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Chalk One More Up For The Frindge Dwellers

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Agree re: LC warranty rubbish on the internet.

The internet unfortunately provides a good medium for people with more time on their hands than knowledge or factual information.

My statement of warranty was not meant to imply responsible use of the 'toggle of terror' would void your warranty. I won't have that option now though so its a moot point.

After reading the NAGTROC and other such forums around the world it seems most idiots who have crunched their gearboxes have been a little enthusiastic about their use of LC. The very few instances reported seem to have owners who supply very limited factual information as to what they were doing to the car at the time and for the life of the vehicle.

Back to the topic at hand...


who cares? personal choice. its not like Mr ADM and Mr JDM will spot each other on the road, recognise 'the enemy' and start a fight. I am pretty sure either owner is going to love their car.

As for those wishing that Nissan Aus never gets compliance, lets be realistic. If low volume importers can get the car into the country do you really think a multinational corporation is going to struggle? Regarding timing of ADM's arriving in the country, they have been planning for this with higher delivery numbers (of the 200/yr coming) weighted for the first few months. I won't speculate wildly but something tells me there are a few people working at Nissan on making this launch successful and that we will indeed see deliveries in April 09.

If I am wrong about this then I guess I will have to wait longer than expected, I suppose I'll cope.

Rather than arguing about inconsequential matters though it might be interesting to start a poll. Who is actually buying an R35 GTR that reads this forum? ADM or JDM?

It sounds like most people who write on this forum aren't buying one, not that I am suggesting that wild unsubstantiated rumours shouldn't be flogged around the internet, I need some fictional reading to lighten my day.

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or import a JDM one with No warrenty and leave the OZ spec GTR's off the line ?

Even better- A JDM spec Premium edition in Black, with 3 year, 100,000K warranty and 24 hr roadside assist. Owes him a tad under 180K on road (including warranty). Just registered last week, a very happy man - driving the ultimate supercar with a support network which gives him that peace of mind. There are companies out there who are doing warranties for these babies. :(

Oh, did I mention he paid $1600 for the Cobb Tuning Access Port module, that REMOVED the 180K speed limiter and gave him an additional 0.1 Bar of boost increasing hp from 480 to just on 550 ps , as per the Cobb Tuning proven dyno sheets:) Massive difference, particularly in midrange. It took us 5 mintes to set up, and can be reversed in less than 5.

This fantastic little device also allows you to set different driving modes for the GTR (eg - Valet model, which does not allow the car to rev above 3000rpm, incase you need to leave the car somewhere and you are worried about it being abused ) and also allows you to clear any error / service / warning codes that may appear on the dash!

Cobb Tuning in the USA are brilliant - this device alone, will probably provide him you more support than Nissan would, had he waited for an Aus Spec GTR that is still months away...

He was initially apprehensive about the purchase of a JDM spec, but now, cannot get the smile off his face...

Even better- A JDM spec Premium edition in Black, with 3 year, 100,000K warranty and 24 hr roadside assist.

I’m curious, what exactly is the name of this company offering the warranty and road side assist on this modified GTR? Has he notified ‘this company’ that he has increased the hp of the car using the Cobb Tuning Access Port module Also is he allowed to launch the car? If so how many times? Is he allowed to drive with the VDC off? I’m sure there would be plenty of perspective GT-R buyers interested in some more detail about your post including this companies contact details.

Edited by GT-R OZ
Even better- A JDM spec Premium edition in Black, with 3 year, 100,000K warranty and 24 hr roadside assist.

I’m curious, what exactly is the name of this company offering the warranty and road side assist on this modified GTR? Has he notified ‘this company’ that he has increased the hp of the car using the Cobb Tuning Access Port module Also is he allowed to launch the car? If so how many times? Is he allowed to drive with the VDC off? I’m sure there would be plenty of perspective GT-R buyers interested in some more detail about your post including this companies contact details.

It's interesting that you have been a member on here for a whole 5 minutes, and based on your past posts, you have nothing but negatives and scepticism to post. Anyone who has genuinely purchased a JDM spec R35 and would like to know warranty options available for their vehicles, I am happy to discuss with them via pm or in person.

The owner of the warranty business who is honouring our 2 vehicles is a close associate of mine, and his advise to me was NOT to advertise that his business is honouring warranties for our vehicles, as he did not wish to receive hundreds of non-genuine enquiries from people who have no intention of purchasing the vehicle or the warranty - I now understand the basis for his advise.

Obviously I've hit a nerve by asking some perfectly legitimate questions. If you've been reading these forums then you've noticed negatives and scepticism posted by numerous people about these vehicles whether they're JDM or ADM cars. I'm seriously looking at purchasing an R35 sometime next year and it will my 1st GT-R hence my new membership to this forum but I'll tell you now, I'm not going fork over 170K without knowing all the facts. So if my post seems negative it's because I want to cut through the bullshit and get accurate information! If I do go ahead with the purchase and the JDM cars are still available and are a better deal then what Nissan Aust. are offering and I can get a comprehensive warranty with the JDM car then I'll certainly be in touch. Congratulations on your purchase! By the way it's 'advice' not 'advise' :)

Edited by GT-R OZ
Obviously I’ve hit a nerve by asking some perfectly legitimate questions. If you’ve been reading these forums then you’ve noticed negatives and scepticism posted by numerous people about these vehicles weather they’re JDM or ADM cars. I’m seriously looking at purchasing an R35 sometime next year and it will my 1st GT-R hence my new membership to this forum but I’ll tell you now I’m not going fork over 170K + without knowing all the facts. So if my post seems negative it’s because I want to cut through the bullshit and get accurate information! If I do go ahead with the purchase and the JDM cars are still available and are a better deal then what Nissan Aust. are offering and I can get a comprehensive warranty with the JDM car then I’ll certainly be in touch. Congratulations on your purchase!

sounds like a NISSAN AUS Dealer to me lol

I think the term "warranty" is missunderstood here.

You get more than driveline repairs with a ADM warranty. It will cover all the car's components.

This includes recalls and ECU updates. Buying a 3rd party warranty covers a lot less than a Nissan Oz one.

Firstly, they are more an insurance cover rather than a true warranty. There will be maximum dollar limitations and many conditions.

This is the case for any aftermarket 3rd party warranty.

I can imagin that if something majore breaks like a motor, it will be subject to the claim and also getting it repaired will be a PIA as Haltech found out.

IF I choose to get a R35, then it will be a ADM as Nissan are obliged to provide a comprehensive warranty under the very strong consumer legislation that protects us.

If you have bought a JDM, you will get nothing except the cold shoulder from Nissan Oz, just like they have done with other grey imports. I will bet that some dealer may wavier on not touching JDM's as they will not have many GTR's to service everyday and they could charge a premium on the parts/labour.

P.S I am wondering if owning a JDM model is even more of a compromise than most people might think. Firstly several buttons are in Jap and does the radio/TV work on Oz stations ?

I think the SatNav may also be useless.

especially with possible problems with the availability of spare parts.[/size]


That seriously made me laugh - this really is your first GTR isnt it!

Im not having a shot at you, its just so funny to see a comment like that after owning an R32 GTR. Finding parts for them has never been a case of going to a nissan dealer and just picking the part up. The dealers service/parts people hardly ever know what you're talking about (they know the car, but nothing about mechanicals/motor/electrics etc), most of the time we have to supply part numbers for them using copies of their own software (in comparison to my holden where i just name the part and they know the part number/availability/price straight away, im getting the feeling this is the sort of service you're expecting?), then once they do a search and find there's no parts in the country (suprise suprise), they'll quote between 4-12 weeks from Japan depending on what part it is. Of course we cant forget the unpleasant matter of the bill - Nissan aust prices are just a joke. So far i havnt found one part thats cheaper or faster to be delivered from nissan aust than from all the way over in japan

There's only 4 parts that in my time as a GTR owner a nissan dealer had in stock; N1 water pump, N1 oil pump, N1 blocks, radiator support rubbers.

The thing is though, those 4 parts (like everything else you would have to replace/repair etc on the car) were always cheaper through our forum sponsors or generic websites like nengun/rhdjapan/perfectrun etc, and other than the 4 parts listed above, than a nissan dealer. So unless you were feeling lazy or didnt mind paying a bit more nissan was, and still is not the place to get spares for any GTR from R32 - R34. Maybe they'll get it right and have the same prices as overseas this time, i know they have to carry certain parts in stock after selling a car new on Australia for a certain amount of years (10 from memory, but may be wrong) so lets hope they dont plan to take advantage of the naive new GTR buyers who arent aware of how all the other GTR owners before them got their hot little hands on much needed parts at non ripoff prices :thumbsup:

Certainly you make some interesting points to consider 'GTR R35', especially with possible problems with the availability of spare parts.

I have a slight feeling developing that you joined these forums simply to troll the R35 sub-forum.

I can imagin that if something majore breaks like a motor, it will be subject to the claim and also getting it repaired will be a PIA as Haltech found out.

IF I choose to get a R35, then it will be a ADM as Nissan are obliged to provide a comprehensive warranty under the very strong consumer legislation that protects us.

umm, don't walk into nissan for a warranty claim if you blow the motor like haltech did. do you really think haltech would have been given a new motor under warranty? on a car that had aftermarket ecu and exhaust, a car that had increased rev limit, boost increase, more timing and blew up on a race tracK? I honestly can't see how they would have been any better off with an aus car. and it's beside the point anyway, because at the moment you cannot buy an aus car. there are exactly 0 of them here.

I assume some people who aren't happy with them may not be happy because they drive grey imports not supported by Nissan Australia (with the exception of the R32 of course). I hope the experience may be different for nissan Australia backed GTRs but I too am suspicious of their ability to go from servicing pulsars to servicing the GTR. They take a 2 week course or something to become the dealership's 'GTR certified mechanic'.

At the end of the day this is a great car. I am sure going to enjoy driving it. If Nissan are as bad as people report I certainly will not feel the need to defend them and I will let you all know.

No, I would never put skyline and warranty in the same sentence. I was actually referring to a few 350Z owners I know.

All people are new to a forum at one point are they not? I can afford an R35 and have one on order.

Yes this is my first Nissan so I will not speak for or against their service record. I assume some people who aren't happy with them may not be happy because they drive grey imports not supported by Nissan Australia (with the exception of the R32 of course). I hope the experience may be different for nissan Australia backed GTRs but I too am suspicious of their ability to go from servicing pulsars to servicing the GTR. They take a 2 week course or something to become the dealership's 'GTR certified mechanic'.

At the end of the day this is a great car. I am sure going to enjoy driving it. If Nissan are as bad as people report I certainly will not feel the need to defend them and I will let you all know.

Actually from my experience, there are some really good Nissan dealers who love to work on something different to a Tiida, Xtrail or Patrol.

I remember when my NM35 Stagea first went up to Ferntree Gully Nissan, everyone downed tools to have a good ol' look top to bottom.

They also provided excellent service, quick import & fitting of parts (passenger side wheel assembly in this instance) for a very good price... But only because I was quoted said price by one of the parts guys. :)

Having said that, of the 5 dealers that I have spoken to & shown my car, they are the only one's who have been satisfactory.

A certain dealership put 35km's on my car & decreased my economy from 9.1km/L to 8.6km/L.

One dealership even has the gall to say that "because it is an import, they could only treat it as if it was a Falcon or Commodore."

If you find a Dealership that has service guys that are more than happy to talk to you about an import, I would suggest taking your car there... Even if it is Aust delivered & even if it is a Tiida, because they obviously care about what they are doing.

I guess my point is that not all Nissan dealerships are bad.... Just like not all performance garages are good.

To the guys getting an Oz delivered GTR, I wish you the best of luck (I am extremely envious). Just remember that when you need parts, do not just look at Nissan Dealerships.

To the guys that have or are getting JDM GTR's, I wish you the best of luck (I am extremely envious). Enjoy!

I interesting read here .... a few points:

The guy in Wahroonga selling the black premium R35GTR is about to take $155k for it. It has under 300km on it. Has had it up for sale for $169K for some time now with no joy.

People who think they will be buying an Aus delivered R35GTR for $175k are TRIPPING. Nissan announced the prices back when the yen was 1/3 higher than it is now - unless there is a massive recovery in the A$ in the next year (which there won't be), then they will be $200K plus. At that price point people would be stupid to buy a GTR over a 911. I think the number of people with that much money wouldn't dream of buying a GTR in favour of a Porsche, if the price was the same. Sure there will be a few, but I think Nissan will be pushing crap uphill to sell them - it will be the R32GTR all over again. Also there is every sign that the Aus economy (and more significantly the unemployment rate) will be quite ratshit by then, especially since KRudd is running the country (when he is actually here, that is).

IMHO we can only hope that Nissan doesn't get the R35 complied here by next June, in which case we can start bringing in 2nd hand Jap ones built in 2007. The prices of those is sure to be much more reasonable!

And yes, anyone who has ever bought a car from Nissan knows how completely crap they are. I bought my S15 new off them a number of years ago, and to say they were cowboys in a massive understatement. Fortunately the biggest Nissan dealer in SA has some guys in the parts department who love Skylines, and drool over my R34 every time I am there. They actually do know all the R34 parts numbers, but of course none of the parts are ever in stock, and have to come from Jp - even my water pump, which I changed recently.

But all in all, I have to say I love the car to bits. They are porn on wheels!

People who think they will be buying an Aus delivered R35GTR for $175k are TRIPPING. Nissan announced the prices back when the yen was 1/3 higher than it is now - unless there is a massive recovery in the A$ in the next year (which there won't be), then they will be $200K plus.

Not necessarily.

I don't doubt that Nissan would have hedged against the current yen rate at the time when they confirmed the GTR was coming. Especially for the first lot of cars. I don't doubt the price will go up if the rate stays as is, but given the negative impression this will put on potential buyers I really doubt they will increase the price from the get go.

As for the Porsche, unless the dollar has held up against the German currency while dropping against all others, then you can easily say that you can add a similar amount to the price of a Porsche.

Yep exactly.

To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if they hedged the entire value of their initial allocation. That way they can 100% continue with the initial price advertised, as LSX is saying.

Down the track, or when ever they feel like profiteering, they might say, oh well, dollars down, price goes up.

Nightcrawler: "At that price point people would be stupid to buy a GTR over a 911. I think the number of people with that much money wouldn't dream of buying a GTR in favour of a Porsche, if the price was the same. Sure there will be a few, but I think Nissan will be pushing crap uphill to sell them...."

I must be one of the stupid ones then.....but then i have actually owned 6 Porsches before the GTR, including an extremely quick 911 biturbo.

First of all, the A$ has devalued not just against the Yen but against almost every major currency in the world. It has dropped 30% against the Euro over the past few months, about the same % drop against the Yen. That means your showroom 911 is going to have a similar price hike.

Secondly, regardless of whether Nissan Australia hedged their forex position on the 1st batch of GTR's, it doesnt oblige them to sell it at a price based on the value of the A$ 6-9 months prior to the drop in value of the A$. They may well book this "windfall" as a separate profit. Many companies do that. It will also make it untenable for them to sell the 1st batch at say A$157,000 and subsequent shipments at over A$200,000. Over the last couple of years when the A$ appreciated massively against the US$ and virtually every major currency (from A$1=US$0.50 to the high of A$1=US$0.985), did Nissan or other importers pass on the "savings" . Not that i noticed and i was living in Australia until mid last year. My bet is that the car will not be sold at A$150,000+ and if it does then Nissan Aus has decided to subsidise the early bird buyers and you should count yourself very lucky.

Thirdly, why compare the GTR to a base 911? There is simply no comparison. The GTR runs rings around a naturally aspirated 911 Carrera under any situation. In every comparison i've read in magazines/road tests etc, the GTR has always been pitted against Porsche's finest, namely either the GT3RS or the Turbo, and in some cases even the GT2. Even Porsche themselves got into a fluff recently over the Nurburgring time for the GTR against the GT2 which is the pinnacle of 911 engineering. Obviously guys like Nightcrawler find it hard to look beyond the Nissan badge and appreciate the car for its engineering.

Finally, if you can get a grey GTR, for $150+ or thereabouts in today's market (with today's A$ value), its a bargain. And on the topic of warranty, if you are going to drive the GTR on the street, even very enthusiastically (hard to do in Oz cos there are cops and speed traps everywhere), nothing is going to break. If you are fixated on trying to break the 11 sec 1/4 mile or get a thrill out of doing donuts then something will break and no manufacturer will honour warranty on an abused car. If you are going to modify it (which every R35 owner i know has, and we are talking about dozens of them) there is no warranty anyway. The GTR being the tuner car that it is, you will likely do something to it. I know i have. If you are losing sleep over the warranty issue then dont buy the car.

And lastly for the record, stop griping about the price of the R35 Downunder. You guys are getting it cheap. I paid over A$300,000 for mine (in today's A$ value....in Singapore)...with virtually no warranty to speak of as it is a grey import. Its every bit as good as a Porsche 911 Turbo which costs almost twice the price. Having owned a number of Porsche's before, I wouldnt even consider a naturally aspirated 911 again.

The issue of maintenance for the JDM R35 GTR is now something we (Willall Racing) have covered.

Having been in the same position of the others here with JDM R35 GTRs our first point of interest was to establish an independent R35 GTR service centre that could perform all of the routine maintenance these cars need and then take it to the next level using better quality lubricants etc. (most of you would have heard of WR35TM by now). While our R35 knowledgebase will surely continue to grow over the next 12 months, what we can tell the JDM GTR owners is this -

- These cars are very reliable

- Most of the fittings interior and exterior are high quality and not prone to failure

- Not being locked in to an exorbitant priced manufacturer service program gives you options

- R35GTR will lead a healthy and happy life if serviced carefully by an organisation in the know

- It does not cost an arm and leg as some would believe.

Having said that, change all your oils now.

The factory GR6 transmission fluid is not a good manual transmission lubricant that makes metal in the transmission from day 1

The engine oil 0w-40 Mobil 1 is too thin for our climate, and your useage will be high, around 1 litre per 3000km. Note it goes dirty almost instantly - pull out the dipstick and have a look for yourself!

The differential oil BP/Castrol SAFX performs well, however it tends to get overheated in the front differential. There are indeed better products.

Edited by Martin Donnon

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