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every year Christmas lights are just getting bigger and the displays are awesome year after year.

so if you know of a house or have seen a really awesome houses with cool Christmas displays or funky lights set up post em up for others to check out.

if we can get locations of some good displays around Melbourne can maybe do a Christmas lights cruise :P

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Burwood HWY - just before Springvale Rd (near the 24hr kmart)

There is one house there thats so covered its almost causing accidents as people drive past and see it... obviously going WTF and on the brakes to see...

Also McCracken St in Essendon - there are 4 houses on a round-a-bout that always do a massive display

Also in Ivanhoe - there is a boulevard (forget the name, but someone will know it), thats fully decked out most houses

Lorikeet Drive in Taylors Lakes used to be one, not sure what its like today

The Boulevard in Ivanhoe is the oldest, but fark trying to drive down it at night, they make it one way only and it is bumper to bumper hardly moving. Heaps of people walking on the road too. You would use a half a tank to drive the length I reckon.

It is sponsored by the electricity company and the houses that do lights get discounted for doing it. I hear there are better ones round now though as most the people who live on the boulevard are too old now to do lights.

On the cruise side of things though, people on the road + lots of cars = lots of cops and possible yellow Christmas windscreen decorations!

the one in hoppers is the one that can be spotted by commercial air liners etc..

They even make the road a one way street just for this one house every year

yeh isn't it the one thats full on road blocked and supported by the counsel? they're like paying for the electricity bill to lol?

Edited by jakez88
where abouts dez

Ah its in Bellbridge somewhere...haven't been for a few years, but should be able to get the address

This guy is crazy...not just lights, has some pretty crazy shit set up, the time and effort put in would be phenomenal

Ah its in Bellbridge somewhere...haven't been for a few years, but should be able to get the address

This guy is crazy...not just lights, has some pretty crazy shit set up, the time and effort put in would be phenomenal

heard of it heaps cant manage to get an exact location but, if u can get one ur a legend man!

i did lights on my house but once i went out and looked at others mine is nothing lol, oh yeh have a look at 80 homestead rd berwick they are a finalist in the chanel 7 christmas lights comp. and there is a great one in endeavour hills off mosgil park drive in a side street on the right just b4 the second roundabout

i did lights on my house but once i went out and looked at others mine is nothing lol, oh yeh have a look at 80 homestead rd berwick they are a finalist in the chanel 7 christmas lights comp. and there is a great one in endeavour hills off mosgil park drive in a side street on the right just b4 the second roundabout

I've seen the one in Berwick, its out of control.

Everyone should check it out haha.

There is one in Rowville, cant remember the exact address, but its near Wellington Village shops

Check out the house at 13 Narracan St in Vermont South. It's off Burwood Hwy. A house with lights thrown all over the front yard. hahaha

Went to check it out last night and there's people everywhere, what shocked me most was that there were two tour buses visiting!

I've taken some photos, I'll post them up soon.

Edit: This house is also a Channel 7 Finalist.

Edited by adam-__-

my street... every year everyone always has a competition who can have the most nicest looking house. lol. one of the houses in our street have a massive massive tree in their front yard/driveway that loops around it.. will take a picture to show you how big it is. and they actaully got a template made up that fits around the whole tree and lights up.. its insane

The one on Burwood Hwy is fkn dangerous. Coming from Kmart side its just out of sight. Then all of a sudden the left lane is filled with cars, middle lane has those trying to park or pulling out.

There is one that always does a good job on the corner of colorado & taupo crescents in rowville.

The one on Burwood Hwy is fkn dangerous. Coming from Kmart side its just out of sight. Then all of a sudden the left lane is filled with cars, middle lane has those trying to park or pulling out.

lol ye same shit for me...

imagine full flight upto 70... then back to 40 soon as the needle hits 70 cause the drongo's jump on the anchors to see whats going on.

Its worse than a cop van with its lights on pulling someone over

Dangerous in my book, if people weren't watching for that split second, SMACK

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