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Well for the past month-ish in the early hours of the morning (usually around 2-3AM) a white or cream van with a front bullbar has been driving past my house, chucking a u-turn at the intersection, coming back past the way he came, then going around the block and going down the road where he chucked the u-turn. I haven't been taking exact notes of what nights it happens, seems to be when I've just gone to bed at that time, so friday/saturday nights but has also been happening during the week.

The odd thing is, he takes the exact same route every time. Comes from the same end, chucks the U-turn, and a minute later comes down the where in which he turned around in.

What got my attention to this car was what I think is a backfire. At first I thought it was an egg hitting my car but no signs of eggs. The sound seems to happen at the same spot, so I'm guessing its something to do with the rev range, therefore backfire.

Its slightly scary as although my car has an alarm, I have a very big scary mean old Dad sleeping right next to the front door, and I have a clear view of my car from my bedroom, I still feel my car is under threat. Its as if he's planning an escape route or something.

My question is what should I be doing about this? He's obviously up to something, and it may not even have anything to do with me or my car, but I don't want to forget about it then see my car get vandalised/stolen one night. Its too dark (although I do have a street light outside) for my phone camera or even video camera on night mode to catch any good images, so I can't try any of that.

I have some time to get outside once I first hear the car, as he will turn around to come back, then lap the block and drive down the adgacent street where I can easilily intercept him.

I was thinking about running into my car and following him, but then what? If it is anything to do with my car, all that will do is provoke him. I was also considering a stake-out with a mate but even then, what do I do when he does drive past? Sit back at watch him for the whole 20 seconds for the night?

I'm confused as to why he's doing this and what action I should be taking, or if I should even be worried. Just seeking advice on what you would do in this situation? I don't think the police would care as what more can they do.

Thanks for any tips, Tom.

Oh and if you're on here or anyone knows who I'm talking about, just leave me alone! I've worked way too hard to afford my car and have already had my share of jealous people.

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Maybe the man/van is delivering something...papers, milk or something

If it worries you that much maybe get his details and report it. Or go out there and wait for the van and egg it:)

Same happens on my street on a regular occasion in the wee hours of the morning. Went out one morning and took a closer look, noticed that the van had a lcd monitor near the driver and and eventually picked out an advertiser logo inside the van. Figured that he works for the advertiser or another newspaper. Not sure what he's doing but hes around regularly and although acts suspiciously nothings happened in the year i've been seeing him so im not fussed.

Maybe take his plates if your worried

simple, next time you hear the van - race outside with BIG iron bar whacking your own hand, and stand by your car.

narkers of course

do this three or four times and he wont go near you !!!

hahaha ummm we'll see how we go Tangles.

WhO, I just had a thought, maybe he is delivering papers and thats the noise I'm hearing, pretty fast for paper delivery though.

If this new theory falls through and I do get more worried, I will try to get his plates just incase. The paper delivery idea puts my mind at ease a bit more.

Yeh its the paper man, comes past my house too, drives like an absolute nut... I've almost been taken out by him one time when he cut the whole T intersection as i was approaching it, lucky he swerved quick enough.

But yeh I don't really think you have much to worry about unless you're driving near him lol.


was this the van? they could have been out late night trying to solve another mystery

sounds like its the paper dude man if you get a approx time just go out hide in the bushes n watch for like 5 min bound to get a look whats going on :laugh: itll be like a cool cop stake out

lol as I was reading I automatically guess it was the paper guy - he goes down my street at a descent speed while still manages to get the paper into the front yard fine! I hear something like zoooooooooooooo*THUD*ooooooooom

hahaha. this thread is great. atleast u havent come home to a house you have been living in for no more than 2 weeks to find that the manhole is open for no reason. nothing missing from the house at all.( and yes it was shut originally). now that keeps you awake at night.

Hide in the bushes with a trench coat on, nothing else.

when he drives by jump out!!! flashing him with a sock puppet that looks like a dog on your johnson? and bark like a dog !!!!that would scare away anyone..lol scared me just writing it..lol

I feel for you, I scared away someone? over the razor sharp steel fence a week ago (for the second time now) lurking in the darkness after they woke up the flock of birds nesting in the tree near my window, Galah's !!!, best watch dogs on the planet to bad they don't chase them down and chew out there eyes . and if its someone reading this forum your in for serious public stoning by the SAU crew next time...lol

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