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Newspaper Today, P Platers.


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dude seriously you complain after just getting your license about maybe having to drive a fiesta, i a drove a friggen rusty dato for 5 years. guess i had simple needs.

as if you aint just happy not having to rely on mums taxi to get around to friends houses and go where ever you want. thats all that i was thinking when i first got my license.

so where the $ for your car come from at the age of 17 i cant imagine the insurance is cheap either. would be doing you a favour save you some cash and would leave a nice mint skyline for you when you get some skills up cause i can grantee you’ll scratch it parking in time

on a unrelated topic how many teenagers commit suicide a year? i believe it used to be higher than the road toll which seems to be the only thing they care about these days. the 2 however could even be linked as people not to happy with life aint exactly gonna drive safe. mindless rambling apologies

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They have this in all other states, so they were bound to bring it here.

I'd like to thank The Advertiser for their stereotypical 'hoon' view they've pushed across in every article they can fit the word into. I'd also like to thank this lovely lady, Lainie Anderson, for her lovely 'Wankers on Wheels' story about hills driving the other day in the paper *Read it here: http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0...5012955,00.html

What I would like to see is these people who come up with these P plate laws, attempt to live a normal life while owning a imported Japanese car, and to modify it in a correct way and attempt to drive through a few RBT's in town with P plates up.

1. P platers, do too, have lives and friends. But now they can kiss goodbye getting more than 1 of their friends into the car to go see a movie. Hello, Mr. Public Transport!

2. P platers, do too, have friends who go out to town... drink... and require a ride home at 3am. But nope, Hello, Mr. Taxi!

3. How about Turbo Diesel 4WD's? Are they counted as high performance cars since they have a turbo?!


This all comes about due to endless 'hoon' media coverage not to mention the large amount of rubbish comments I see on www.news.com.au on any news article that has the word import in it (Eg. Ben from Pooraka says: Ban the driver for LIFE! Imports MUST be FORBIDDEN).

But yes, I can see why they've brought this in. It's the small minority of dickheads out there who think piling 9 people into a VN Commodore and then ripping up the handbrake on a wet road would be awesome, that ruin it for the sensible P plate drivers.

It was bound to happen. That's my rant for the evening. Goodnight.

Edit: Ah! That news article link isn't working... try this one: News Article

VN Commodore - thats a bit stereotypical there lol

Its always the case, people look for blame, when they find something the media jumps on it to sell more papers and get higher ratings, then politicians jump on the wagon for better PR.

Public sheep mentality.

Maybe if they introduced "safe driving awareness" in schools they could teach kids prior to getting P's, whats safe and not. They have home economics, and you learn not to burn yourself - crap analogy I know

But since driving is pretty much an every day part of life, you would think that more attention would be introduced into learning road rules and safety on the road.

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I think you'll find they will do the same as with L's implemented laws. From a certain date all people who get there P's (FROM THEN ON!) will be required to meet those standards, not everyone already on their P's

And I'd support it too, earn your stripes.

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on a unrelated topic how many teenagers commit suicide a year? i believe it used to be higher than the road toll which seems to be the only thing they care about these days.

thats actually what concerns me more than anything. youth suicide is being swept under the rug while 'hoon driving' and the road toll are being pushed into peoples faces every second of everyday, i guess its different for me as im still a little sensitive about the issue these days, but i definitely think its more important than p plater restrictions and hoon bashing.

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thats actually what concerns me more than anything. youth suicide is being swept under the rug while 'hoon driving' and the road toll are being pushed into peoples faces every second of everyday, i guess its different for me as im still a little sensitive about the issue these days, but i definitely think its more important than p plater restrictions and hoon bashing.

Unfortunately, teen suicide is hard to monitor and hard to diagnose. You don't see it coming. Plus the deaths are almost always limited to themselves only.

Teens hooning around in a car full of friends on the other hand ...

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Young people are naturally reckless, their ability to equate action and possible reaction is limited at best.

We all know most will stuff up to differing degrees... shit I did many times (per week)

These kind of "blanket laws" are legislated to "limit" the damage when these brain fades/stuff ups occur, just like speed limit, r.w.c ect ect..it's all about minimising what will inevitably happen.

They are not only there to try and protect our younger generations but also their fellow road user.

Have a look at the U.K licensing system if you want to see strict limitations.

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Guest CleanAndSimple
so where the $ for your car come from at the age of 17 i cant imagine the insurance is cheap either. would be doing you a favour save you some cash and would leave a nice mint skyline for you when you get some skills up cause i can grantee you’ll scratch it parking in time

god i love people who judge before they know the full story.

well if you must know. for starters its not from my parents! and none of the money was GIVEN TO ME!!...

dropped out of school at 15/16. and started working.

been working my ass off, and eventually when i had the money i got my skyline.

so before we judge and talk like you know where they money came from, like ur thinking just because im young it had to of come from my parents. find out the full story.

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so where the $ for your car come from at the age of 17 i cant imagine the insurance is cheap either. would be doing you a favour save you some cash and would leave a nice mint skyline for you when you get some skills up cause i can grantee you’ll scratch it parking in time

Age has nothing to do with this.

some of us have been brought up on the mentality that you get what you work for , nothing just simply comes to you .

so before you start trying to imply that my mate didn't pay for his own car you best find out the story behind it .

sure , some people have everything handed to them from mummy and daddy , they are more likely to crash as they don't feel as if they have worked

hard for what they have.

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god i love people who judge before they know the full story.

well if you must know. for starters its not from my parents! and none of the money was GIVEN TO ME!!...

dropped out of school at 15/16. and started working.

been working my ass off, and eventually when i had the money i got my skyline.

so before we judge and talk like you know where they money came from, like ur thinking just because im young it had to of come from my parents. find out the full story.

OK. So you can afford it. Admirable, but it does not make you competent in a high power vehicle.

I see a lot of whinging from the under 25's. I'm sure Pete and Ruby have made this perfectly clear in prior threads, that when they started driving/riding, the vehicles were not as powerful. And yes, people still died.

However, the cars have been getting structurally safter, with better driving aids and active safety measures. Being in a modern WRX didn't save the unfortunate passenger in the crash last month.

Yes I was able to do a burnout in my mums sigma when I was a P plater. But that was ONLY in the wet. And I can guarantee you, having driven 8 totally different cars in my life (84 Sigma, 89 R31, Mercedes CLK320, XF Falcon, Hyundai Getz, Toyota Seca, Suzuki 4WD and the R32 GTR, that driving the GTR (while being powerful, having great driving aids) is very easy to get into trouble. You think that the base torque figure is what gets you out of trouble? No. It gets you into trouble. Using your brain is what gets you out of trouble. And all the driving aids do is to lull you into a false sense of security. After all, when you go past the limits of the vehicle, all those driving aids aren't worth a damn.

Relax. Nobody is saying you can't get access to the vehicle, it just means you have to prove yourself in a lower spec vehicle. And if you are stupid enough to do stupid things while on your P's and in a low power vehicle, you may find yourselves having an extension added to your P's. Remember they are probationary plates. If you break the road rules and have a conviction, most likely you'll be demoted back to P plates, in spite of having a full licence prior. Its all about your own historical record, and quite frankly if you can't restrain yourself in a lower powered vehicle, then you surely do not have a hope in hell of acting responsibly in a high powered one. And considering the youths who progress from L's to P's have >no< proven track record against them, sadly the law needs to err on the side of caution and assume the worst. Sucks to be you, but look at it as a challenge to prove your worth. Because thats what it is.

Oh, and if you want to get defensive driving courses, then do! Quit whinging and expecting the government to spoon feed you infants, and then in the very next breath decry them being overbearing molly coddlers.

With age comes experience, and with experience comes wisdom. And I know I've still got a hell of a long way to do, so it goes without saying that as much as you youngsters protest about being 'responsible', your protestations will fall on deaf ears. After all, we often read about the relatives and friends of drivers who die behind the wheel saying 'theyre responsible and mature'. That may very well be the case, however it is a poor substitute to practical experience.


Edited by Dohmar
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Wouldn't be a bad idea IMHO. Esp seeing some dropkick P plater in a VN do a single wheel burnout while turning onto Hampstead Road.

Theres no great loss for P platers. If they behave themselves, in time they'll get access to the high power cars, when they get their full licence. The "P" stands for Probationary after all.


My understanding of the new P Plater restriction laws is that they will only ban turbo, supercharged, V8 & some special V6 cars.

But your standard V6 VN commo (which is what I see most people hooning around in), won't get banned.

They have being on this topic for ages I believe, thank god I'm almost off my Ps :)

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Guest CleanAndSimple

mmm... yes i fully understand all of this now. still dont think its fair tho. but you know if i have to work up to drive my car, then i will. easy and done..

how did i know this would end up as a forum debate bullshit....

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My understanding of the new P Plater restriction laws is that they will only ban turbo, supercharged, V8 & some special V6 cars.

But your standard V6 VN commo (which is what I see most people hooning around in), won't get banned.

They have being on this topic for ages I believe, thank god I'm almost off my Ps :)

Engine capacity and power per weight ratio is also factored. a 3.6lt v6 with 125 kw (stock VN) would probably not make it.

I think you'll find a 2.4lt 4 cyl NA will be the approximation. V6's dont make the grade interstate.


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While the journalism is very poor, I dont believe shes targeting any particular scene.

I feel shes more complaining about the fact that police are human and dont have star trek transporter devices and cannot be everywhere instantaneously.

I agree with her assertion that there should be some sort of penalty on younger drivers, but I dont think it should be a financial one. Limiting the sort of car they can drive will also help their wallets (rego, insurance, maintenance, police attention (ala defects) etc).

She seems to think when she hears a car doing something, that said car is going to stay in the area for a long time. It is a vehicle, which means that it moves...she seems to think that people under 25 cant afford extra licencing/rego fees. She also thinks that a hotline is enough evidence to try and convict someone upon hearsay.

Oh and to top this off, she raises the race card and indirectly blames immigrants on vandalism and car hooning due to them 'straining the infrastructure'. What nonsense.

Aside, I really don't see your point Cronic....

1. You make it sounds like public transport is bad? Sure it might not be as cool as driving your mates around but at least u can get shitfaced. And if such a thing is considered, I doubt they would prevent multiple passengers; more likely they'd just prevent the amount of people you can take in specific times (ala not after 9 for example) To be clear tho, I don't agree with this one, I'm just playing devils advocate.

2. You expect your friends with cars to be out with u till 3am and not get shamozzled? Cmon, just get a taxi ffs, it doesnt cost that much compared to the price of a schooner these days... (yes I'm taking the piss)

3. Turbo 4WD's (as in an All Terrain Vehicle vs a GTR) will generally be offset due to the power to weight ratio, as well as the ratio of power and the amount of rubber on the road. (Being serious; that said, I think 4wd's need to be taxed off our roads for being ugly petrol guzzling road destroying ignorant driver creating behemoths that will destroy our very souls)

I wouldn't pay too much attention to "Ben" in pooraka. There are always right wing idiots who have no understanding of a situation and want to appear like they have a clue. See 'boondock mentality'

But yes. Shit article from one Ms Anderson. Perhaps she should proof read her own material before publishing such tripe.


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I personally think limits should be applied. your 17 and bairly know the road let alone a car. I think im getting old, but everytime you see a vt wagon flying round local corner wheels spining its that p plater in dads car with 4 mates in the back.

Enjoy life dont start bitching already wait till you have to pay a morgage then you can bitch (it hurts)

for the record i drove a 82 KA laser 3 speed auto as my first car and loved it :)

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