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Dam. does it go off when you have the ignition on? or does it go off when the engine is running??

it will maintain the pressure when you turn the ign on and switch off after around 5 secs i believe.

Also, i think you could test the impedence of the pump to see if its on its way out - Unsure of the values tho!

your FPCM has shat itself...ive got the one from my car spare if you need one.

this is what is happening...when you first key the ignition on the fuel pump primes the fuel system, when you are doing this several times it builds up enough fuel to start and run the car....after a minute or two this primed fuel runs out and the car stalls...then you are trying to start it again, with enough key on key off cycles the fuel pressure becomes high enough to fire the car up again.

the Fuel Pump Control Module or FPCM is located behind the trim in the rear drivers side.

Edited by DiRTgarage
  MBS206 said:
So his can't be an issue because maybe 6 coils are now swimming in water?

Do people around here not have common sense?

What you've just said is:

I had my car in the same condition, and it can't be what you've said, because I had happen what you said, just not quite so severe...


this is why u should shut ur farkn mouth and not have a go at people Are you positively annoyed friend? carnt. i got the same style bonnet and mine was outside in the rain for weeks and didnt manage to get all 6 coils swimming in water.

your pretty good and "TRYING" to put people on show, yet u seem to have no good advice to input urself.

  QUICKY said:
this is why u should shut ur farkn mouth and not have a go at people Are you positively annoyed friend? carnt. i got the same style bonnet and mine was outside in the rain for weeks and didnt manage to get all 6 coils swimming in water.

your pretty good and "TRYING" to put people on show, yet u seem to have no good advice to input urself.

Mate, just because yours didn't go swimming in water through all 6, doesn't mean his couldn't have.

You're a fool, there's no where for the water to drain to once it's in there, other then once it fills up, and flowing in to the other coil pack areas.

And maybe I should "shut my farkn mouth", but have you thought about learning to 'speel' or use the English language appropriately?

You sir, are a fool, and a keyboard warrior. I have provided more input then what you have, especially with your "It can't be the problem you just said because I had the exact same problem just not as severe" (PS, have you cottoned on to that part yet?)

hahah cry me a river. and i spell like that because SAU sensors swear words u dumbass. and just for future reference, im alot more educated then ul ever be.

p.s. believe u me, im alot more than a keyboard warrior :)

  QUICKY said:
Ha ha ha cry me a river. and I spell like that because SAU sensors swear words you dumb arse. and just for future reference, I'm a lot more educated then you will ever be.

p.s. Believe you and me, I'm a lot more than a keyboard warrior :)

PS, I don't believe you... :D

And you're the one getting all worked up, after someone said to check something, which you said not to, because you had the same problem, and then I said again, that he should check it, because you've already had the problem... Do you see where I'm going with your half witted level of thinking.

Any way, I'm not going to argue with you any more. You're obviously a moron, and I'm not going to let you drag me down to your level, you'll just beat me with experience... :)

Have a good day.

  QUICKY said:
haha what a cute carnt. and its not what u said, its how u said it fag boy. "Do people around here not have common sense?" :) so stop playing the victim and run along to mummy.

Mate, I don't live any where near my mummy to run to...

Also, the comment was because not only you, but about 50 other threads in the last 2 weeks have had other people saying it.

I'm not playing the victim, I'm laughing at the fact so many people are missing common sense around here. Hell, someone else even said they were going to say the same thing as what I did.

So HTFU, and move on with life mate, instead of turning into a keyboard warrior attempting to be the toughest little shit out there.

Edit: loving how you also have to keep relying on personal insults. Have nothing else to be able to say except "you're this", "you're that" and "I'm smarter then you as you're just a dumb arse"?

Nothing constructive? No counter technical argument?

If not, have a nice day and stop spamming this guy's thread.

Edited by MBS206
  MBS206 said:
Mate, just because yours didn't go swimming in water through all 6, doesn't mean his couldn't have.

You're a fool, there's no where for the water to drain to once it's in there, other then once it fills up, and flowing in to the other coil pack areas.

And maybe I should "shut my farkn mouth", but have you thought about learning to 'speel' or use the English language appropriately?

You sir, are a fool, and a keyboard warrior. I have provided more input then what you have, especially with your "It can't be the problem you just said because I had the exact same problem just not as severe" (PS, have you cottoned on to that part yet?)

Love the way arguments always go back to spelling.. cos people who take the time to type properly are so superior n all

umm mbs206, you missed the only real mistake in his post which was he wrote sensors when it should have been censors... and the phrase is 'believe you me' not 'believe you and me'. as for you quicky, with your high level of education I would think you could utilise your written communication skills a little better when called upon.

now, the next one of you to hurl any insults or any further personal attacks will get a 1 week suspension. you are both getting a warning.

yes, guys. no more of the arguing. I know people will from time to time say things that piss us off. but we need to be strong enough to post calmly and rationally our point of view, without abusing or threatening people. or even better, just leave it all together and move on to another thread. Quicky is now on a 7 day suspension as he's a repeat offender. MBS206 has had his sentence suspended as he's never had a warning before, but should he engage in this kind of behaviour again that suspension will come into play.

NOW. let's all move on and get back to the actual topic.

-= This is why i dont bother helping out people most times and reasons why alot of other people have lost interest in helping others also, =-

Hope that issue gets sorted mate, i seriously thought that it was the earth wire as it was with mine.. sorry i could'nt help out much more.

foney i trie what you said mate and it wasnt the problem, next thing im about to try is the fuel pump control module which paul wreckens his pretty sure so trying wont hurt

thanks for clearing everything up guys, just dont want this thread turning into an ugly war

cheers tony

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