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I meant how long from when you rang to book the car in to the actual date. What do they charge each time you have to get it checked. Also, did you have it registered and why did you have to go to regency. If it hadn't been complied before how did you register it.

i rang up to get inspected awhile ago for a defet clearence and it was a 5 week wait for regency vis.

cost $148 for defect inspection. think his kind of inspection costs less.

and i think hes saying it's been complaied, and now its getting its inspection to clear it for the road to get rego for the first time in australia.

I meant how long from when you rang to book the car in to the actual date. What do they charge each time you have to get it checked. Also, did you have it registered and why did you have to go to regency. If it hadn't been complied before how did you register it.

I got it from NSW that was never registered but it was complied so either way I would have to get the vin inspected. There is no wait for vin checks you just rock up. I havent been given a defect they gave me a list of things to fix before they will let me register it

Now it makes sense! I asked about the time wait beacause I have my GTR in compliance awaiting the paperwork to come from Canberra. As if that's not taking long enough, how much more time gets added on when they book it into regency.

I was just at sprint auto parts and I was told that regency was booked out 'til December. Obviously the police are doing a great job out there.

A couple of nights ago, my son wasn't even driving his car, but they got him to show them where his car was then they gave him a defect for a MAJOR oil leak and told him to go to Regency. I was a little angry (actually very upset) about this and after ringing my local police station and then Gawler, the Senior Sgt told me to bring the car in for him to look at. He agreed that the leak weas trivial (just a weeping rocker gasket), got me to give the engine a wash at the Gawler carwash and bring it back. It still cost me 26.50 plus a quick wash, but that was far better than the alternative. He agreed the issuing officer was not doing anything to help PR, and he would be spoken to. The Sgt assured me(and my son) we would not be targeted because of this.Time will tell. The thing is my son was doing nothing wrong, let alone not even driving at the time. He was eating McDonalds in a park with his mates and causing no trouble nor did he smart mouth the police. And when he asked how he was supposed to get to work, one of the police shook his head and said that once this goes to Regency he wouldn't get it back on the road. It's an 88 Camira with less than 75,000 kM. But they just love doing their job so well. The cop even rubbed his hands together and smiled as he looked under the bonnet. This is a really great first experience with SA's finest for my son and his 3 mates. The only saving face here was that the Sergeant and his associate and the local Two Wells cop (who I rang first) were very friendly and understanding and helpful, even though I believe it should have been thrown in the bin, but I didn't push the point.

When talking to the guys in at Sprint tonight the lad there said he avoided Gawler becauser of the harrassment. Some of these cops get off on ruining peoples lives. They couldn't care less if you lose your job because you live in an area with no public transport. They're just doing their job.

Another comment the Sergeant made to me was that people with cars cop it worse than criminals and that there are a lot of things they are not happy about enforcing, but they are acting under guidelines, which I guess are set by our politicians. But we know there are a few who just love it and get their jollies making our lives miserable, just like the minority of 'ratbag' drivers that make us all targets.

I've heard horror stories about gawler police being righful bastards! But like you said thing to understand is someone above them is putting pressure on them to do what they do...We're all just puppets really

I've heard horror stories about gawler police being righful bastards! But like you said thing to understand is someone above them is putting pressure on them to do what they do...We're all just puppets really

I have a mate up there that gets pulled over weekly, admittedly he drives a commodore with an exhaust but he said its been almost 20 times this year all for 'random' inspections, the cops must just have no actual work to do.

Regency is not booked out though lol, you can get in within a week or two almost always.

I had a cop defect me and said I should thank him for taking my car off the road. He wouldn't let me leave till I thanked him.

Some cops have small mans syndrome.

In saying that, I've had 2 cops who where complete ledgends (still defected me though haha)

Northern traffic cops aren't the greatest people personality wise. The ones I've delt with anyways.

Now it makes sense! I asked about the time wait beacause I have my GTR in compliance awaiting the paperwork to come from Canberra. As if that's not taking long enough, how much more time gets added on when they book it into regency.

I was just at sprint auto parts and I was told that regency was booked out 'til December. Obviously the police are doing a great job out there.

A couple of nights ago, my son wasn't even driving his car, but they got him to show them where his car was then they gave him a defect for a MAJOR oil leak and told him to go to Regency. I was a little angry (actually very upset) about this and after ringing my local police station and then Gawler, the Senior Sgt told me to bring the car in for him to look at. He agreed that the leak weas trivial (just a weeping rocker gasket), got me to give the engine a wash at the Gawler carwash and bring it back. It still cost me 26.50 plus a quick wash, but that was far better than the alternative. He agreed the issuing officer was not doing anything to help PR, and he would be spoken to. The Sgt assured me(and my son) we would not be targeted because of this.Time will tell. The thing is my son was doing nothing wrong, let alone not even driving at the time. He was eating McDonalds in a park with his mates and causing no trouble nor did he smart mouth the police. And when he asked how he was supposed to get to work, one of the police shook his head and said that once this goes to Regency he wouldn't get it back on the road. It's an 88 Camira with less than 75,000 kM. But they just love doing their job so well. The cop even rubbed his hands together and smiled as he looked under the bonnet. This is a really great first experience with SA's finest for my son and his 3 mates. The only saving face here was that the Sergeant and his associate and the local Two Wells cop (who I rang first) were very friendly and understanding and helpful, even though I believe it should have been thrown in the bin, but I didn't push the point.

When talking to the guys in at Sprint tonight the lad there said he avoided Gawler becauser of the harrassment. Some of these cops get off on ruining peoples lives. They couldn't care less if you lose your job because you live in an area with no public transport. They're just doing their job.

Another comment the Sergeant made to me was that people with cars cop it worse than criminals and that there are a lot of things they are not happy about enforcing, but they are acting under guidelines, which I guess are set by our politicians. But we know there are a few who just love it and get their jollies making our lives miserable, just like the minority of 'ratbag' drivers that make us all targets.

  • 2 weeks later...

My first regency visit

Hey everyone, i got defected for window tint being dark (5%) over legal limit.

the officer filled out on the paperwork that this is a MAJOR defect and will have to be removed at regency.

which i thought was weird considering every police vehicle has a device for the officers to check tint so why go to regency, then it hit me, they want to rape my wallet :)

i have never been to regency before so i will best describe my cars modifications in the hopes that you all can address what concerns i may have.

1)tint, will obviously be stripped off.

2)18" mags

3)lowered, but not king springs, or superlows

4)battery relocated to boot (as purchased from dealer)

5)RPM gauge fluctuates

6)exhaust and high flow cat (will measure DB before regency)

7)white headlight globes, purchased and fitted by profix

8)IMBACK license plate

i plan to making the car look schmick by polishing everything, degreasing the engine, and removing sub and amp from boot.

.....and being as courteous as possible :)

should i be concerned about any of the above?

cheers, chase

You will need standard rims, no tint, need to get the headlights aligned and make sure they are ADR approved, check all bushes, wheel bearings and boots as these will all cause you to fail and almost certainly are stuffed unless you have replaced them recently. Battery in the boot will need to be in a proper vented box as well

Degreasing everything and going in with a good attitude will help you more than you think as well.

Edited by Rolls

Hey guys just had the CRAPPEST night, was a lovely wedding and on the way home from the adelaide convention centre, got defected and had my night ruined.. 5 months ago I went to regency and failed the inspection the first time, and the second time I passed after changing a few things (braided hose lines etc) and to be safe, I asked 3 inspectors there if my spoiler was fine, they all said 'yes it isnt sharp and its within the profile of the car.' Tonight on the way home, had to go through a RBT, pulled me in, treated me rudely, told me your spoiler is an automatic defect etc, and I told them what regency said and they didn't care. They said some new 'LAW' about spoilers are now in place.. some crap about the edge of the spoiler being 5 or 10 cm radius so its not sharp or something, my spoiler isnt sharp at all, its a HKS kansai T wing.. the fact I got defected for something legal (or at least I was told it was) was bad enough, but then he said I had to go thru regency.. I remember reading somehwere here a rule that if 2 things or less were defected then its a simple cop shop, 3 or more is regency- after arguing (i was polite at all times) it turned out that i had to go thru regency.. that stubborn prick..

1) has anyone heard of this new spoiler law.. I want to find out if it's true or if he milked it, cos I'll do everything in my power to make his life hell and prove that the spoiler is fine.. Do i need to check on the DTEI website?

2) is that 2 or less defect = cop shop fact or fiction? if its real then 4 screws from inside the boot to remove the spoiler and a simple cop shop trip will be so much easier than going through a whole VIS at regency ..., AGAIN :laugh:

if either of these 2 swing my way I'll be able to do something.. Anyones input will be very very greatly apreciated, thanks guys

yeah sorry to hear

does sound crap about the spoiler thing, but obviously you don't want a knife blade on there either

there are certain structural items that will send you straight to regency

there is every chance you can talk to the sergeant at the station where this was located through and get it looked at and revered will still have to pay a small inspection fee, get on it this morning also so the officer's know you mean business

Whether it's 1, 2, or 3 things they get you for, It appears the issuing officer can put what he likes on the form regardless, and arguing will get you nowhere exccept maybe more trouble, no matter how right you are. I would guess there are somethings that would need to be Regency, but I would say they send guys to Regency just for the heck of it, unless their Sgt has send to because he doesn't want them at his station. Also, it raises a lot more revenue going through Regency Park.

a lot of officers had bad attitudes and the station sergeant know's it, so going down and politely pleading your case with them car untouched asap cant and wont hurt

go back some pages and you'll read it had worked for other people

where is doesn't work is if on the paper work 1 of the things they've defected you for is actually true

Find the ADRs regarding spoilers including all measurements, make the effort to draw up the dimensions of your wing and show how it fits the ADRs (providing it does), if you can do this and go down the cop shop I can guarantee you they will remove it for the basic inspection fee which I think is around $20.

Pain in the ass but that is the best way you will get heard without going to regency, then with your evidence that the issuing officer was wrong file a complaint.

Thing is you need this evidence or its going to be very hard to argue your case, with a bit of digging around you should be able to find the relevant ADRs though.

Regarding whether it is regency or not it is meant to be a major defect or suspicion of one, but its not a hard rule, they can put regency down for bald tyres or an oil leak if they want.

Edited by Rolls

Gawler copshop was $26:50. I don't know about filing complaints though, it might be like jumping on an bull-ants' nest.The push for the defect madness and big penalties for small things like a fallen off P plate and displaying an expired rego sticker is coming from above and the police enforce it. It's just a shame some love their job too much and enjoy making our lives miserable. On the other hand some guys ask for it. It's the triviallity of some of it that gets me fired up. Motorists need a body that can try and get things a bit more level headed. Come on Nick Xenephon!

My first regency visit

Hey everyone, i got defected for window tint being dark (5%) over legal limit.

the officer filled out on the paperwork that this is a MAJOR defect and will have to be removed at regency.

which i thought was weird considering every police vehicle has a device for the officers to check tint so why go to regency, then it hit me, they want to rape my wallet :)

i have never been to regency before so i will best describe my cars modifications in the hopes that you all can address what concerns i may have.

1)tint, will obviously be stripped off.

2)18" mags

3)lowered, but not king springs, or superlows

4)battery relocated to boot (as purchased from dealer)

5)RPM gauge fluctuates

6)exhaust and high flow cat (will measure DB before regency)

7)white headlight globes, purchased and fitted by profix

8)IMBACK license plate

i plan to making the car look schmick by polishing everything, degreasing the engine, and removing sub and amp from boot.

.....and being as courteous as possible :)

should i be concerned about any of the above?

cheers, chase

UPDATE!!! I rang up the elizabeth police station and ask to speak to the traffic srgnt. She (Srgnt Lorenzetto) told me i wont have to go to regency because i only got done for tint, and the cop that filled out the papaerwork filled it out incorrectly. She looked at my car, removed the sticker, charged me 25bucks which i was happy to pay and sent me on my way.. No longer defected :)

UPDATE!!! I rang up the elizabeth police station and ask to speak to the traffic srgnt. She (Srgnt Lorenzetto) told me i wont have to go to regency because i only got done for tint, and the cop that filled out the papaerwork filled it out incorrectly. She looked at my car, removed the sticker, charged me 25bucks which i was happy to pay and sent me on my way.. No longer defected :)


Another example of an unfair Regency request being scrapped. :)

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