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Newspaper Today, P Platers.


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Guest CleanAndSimple

In Todays Newspaper (Tuesday 16-12-2008) They are talking about making it illegal for p platers to drive "High powered Vehicles" also passenger limits and night curfews.

I know alot of you are off your p's and not stressing about this at all. but many of us are shitting our pants and furious in frustration.

After all they are basing all of this on 11 P-plater deaths this year, which i dont think is fair at all. not all of us are hoons and drive stupid. so why should we all be banned from driving our hard earn cars!... the answer in my opinion is we shouldnt be punished for others mistakes.

If you look at the other states which have this rule. are the p-platers death cut down. Well the answer is there not! p-platers are still being killed in car acidents its a simple fact of driving and gravity, so how exactly is this going to help anything. its not.

just wanted to see what everyone else is thinking? because i think its crap and just another way to make this world a more hard and miserable place to drive a car!!

By the looks of things im going to be driving a bloody fiesta or something within the next year. oh yay i love the goverment even more!

Edited by CleanAndSimple
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If you have the car now, they can not force you to sell it, stop worrying and enjoy your car

Wouldn't be a bad idea IMHO. Esp seeing some dropkick P plater in a VN do a single wheel burnout while turning onto Hampstead Road.

Theres no great loss for P platers. If they behave themselves, in time they'll get access to the high power cars, when they get their full licence. The "P" stands for Probationary after all.


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If you have the car now, they can not force you to sell it, stop worrying and enjoy your car

I dont know if that would be the case. What happened in other states, did they have to sell there rides??

Imagine though if they past these "laws" and you drove around with P plates on your "performance" vehicle, the police would be on your ass for sure. Even if you owned the car prior to the changes.

I wonder how they decide, what is performance or not... an aftermarket exhaust??

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Guest CleanAndSimple

i know im still young 17. turning 18 on saturday. but i am very respsonible when it comes to driving. even tho i own a performance car. if it does happen. maybe its a time to strip the whole car, and respray and built it up from chassis up. gotta think of it positivly just incase it does happen i guess.

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im half half about this situation.....

i think Adelaide need to get off there slow ass and introduce a defensive driving programme on a skid pan, teach control etc.

fuuk knows what would happen to my missus if her lancer suddenly skipped out

sideways, she would have no idea how to bring it back, AND SHE'S BEEN DRIVING 9 YEARS!!!

i think this is a band-aid soloution....

when they off there ps, there gonna give it shit, not be used to the power and BANG....


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Guest CleanAndSimple

just spoke to my dad, he said just before we left melbourne this rule was getting introduced, and he said one of his work college's sons had the same issue. he didnt have an issue in the end because he owned the car before the law came in. so helso seems ur right.

well hopefully. i love my baby too much to sell it... or let it sit in the driveway again (stupid defect)

btw sled niceee bike. seen it at BP in town once, when i came to met mitch, its amazing. good work!

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Wouldn't be a bad idea IMHO. Esp seeing some dropkick P plater in a VN do a single wheel burnout while turning onto Hampstead Road.

Theres no great loss for P platers. If they behave themselves, in time they'll get access to the high power cars, when they get their full licence. The "P" stands for Probationary after all.

Agreed. I fully support the idea. Its been tested and proven with motorcycles under the LAMS program.

Cars should be power-to-weight rated for L and P platers and powerful cars not allowed for these inexperienced drivers. Take the temptation away. Just as many young drivers still dying in other states with the same rule ... I doubt it.

i think Adelaide need to get off there slow ass and introduce a defensive driving programme on a skid pan, teach control etc.

fuuk knows what would happen to my missus if her lancer suddenly skipped out

sideways, she would have no idea how to bring it back, AND SHE'S BEEN DRIVING 9 YEARS!!!

i think this is a band-aid soloution....

when they off there ps, there gonna give it shit, not be used to the power and BANG....

Sorry, I disagree Craig. The onus is not on the authorities to give you somewhere to train/misbehave with a powerful car. Having a license is a privilege, not a right after all. In any case, there is Mallala. There are defensive courses out there, but they're not cheap and not many people do them. Hell, most drivers whinge about a track day being expensive. Drivers would rather not spend the money, then whinge about having no proper training. We have a society of impatient people nowdays. :nyaanyaa:

Cronic, I hear what you're saying. However, despite the media exaggeration of the matter, police are only acting upon recent trends. And unfortunately, it appears the new trend is death by fast car. I have more than too often sat on the side of the road at a crash scene, trying to keep someone alive after a horrific accident. Now these police have to deal with that more than they should, so I can understand them wanting to put and end to bad smashes and having to relay bad news to families.

Edited by RubyRS4
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they can try

but they will not succeed

They have this in all other states, so they were bound to bring it here.

I'd like to thank The Advertiser for their stereotypical 'hoon' view they've pushed across in every article they can fit the word into. I'd also like to thank this lovely lady, Lainie Anderson, for her lovely 'Wankers on Wheels' story about hills driving the other day in the paper *Read it here: http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0...5012955,00.html

What I would like to see is these people who come up with these P plate laws, attempt to live a normal life while owning a imported Japanese car, and to modify it in a correct way and attempt to drive through a few RBT's in town with P plates up.

1. P platers, do too, have lives and friends. But now they can kiss goodbye getting more than 1 of their friends into the car to go see a movie. Hello, Mr. Public Transport!

2. P platers, do too, have friends who go out to town... drink... and require a ride home at 3am. But nope, Hello, Mr. Taxi!

3. How about Turbo Diesel 4WD's? Are they counted as high performance cars since they have a turbo?!


This all comes about due to endless 'hoon' media coverage not to mention the large amount of rubbish comments I see on www.news.com.au on any news article that has the word import in it (Eg. Ben from Pooraka says: Ban the driver for LIFE! Imports MUST be FORBIDDEN).

But yes, I can see why they've brought this in. It's the small minority of dickheads out there who think piling 9 people into a VN Commodore and then ripping up the handbrake on a wet road would be awesome, that ruin it for the sensible P plate drivers.

It was bound to happen. That's my rant for the evening. Goodnight.

Edit: Ah! That news article link isn't working... try this one: News Article

Edited by CRoNic...
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hmm interesting.

even if it does come thru. the respectable P platers will follow the rules. curfew etc. etc

and the spastic p platers will keep doing what they do. 'no curfew, more ppl in the car etc etc'

could help to a certain degree tho

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not train in a performance car, make it part of the licence process.

restricting what people drive is just stupid!

i beleieve its up to the parents, not the govt.

last i checked, we where a free country, now we are turning into a country run by a wanker

who cant fix a prob, but would rather stick a band-aid over it and fix it later.

look at all this money he just handed out to pensioners etc to ''help the econopmy''...

why them? because they wanted more money and where on his ass for it, he killed two birds with one stone

but its still half assed imho....

but thats a diff. story.

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Guest CleanAndSimple
Just as many young drivers still dying in other states with the same rule ... I doubt it.

i was mearly stating the point that if people want to drive fast, do a burnout whatever. there gunna do it in any car. while the people that are good/sensible drivers are gunna act the same from what they did from a skyline to a corrolla persay.

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