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2009 F1 Season


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As much as I am a Ferrari die-hard... I hope a sensor fails and we get a re-run of Singapore... As embarassing as it was/is, lollipopmen should be mandatory... All this stupid electronic fantasy fetish schiese is doing my head in...

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it cost them a champonship at the end of the day.

As much as I am a Ferrari die-hard... I hope a sensor fails and we get a re-run of Singapore... As embarassing as it was/is, lollipopmen should be mandatory... All this stupid electronic fantasy fetish schiese is doing my head in...
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it cost them a champonship at the end of the day

they did win the WCC

if the FIA hasn't shown outrageous bias in meddling in race affairs for the benefit of Ferrari (during and post) so many times, Lewis would have had an unassailable lead in the WDC points and Philipa wouldn't have lost the crown on the last corner of the last race anyway. (still makes me smile that, though :))

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Massa had more race wins and the f2008 was the faster car both in stats and in real time.

Without Ferrari's errors he would have finished massively ahead of lewis. Engine failure and pit stop drama cost him 20 points.

Is lewis a great driver? Yes. Did he deserve to win the title more than the other drivers? No.

Did he have a contract from mclaren before he had hair on his balls? Yes. Is he the only driver EVER to have such a deal? Yes.

Did he step into the second best car on the grid, with the team literally built around him and focused primarily on him? Yes.

Has he ever had to do the hard yards in Formula one and prove his mettle and merit from pure driving alone like all the other drivers had to? No.

Go look up where alonso, kimi, massa, schumi all started in f1.. Minardi.. Benetton etc

It must be wonderful to jump into a mclaren from day one, it makes it all seem so easy :D

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Massa had more race wins and the f2008 was the faster car both in stats and in real time.

Without Ferrari's errors he would have finished massively ahead of lewis. Engine failure and pit stop drama cost him 20 points.

Is lewis a great driver? Yes. Did he deserve to win the title more than the other drivers? No.

Did he have a contract from mclaren before he had hair on his balls? Yes. Is he the only driver EVER to have such a deal? Yes.

Did he step into the second best car on the grid, with the team literally built around him and focused primarily on him? Yes.

Has he ever had to do the hard yards in Formula one and prove his mettle and merit from pure driving alone like all the other drivers had to? No.

Go look up where alonso, kimi, massa, schumi all started in f1.. Minardi.. Benetton etc

It must be wonderful to jump into a mclaren from day one, it makes it all seem so easy ;)

So in summary blah blah blah, you like Massa & not Hamilton. :D

Anyone who wins anything in motorsport deserves their victory. Which is something anyone who has ever participated in motorsport would understand.

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The Hamilton experience is a unique one and should be treated accordingly...

It has been to his great advantage that he has had serious backing from day dot. Going bum first into a McLaren in their first season is unheard of. The closest thing I can think of in modern times is when Jenson got his go with BMW Williams in 2000, but even then, the 2000 Williams was NOT in the smae league as the 2007 MacMerc.. If we are going to raise the brazil thing again, I think people would agree that Vettel, a man of near equal experience/inexperience, in what is essencially an inferior car, with far less financial backing and much less technical resources the MacMerc. Passed the McLaren in so-so conditions (Given Hamilton's supposed superiorority in these marginal conditions), Vettel made Hamilton look like a ham-fisted twat... Louise was just lucky that once again the cards fell in his favour, if the race was a lap shorter, then he wouldn't have been celebrating that is for sure..

Edited by Marco-R34GTT
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Going bum first into a McLaren in their first season is unheard of. The closest thing I can think of in modern times is when Jenson got his go with BMW Williams in 2000, but even then, the 2000 Williams was NOT in the smae league as the 2007 MacMerc..

The closest thing I can think of is Michael Andretti getting to drive a McLaren in his first season.

If we are going to raise the brazil thing again, I think people would agree that Vettel, a man of near equal experience/inexperience, in what is essencially an inferior car, with far less financial backing and much less technical resources the MacMerc. Passed the McLaren in so-so conditions (Given Hamilton's supposed superiorority in these marginal conditions), Vettel made Hamilton look like a ham-fisted twat...

Yes because the STR is such a complete dog of a car in the wet & no one called Sebastian could possibly drive a car well. Monza proved that.

Louise was just lucky that once again the cards fell in his favour, if the race was a lap shorter, then he wouldn't have been celebrating that is for sure..

& if my Auntie had balls she would be my Uncle.

Can we move onto 2009 now? Same arguments, just a new thread & a new year.

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The closest thing I can think of is Michael Andretti getting to drive a McLaren in his first season.

True, but the 1993 Mac wasn't exactly a stellar car to drive... Not like the 2007 machine..

Yes because the STR is such a complete dog of a car in the wet & no one called Sebastian could possibly drive a car well. Monza proved that.

You make it sound like Louise was driving a tractor when he won so convincingly at Silverstone.. Don't play down the MacMerc and Louise is such conditions.. Louise just got owned by gear that was inferior, the STR WAS inferior to the MacMerc, end of story.

& if my Auntie had balls she would be my Uncle.

I'm sure your uncle wouldn't have tits, unless I'm very much mistaken...

Can we move onto 2009 now? Same arguments, just a new thread & a new year.

If you're a Hamilton fan, not bloody likely!

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Massa had more race wins and the f2008 was the faster car both in stats and in real time.

Without Ferrari's errors he would have finished massively ahead of lewis. Engine failure and pit stop drama cost him 20 points.

But that's racing; It's a team effort, unless you're driving a kart that doesn't need refuelling during a race, i suppose.

If the Scuderia are too sozzled on lambrusco to remember to remove the fuel hose before sending the drivers on their way, or heck, haven't really got a handle on how to regularly make an engine last 2 full races before expiring, then t.s for them I say :D

Heaven help them this year getting motors to last for 3, even with the 1000rpm reduction in the peak rev limit.

If we are going to raise the brazil thing again, I think people would agree that Vettel, a man of near equal experience/inexperience, in what is essencially an inferior car, with far less financial backing and much less technical resources the MacMerc. Passed the McLaren in so-so conditions (Given Hamilton's supposed superiorority in these marginal conditions), Vettel made Hamilton look like a ham-fisted twat... Louise was just lucky that once again the cards fell in his favour, if the race was a lap shorter, then he wouldn't have been celebrating that is for sure..

So Vettel, with nothing to lose (finished 8th in the WDC, as you'd prolly know), decides to push the envelope, knowing he may as well go balls out, versus Hamilton, with everything to lose (again) who takes it more cautiously to ensure a finish, and that makes Vettel better? Great logic there.

IF the race was a lap shorter, sure it would have been different. But there are always plenty of 'what ifs?' in every race season.


p.s My post from earlier today should read "FIA hadn't" rather than "FIA hasn't"

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So Vettel, with nothing to lose (finished 8th in the WDC, as you'd prolly know), decides to push the envelope, knowing he may as well go balls out, versus Hamilton, with everything to lose (again) who takes it more cautiously to ensure a finish, and that makes Vettel better? Great logic there.

IF the race was a lap shorter, sure it would have been different. But there are always plenty of 'what ifs?' in every race season.

Exactly! That is my logic, Hamilton DID have everything to loose, including the Championship! Him being passed by Vettel comprimised that championship aspiration considerably... Him not keeping the TR at bay, minus the Toyoto/Glock thing later, pretty much made the championship dead and buried.. I agree there are indeed pleanty of 'what ifs', I never brought that into question. I'm just not convinced Hamilton is the wonderboy he is cracked up to be (although I will agree he is an aggressive and fast driver with a very good touch in marginal conditions), I'm keen to see the boy's mettel when McLaren have their inevitable performance/reliability dip in the next couple of years..

Still, I think Kimi has proven to a be goo driver, I expect him to be on the money come 2009. I just hope that Ferrari go back to the old days when they had the superior package in the wet, I certainly hope that next year's Fezjihad contender isn't such a pig when things get messy.. See what the boys and Maranello can produce this year!

Edited by Marco-R34GTT
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wow... are we into the what if's again?

Let it go, joises. It was a great championship as fa as the racing goes, not so much with the FIA decisions.

Looks like hammo and team jihad will be the main contenders again, with BMW there or therw abouts. I just hope Nando chucks in the kind of performances he was putting in towards the end of last year

Edited by ctjet
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It was a great championship as fa as the racing goes, not so much with the FIA decisions.

Looks like hammo and team jihad will be the main contenders again, with BMW there or therw abouts. I just hope Nando chucks in the kind of performances he was putting in towards the end of last year

1) Ditto and ditto... Although I think the Spa call was fair, it is a good thing for the whole sport that the rule has been clarified... As for some others though... I agree, it has been a bit of a shambles.. I'm suprised Ferrari weren't slammed for the Singapore fluffup... That was ridiculous, if that was Mac they would've copped a 2 race ban or something.. F*cking supid!

2) I think that is a fair assesment, I too would like to see Nando Alonso up there as wel, he is a damn fine racer, I've come to admire that he is sticking it out at Renault, they'll build up again at some stage, when they show Nelson PKJR the door... I reckon RBR with WebzandVetz will find themselves at the pointy end of the grid.. Hopefully Mark rediscovers some of that aggression of yesteryear! :down:

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So Vettel, with nothing to lose (finished 8th in the WDC, as you'd prolly know), decides to push the envelope, knowing he may as well go balls out, versus Hamilton, with everything to lose (again) who takes it more cautiously to ensure a finish, and that makes Vettel better? Great logic there.

Thats not the point. The point is that Lewis understeered wide and left an easy opening for Vettel to get by. You only had to look at how much respect Vettel was showing Hamo by how easy it was for Kubica to smash past the both of them. Lewis made a mistake and Vettel helped himself and pulled a gap until they hit traffic.

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At the end of the day it will be interesting to see the strengths of the new cars and teams. In 2008 the Ferari was potentially quicker over a single lap, evidenced by the amount of fastest laps by Kimi, but the window of such performance was problematic and they were often not as quick as the McLaren over a stint.

Will this trend continue , as in recent years it was the other way around with the Ferrari being the more consistantly quicker car. I jsut hope Old Frank is there for the first few races. I love seeing the Williams in the points

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Yar, it's a shame Williams seem to have become a bunch of also-rans in the last 10 years or so. Just goes to show you how tough it is at the pointy end of competition. Would be good to see them find some form in the coming years, given their F1 racing pedigree.

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lol this is why i love the internet.

This is what its for, a non-direct and non confrontational way to voice your opinion and thoughts :ermm:

Honestly i really liked lewis for most of 2007, until he started speaking ill and 'im superior' statements to the press, especially against the world champion.

I think f1 is the most elite and exclusive 'club' in the world. To be a driver is something like 1 in 350 Million, its a damn privilige almost regardless of your talent.

I dislike champions who are disrespectful and condescending until they become champion, then its all smiles and talk of how good all the other drivers are..

I dont really dislike lewis that much, i just like to point out alot of things that many lewis fans seem to overlook. They all think hes the greatest and so on, how shortsighted..

I guess you do have alot of silly fans when you have released 3 books before you even finish your first season lol

But for the record i am a fan of Alonso, Kimi, Webber & Kubica :)

No body has spoken of this USF1 news? I like the idea, but i think they underestimate how difficult it is to just start a team in modern f1 and be competitive.

Edited by knore
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