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Sandown Friday Nights Are No Longer


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would be a good experiment hey? Lets see what response you get from them. would be interesting.

Exactly... ...Here are a group doing the right thing by keeping it on the track and then they're told they can't... ...And I bet it is the ones that have moved in within the last 10 years...

What pisses me off more is that I was told I had to wait until Jan to get my roster at work changed so I could go to this... ...And I got told today that the change went through... ...GRR!!!... ...:P...

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FYI for everyone... ...Sandown Park is in the Lightwood Ward...

The Councillors for Lightwood Ward are as follows...

Councillor Youhorn Chea

Mb: 0417 320 645

Ph: 9562 4802

Fax: 9547 3586

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Loi Truong

Mb: 0466 004 618


Fax: TBC

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Yvonne Herring

Mb: 0434 560 241

Ph: 9540 8649

Fax: 9547 6852

Email: [email protected]

These are the people we should be e-mailing our complaints to...

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FYI for everyone... ...Sandown Park is in the Lightwood Ward...

The Councillors for Lightwood Ward are as follows...

Councillor Youhorn Chea

Mb: 0417 320 645

Ph: 9562 4802

Fax: 9547 3586

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Loi Truong

Mb: 0466 004 618


Fax: TBC

Email: [email protected]

Councillor Yvonne Herring

Mb: 0434 560 241

Ph: 9540 8649

Fax: 9547 6852

Email: [email protected]

These are the people we should be e-mailing our complaints to...

Youhorn? damn, they must have had a rough time at school! :)

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OK kids - I'm as bummed as anyone about this.

Hell, my Atom is at Sandown waiting to be used (by me and Snowy :P )


There is more to this than the usual 'residents complain about noise' issue.

There are politics involved everywhere and Kev has done what he can to help... but it really is out of our, and his, hands.

That said - doing or saying anything more really wont help the cause.


This is all in hand through the relevant agencies

Kev is trying to get these events back, but to do this he needs support not vigilantism.

Leave it alone now - PM me if you want specifics as to why - and we may see these evenings back again in the new year.

Failing that - Kev has a few new events planned to benefit us all.

Hang in there, keep it all in your pants, and wait for 2009.

Yes, people suck and take away our fun - but we'll get our day in the sun.


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  • 2 weeks later...

that Youhorn chick is newly elected mayor, might have something to do with it? she's not a bad looker either

anyway, the residents there make complaints every year about easternats, which is only 3 days out of the year, run during the day time only, you think they werent gonna be worried abour running regular fridya nights? lol, no offence, but wtf were you expecting?

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I work at the sandown park hotel across the road (some of you might have seen my skyline parked there)

Anyway there is a massive parking area made of gravel there where alot of truckies used to park their trucks to sleep at night ect.

My boss got complaints from residents whinging about trucks starting their engines at night time so the council got involved and we had to chain the area off and put a big sign up saying no trucks.

Very temperamental this mob is.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I hate this C@#$ this kinda thing happend to me when i was working at doncastor SAAB.

all the guys there plus the body shop and about 6 work shops in total used the surounding area to park there cars inc the main street that ran behind the work shop were u ented. any way we could park there all day. Untill a reserdent complaind that we parked there all day. So the council put in 2 hour limit with out telling. :P and then the reserdent keep complaing and giveing regos to poilce and the council. so every day we had parking inspectors come.

but after a few chats they were quite nice and just maid there presnce none so we could all move our cars and inch (thats all that was req) and keept us out of trouble.

and oh yea the limit only applies during working hours and the spaces were also used to park customers cars.

so kev i hope you get your fri day night sessions back mate i loved the day ones i did with you. and it benifits the motoring comunity.

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