nor have I denied that the $10,000 fine exists (outright), happy to be proven wrong, I guess. But unless you're pulled over by Transport Safety, VicRoads, other interstate equivalent, or the EPA themselves, I believe it's highly unlikely that it would actually occur.*

Additionally, I don't actually wonder why they (who?) call me a dickhead around here (?). I either know full well and don't give a shit, or simply don't give a shit.

As for Jesse James. His $271,000 and change fine for 50 bikes without emissions control gear wasn't issued by the EPA. It was issued by the Air Resources Board. Which is the Californian government. So again, what? (and I doubt he even noticed $270k.)

I'm not playing the ignorance card. I'm playing the 'not f**king likely' card.

I'm yet to see proof. But hey, I'm ignorant.

*ignorant but capable of using google.


Reply #8.

Just like you I've scrolled down until I've found a post that fits my argument, and am now using it as irrefutable evidence.


8) I got an EPA ticket what do I do now?

Is the EPA ticket for noise or pollution or both?

1) Noise: You are required to take your car to a approved noise testing facility, which is just an exhaust shop that has the necessary equipment and authority granted by the EPA to conduct testing. Daalder exhaust in Boxhill is one such shop.

They will place the testing equipment near the exhaust and rev the engine to a certain level, as specified by the EPA for your model car. Then they will issue you with a certificate if you pass.

2) Pollution: You will have to make an appointment to have your car tested at an EPA testing station (Altona or Mcleod). Here they will test your vehicle for pollutants and conduct a visual inspection of the car to make sure all pollution gear is present. They will either pass you or tell you to get the car fixed and come back at a later date.


I've never heard of cops carrying aronud emissions test equipment?

Did a quick google and came up with this:

Environment Protection (Vehicle Emissions) Regulations 2003 - SECT 21

Penalty for interfering with emission control device

21. Penalty for interfering with emission control device

A person must not, without just cause-

(a) remove or render ineffective any emission control device or emission

control equipment which has been installed on or in any motor vehicle

by the manufacturer of that vehicle; or

(b) interfere with any emission control device or emission control

equipment or any component of the engine or exhaust system or fuel

system designed by the manufacturer to control emissions so as to

render it less effective.

Penalty: 20 penalty units.


"The value of a penalty unit is $113.42 "



$2500 for the operator. Still not $10,000, though still significant.


Just thought this would be beneficial (from a legal standpoint), and realized how misinformed some people are on the topic. I'm surprised there isn't some sort of sticky on this by now with all the threads out there!

According to Title II of the EPA Clean Air Act (Enacted Jan 1 1988) there are multiple regulations concerning the use or misuse of aftermarket catalytic converters, or the removal and/or modification of a stock catalytic converter. According to various parts of Section 203, all aftermarket catalytic converters must be EPA certified, and your car must have a gas conversion device of some manner. If not, both you and the installer are punishable of a Federal Offense by Section 205 (a). The operator's fine can be no more than $2,500 and the installation agency no more than $25,000.

It is also important to note the 1988 establishment of this statute, which could probably be your best legal defense to anyone operating a pre-1988 vehicle with street-illegal equipment. It is in the courts' hands to prove your system was installed post-1988 beyond a shadow of a doubt, as they cannot try you ex post facto. This would at least be helpful in any sort of plea-bargaining.

Now, in reality, most states do not run thorough emission control programs and some of those that do are loosely enforced. More than likely, most local offenses (on the off chance you are caught during a routine traffic stop) would be swept under the table and marked as some sort of equipment violation, because this is how the local ordinances make money. Its much more beneficial to police to fine you locally (as they will actually see that money) as opposed to reporting you in violation of a federal statute, as they will probably see none of that money come back to their area. Besides, the federal government has better things to do with their time.

I don't really have much of an opinion on this issue; I am all for emission control, but I am all for people having the liberty to rip their catalytic converters out as well (hypocritical, I know). And whether you like it or not, making an educated decision is important before you take any sort of risk.

Here is the origin of my information, if you so choose to learn more about this subject and similar others:



Reply#13= That guy was fined 10k for not having a cat, ouch thats gota sting, thanks for sharin that

But i'll ring regency tomorow to confirm or deny such a fine

What post? I see someone mention $22k, and $44k. Don't see mention of anyone receiving either..?

Ah. There.

Sounds like the EPA and RTA have the same type of staff working for them and none of them seem to have the true answers. I know of someone that was fined $10k for not having one fitted, but the car was highly modded and begging to be defected.

Hearsay. Again. Highlighted an important bit.

It could well have been either the owner/driver was a dick, and the cop fined him for every single defect, totaling $10,000, and then the owner got a bit sensationalist and said it was all one big EPA fine.

It could well have just been the cop was a dick, and the above scenario played out again.

It could well be bullshit.

I stand by my argument of 'not-f**king-likely'.


in SA we don't receive on the spot fines for emissions, we get defected if the po po think we may be breaching the standards and get sent to Regency....

It would be common sense for most of us to ensure that our exhaust complies under the db and limmit and have a working cat, it would probably be the first thing we change before going to Regency, the only way you're possibly going to get a fine for breaching emissions is if you're stoopid enough to go into Regency with straight pipes and no cat etc, are you that stoopid? i dont think many people would be, maybe some

in SA we don't receive on the spot fines for emissions, we get defected if the po po think we may be breaching the standards and get sent to Regency....

It would be common sense for most of us to ensure that our exhaust complies under the db and limmit and have a working cat, it would probably be the first thing we change before going to Regency, the only way you're possibly going to get a fine for breaching emissions is if you're stoopid enough to go into Regency with straight pipes and no cat etc, are you that stoopid? i dont think many people would be, maybe some

Thanks for reiterating what everyone else just said, kind of pointles going over and over and raping this repeatedly to no conclusion.


^ For the last and final time the guy who got pinged for havin no cat had a RWC from the guy he just brought it from and was caught completely unaware, so its got nothing to do with being stupid or not or what state you're in.And yes we all know u wouldnt be stupid enough to know about a straight cat and go through Regency, thats pointing out the obvious.







Edited by discoPumpkin

Like you're name suggests, r u half asleep?! Thats the whole purpose of buying a car with a RWC as to ensure it meets ADR and regulations pertaining to you're state, surely u can't be that docile

brb think i just let the cat' out of the bag

Having a RWC doesn't necessarily mean that the car complies to ADR standards. The modifications could have been made after the RWC, so really just by saying that a car has RWC means sweet fa. Case of buyer be aware,

why do you keep using an example from victoria, totally different circumstances over there.


lol please tell me this is April fools day in May?



God next you'll be tellin us u dont even need an exhaust in SA but in Vic u do need one cuz its different circumstances. Theres so many variables to this, bottom line is with anything u run, it's at you're own risk so End of story - u may now kiss the bride..

Edited by discoPumpkin

have you or heard of anybody being "escorted" to regency, cuz f*k i has sure not - ps caps is for douchebags

lol get out of Elizabeth bro and explore the landscape, next youll be tellin us you've never heard of hoon cars being confiscated or even being crushed in Australia. More people then just the police can pull u over and defect u i hope u realise this.

ps GTS-T is poor mans GTR

Look at you comment, now back to mine. Now back at your comment, now back at mine. Sadly it isn’t mine, but if you stopped trolling and started posting legitimate comments it could look like mine. Look down, back up, where are you? You’re scrolling through comments, writing the comment your comment could look like. What did you post? Back at mine, it’s a reply saying something you want to hear. Look again the reply is diamonds. Anything is possible when you think before you post.

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