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Is there any device/gadget/gauge which can display multiple values with sensors connected to them?

Instead of having three gauges for oil temp, oil pressure and water temp, im after 1 device which can show all of them on an LCD screen or some form of gauge?

I know Defi makes one called a Defi Link ( http://www.nengun.com/defi/link-display ) but looking for something similar/cheaper.

Looking at something around the $400 mark with the required sensors.


i think it is 'MoutainRunner' on here, he makes a single unit that can display many values and also will hook up to his own data logger.

Found this thread with the data logger in the motorspor section (http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Datalogging-t239380.html) but i think i saw the one about the other unit in the forced induction section. From what i have read a very good and practical unit for the cost as well as local (ie:sau) support. I will be looking into both units when i get back east early next year for my car.



Edited by Boss-zilla

thanks for that boss-zilla sounds similar to what im after (4 of the analog channels have build in 1K drive resistors to run sensors like Oil Pressure / Temperature )

Is there anything similar to it already produced? Defi cant be the only system available..


I thought I read somewhere about a blitz system that did this, but I could be wrong, try having a look on the web?

Blitz has a device called the r-vit which plugs into consult port and reads ecu values.

However it doesnt accept any new connections from oil temp, oil pressure etc :)

Paul (mountain runner) has nearly finished developement of his units here is a secret squirrel look at the units features:

The specs for the new units are:

EM Pro-2

4 Line 20 character Blue LCD with white writing (looks very nice).

4 Buttons for user control.

Aluminium anodised case with laser engraving.

6 Analog Inputs:

Oil Pressure

Oil Temperature

Water Temperature

Intake Temperature

Boost Pressure

Fuel Pressure

(I will allow the forced induction related inputs to be reassigned for NA cars)

Digital Inputs:


Vehicle Speed

Alarm Acknowledge Button


Warning Light

Warning Buzzer

2 Stage Shift Light


RS-232 Communications port for connection to a laptop or the RaceLogger to expand the channels and do data logging.


Engine Monitor

Oil temperature

Oil pressure

Water temperature

Intake temperature


Battery voltage

2 Stage shift light

Warning light

Warning buzzer

Data logging output (data link)

Race Logger Pro

Engine Monitor data link to log all channels.

4WD Controller data link to log all channels.

6 Analog sensor channels

2 Wheel speed rate channels

2 Digital channels

1 Battery voltage channel

4 Digital output channels

USB stick memory

Race Logger Extreme

Engine Monitor data link

4WD Controller data link

10 Analog sensor channels

2 Wheel speed rate channels

2 Digital channels

1 Battery voltage channel

1 Exhaust temp sensor channel

1 GPS data channel

1 Serial expansion channel

4 Digital output channels

USB stick memory

Sample Configuration

Engine Mon, 2Hz, Water Temp

Engine Mon, 2Hz, Oil Temp

Engine Mon, 20Hz, Oil Pressure

Engine Mon, 10Hz, Intake Temp

Engine Mon, 20Hz, R.P.M.

Channel 1, 20Hz, Boost

Channel 2, 20Hz, Fuel Pressure

Channel 3, 20Hz, Steering Angle

Channel 4, 20Hz, Lateral G

Channel 5, 20Hz, Longitudinal G

Channel 6, 20Hz, Throttle Pos

Channel 7, 2Hz, Gearbox Temp

Channel 8, 2Hz, Rear Diff Temp

Channel 9, 2Hz, Front Diff Temp

Channel 10, 2Hz, Ambient Temp

Rate Channel 1, 20Hz, Wheel Speed 1

Rate Channel 2, 20Hz, Wheel Speed 2

Digital Channel 1, Lap Pulse (on demand)

Digital Channel 2, Brake Pedal (on demand)

Thermo Channel, 10Hz, Exhaust Temp

GPS Channel, 5Hz, Latitude

GPS Channel, 5Hz, Longitude

GPS Channel, 5Hz, Speed

Battery Volts, 10Hz

If using 4WD Controller

4WD Controller, 20Hz, Lateral G

4WD Controller, 20Hz, Longitudinal G

4WD Controller, 20Hz, 4WD Torque

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