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Superlap 2009 Gets A Green Light!

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Pretty sure PI is closer to 12-15k......unless the price has gone up dramatically :)

We had the track with work last year for over a week and it was no where near 30k/day. (not posting the exact figure)

Would definitely be quite good to have several Superlap rounds throughout the year incorporating PI and EC. ;)

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Why would P/I be any better than E/C. While both are great drivers tracks,,,neither are spectator friendly and thats what makes superlap a great show.

I'd keep O/P as long as possible and then move the whole show to Wakefield. Great food, clean amenites, tons of a acommo (including track camping),lots of parking and we get to see ALL the action.

It's a no brainer.


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I have never driven Wakefield but got the chance to do a hot-lap in a konica Car. Shit myelf.

i agree, excellent track.

Why would P/I be any better than E/C. While both are great drivers tracks,,,neither are spectator friendly and thats what makes superlap a great show.

I'd keep O/P as long as possible and then move the whole show to Wakefield. Great food, clean amenites, tons of a acommo (including track camping),lots of parking and we get to see ALL the action.

It's a no brainer.


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Why would P/I be any better than E/C. While both are great drivers tracks,,,neither are spectator friendly and thats what makes superlap a great show.

How can you say PI isnt spectator freindly ?? Its has heaps of vantage points to view large slabs of the track at any one time.

Works for motoGP, Its a world class track !!

Only downside ( maybe its an upside) is it isnt closer to Melbourne.

I am still trying to work out what EC's reason for existance is apart from a track to make the V8 series easier for TV stations to use cameras on. (flat and fast)

It isnt very exciting as a spectacle track goes.

Not in the same league as PI IMO.

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Mate there isn't a permanent race track in Aust thats better than P/I.

At massive events most people grab a spot on the fence somewhere and stay there,,,as if they move they end up 4 deep somewhere else.

Superlap doesn't have that problem,,,a couple thousand spectators (i'm quessing)

E/C thrives on trackdays/driver training/state rounds/historics and the like. The V8's don't go there anymore because it simply can't pull a crowd.

The tracks to big to walk around it to get another vantage spot and so is P/I.

Wakefield Park on the other hand is very spectator friendly,,,you can see almost all the track from where ever you stand.

Ah what about Sandown would that make a good choice for Superlap?.


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But Neil, thats ass about! :D The thing that will make Superlap sustainable is healthy entry numbers. SO you need tracks that are interesting to entrants who will spend up with sponsors and workshops so become self sustaining.

No disrespect to the spectators but fark them, the few dollars you get from them entering is not what will make the event sustainable. Sure better spectating would be ideal, but Winton is a far more interesting and better spectating track then Wakefield.

But back to what should be the focus, getting the 100 cars to enter. No matter how good the viewing, if you are only getting fields of 30 less serious machnery nobody is going to come and watch

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Ah what about Sandown would that make a good choice for Superlap?.

Hmmm, Sandown would probably be good choice spectator wise. Close to the city and civilization. Nice shaped track too.

Potential for damaging your car at Sandown is quite high. The few times I have driven there on the edge are a DACK shitting experience. :D

I spose for highly sponsored cars with a good money backing it may be fine. But for me with my paypacket backing my racing. Its a worry.

I love winton as a track. Its cheap and the ultimate in being viewable from one place. From the Main straight you can see the entire track.

But its a bit far for spectators to get to. As an initial track for a Victorian Superlap. IMO Winton is ideal.

I would love to have Superlap at Phillip Island, :P

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If anything but Oran Park than it would certainly have to be Wakefield for the reasons Neil has given. Not to mention it is abit closer for those slower melbournian drivers.

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Absolutley Beer man,,,O/P G/P is the ducks gutts. Best site for this type of event.

E/C could be great if they let Ben and I lose with bulldozers.

1st job get rid of corperate hill

2nd Ben's just upset the greenys,,,shit he's killed all the infields trees.

That will do for a start.


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i love waking up to a coffee on the hill at wakefield in those dorms!! fantastic

I've never have stayed in the cabins,,,sounds like a great idea,,,thanks for reminding me Russ,,,I need to book one.


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theres always our SAU NSW track day in May 2...Im sure the R35 would be fun down there :P

Wakey would be good after Oran has closed and E Creek would be good in ways, and get more spectators as in Syndey, and P I same reason but they cost a lot more. Wakey is good for veiwing.

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theres always our SAU NSW track day in May 2...Im sure the R35 would be fun down there :P

Pity about the date,,,Russ will be on day 4 of Targa.

Have lotsa fun mate.


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I preferred EC to OP. Longer corners, higher speed corners, more flowing, and less advantageous to AWD cars. Sure there's 3 hairpins but they're fast for hairpins giving you a decent chance at getting power down in a RWD car. And the surface is good. Only turn 2 really give the AWDs a big advantage with its off camber slippery exit. OP has too many slow gripless turns where acelleration out of those tight turns is really important. Advantage AWD. And some of those ripple strips are ridiculous.

Who cares if you can see the whole track or not from one vantage point? By that measure QR is brilliant, you can see the whole track from your pit bay. As a spectator, I'd rater see a couple of good corners up close than some speck of a car over the other side of the track that you can't really hear or see what its actually doing. That's not good spectating. Besides, you're never going to get too many people to spectate at Superlap. Its not as exciting to watch as head to head racing, and even State Championship rounds don't really pull crowds. Do it for the drivers who are paying the bucks to enter. The ones who are coming to watch will still come to watch whether its at EC or OP. Probably get less spectators driving out to Wakey rather than more.

I'd say run the next Superlap at EC. See how the field goes on a totally different type of track. Actually, run the next one at Lakeside. Highest average speed track in the country!

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