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I find this ludicrous


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i know they do come to life, those rb engines have MASSIVE potential. just dont judge all tx5's/mx6's the same. but like i sed, i got a few tricks up my sleeve for when i need to get away quick. it comes down to more than just power aswell. however, i think a skyline weighs a bit more than a tx5. but anywho, if u understood our cars, u would know about the torque of them. the kw's might be different, but the torque would be similar between a skyline and tx5 with the same mods. im over this, and hopefully I will open someones eyes when i race them on the street.

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Hey guys,

Just like to introdce myself. I love my MX6... why? Because it costs less than half than your car does, and to me it has more features that make it a nicer car to drive and is a bit more unique than a fairly common Skyline. Especially where I live. But, I would still take a Skyline over a Commodore :)

Firstly, a stock MX6 was supposed to be about 106kw at the engine. However, ask any MX6 owner what they have their cars dyno at you will hear around 100kw+ at the wheels with engines that are 10 years old and completely stock!

Now my car has had the fuel remapped, boost at about 15psi etc etc... and I dyno at just less than 200hp ATW with about 230 ft/lb torque. Now, I know the torque figure is pretty high, in fact it is just less than a stock R32 at 260 (Nissan website). But this is why our cars are so quick off the mark. We have a lighter car than you, and also a 2.2L engine that is designed specifically for torque rather than HP, hence our horsepower peaks at about 5000rpm.

Now I have been in both cars, and I know how good your cars are. I'm not going to say I would beat a stock R32 or whatever, but I'll be quietly confident. Unless you have been in a MX6 with a decent amount of mods then you really can't comment.

Just thought I would emphasise that we are talking about a modded MX6 and a fairly stock R33.... so lets not get carried away with mods and stuff.

Also, here is a thread from a fairly well known forum about R33's... have a read of it.


I look forward to replies.


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omg there ganging up argghhh

From what i read on our forum, you seemed (not you personally) to judge all skylines the same. Yes the MX6 may have a better take off than a skyline, but the skyline with a bigger engine could quite easily from what i seen reel your MX6 in. Just be prepared comming here saying all this that your gonna get a load of replies from people whos skylines could beat you guys without rasing a sweat.

Personally i would like to talk to the guy who said he owned an R34 GTT. And where did u get this stuff that a skyline runs a 14.5 quater mile when people have sheets off them cracking 12seconds and a few in mid 13's.

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MX6 v Skylines, Commodores v Skylines, Fords v Skylines, the bloke next door on his electric skate board v Skyines...

Hourses for courses.

It's funny that the Skylines seem to be used as a bench mark !

This thread could go on for ever......

Oh - and which one are we comparing against? The R32 with the 2lt RB motor, or the R33 with the 2.5lt motor? Not meaning to put the RB20 down at all, but you all know that the SR20 has more torque than the RB20 :( That's what I liked about the RB25 so much, the extra torque :)

(hides waiting for a flaming :) )

Black_TX5 - do us a favour and don't race on the streets, take it to the track.

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You guys make me laugh. I love all the comments about the mx6 guys thinking their cars are the greatest… looked in the mirror lately? Why in the world is it so hard to believe an mx6 can beat a skyline? Yes, skylines will beat an mx6 stock for stock but this car was modded and put down a 14.8 ¼. Now a car that runs a 14.8 ¼ can beat an r32 on the street. There are many things that factor into a race, and the faster car does not necessarily always win. It is very possible that the mx6 beat a gtst skyline. Oh wait a minute; I guess I forgot that skylines are invincible…

Sure some things said in the post were a little silly but so are a lot of the things you guys have said. A number of people here need to do a bit of growing up.

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You guys are ****in dreams.

Firstly how the hell do u think u can come onto our boards and tell us that a crapbox fwd 80s turbo is better then a 32 33 Skyline which has had more hp stock and better times stock then ur cars.

Secondly u are dreamin if u think a stock mx6 turbo will produce 110 atws stock even thou the engine is rated at what u say 106. Thats saying that the drivetrain loss is -4kws, which is impossible. More like 20% for a fwd leavin the power at around 80kws atws.

Then u think ur cars r fast of the line, yet its a FWd with no traction control, and ive owned a na fwd. They are a bitch to get off the line if they have any power.

Lastly u r comparing ur modded mx6 with a stock skyline. This is a stupid comparison. Why not compare it to one of the modded Gtst's in the 12's. Hey im sure ull still beat it, as u have some tricks up ur sleeve.

Morale of this post, dont talk shit. Dont tell me that ur crap box mx6 handles better then my skyline. I would destroy u on a straight, thru the hills. Anywhere. Your car is a old econ turbo box. Its not a fricken super car. Neither is mine but at least i know this u dick.

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What a joke this thread is.

I can't understand why it has got this far.

I thought we had it finished on the first page.

There are several ex-MX6 owners, including myself, on this forum who agree that a Skyline will beat a MX6.

I have already stated that i have had 4 MX6's, count them 4 !!

So, i am a MX6 fan.

My quickest ran a 14.2 but broke every mechanical part in the car.

I am now on my second Skyline and there no comparison.

We are comparing Apples with Oranges here.

I love both cars but the Skyline kills the MX6 for performance.

Wake up MX6 guys.

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I was quoting the 2.5L if you talking to me....

I'm not trying to start a flame war. In fact I think it is fun. If you want to race me, I don't care... If you win, good on you, if I do, good on me. If you do win then it is just more motivation for me to play around some more, and vice-versa.

Look, I could go on forever trying to prove something and neither of us will get anywhere. Its all in good fun really. The R32 GTR is over 200kg heavier than my car (if I took my stereo out), and a stock (I said stock) R32 has 206kw at the fly and 260ft/lb... compared to my car at with 150kw ATW... assuming about a 15% drivetrain loss on the GTR its 176kw ATW with say another 5% (at least) loss due to age... and you are at 168kw.

So, we have an extra 18kW in a car that is 200kg heavier and the same amount of torque. Now I admit I don't know how much of a exponential power increase is generated from the Skyline and I don't know how long the turbo can hold boost for... so I'm only assuming here. But if this was the situation... a stock R32 GTR Skyline Vs a modded MX6... then it is at least a close race.


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Dude - your all out of wack. It's OK cause I don't expect everyone to know the specs of skylines etc.

R32 GTR is 2.6lt twin turbo 4wd attesa 206kw. Yepp, it's 200kg heavier due to the 4wd (1/4 mile is around the 12.8 sec and 0-100 is about 5.1 ish)

R32 GTS-t is 2.0lt single turbo rwd at around 1320kg ~160kw.

R33 GTS-t 2.5lt single turbo rwd at around 1360kg ~ 185kw.

I can scrape up the bog stock times for a R33 GTS-t somewhere, but tey are something like 14.5 1/4 mile and 0-100km in 6.2 seconds.

But your right, it's good to have a look at different cars and the potential of them. It's just that some people get a bit heated about it :)

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Originally posted by EnricoPalazzo

Secondly u are dreamin if u think a stock mx6 turbo will produce 110 atws stock even thou the engine is rated at what u say 106. Thats saying that the drivetrain loss is -4kws, which is impossible. More like 20% for a fwd leavin the power at around 80kws atws.

I can pull out and scan my damn dyno chart if you want where I got 106kW.

Originally posted by EnricoPalazzo

Then u think ur cars r fast of the line, yet its a FWd with no traction control, and ive owned a na fwd. They are a bitch to get off the line if they have any power.  

We don't compare your car to NA sigma in regards to traction, so why compare ours? They are different cars...

Originally posted by EnricoPalazzo

Lastly u r comparing ur modded mx6 with a stock skyline. This is a stupid comparison. Why not compare it to one of the modded Gtst's in the 12's. Hey im sure ull still beat it, as u have some tricks up ur sleeve.  

Remember this post started on our forums, you guys started this forum to laugh at us. The whole thread on our forum stated it was a modded MX6 and a fairly stock Skyline. If you want to chagne the topic to make yourself feel good, go right ahead.

But don't complain that this happens when you guys started the damn thread in the first place.



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All that was said on mx6.com was that a guy just upped his boost and was testing his car and beat a Skyline.

Thats it.... No one mentioned modding the Skyline or whatever, and no-one said that the MX6 will win everytime. No-one said that the Skyline driver was the best driver to hit the streets. In fact the owner said that the driver might have been high on exhaust fumes after drinking a bottle of methanol and smoking a whole paddock of weed.

It really got out of hand. All he was trying to say was, that it is a new car with the extra boost. And I can tell you that a stock MX6 is pretty crap, but with only a few mods... you will be surprised. You will probably win, but I guarantee you, you will be surprised. That is all.


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