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Fake GTRs?

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stereotypes come about due to the masses of the targeted group being in such a manner as to leave a lasting impression on the public/peers.

Hence p platers are hoons/bad drivers, due to most being inexperianced in shoddy cars and trying to drive beyond their abilities.

old people are percieved as being doddering old fools who drive slow complain about everything and are mortal enemies of the youth. Mainly because the majority or atleast the most vocal do these above things.

same with p platers and skylines, they rice them up, they cant afford a gt-r but a badge/front bar is a fraction of the cost etc. Hence the stereotype :)

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Fark...notin more i hate den people tryin to make a car into something it isnt. A GTR badge on a GTS-T is already bad enough, but i really really cannot stand lancers tryin to be EvO's. LIke seriously man!! Lancers are a piece of sh*t....farkkk.......seriously man...the body kit for a GTR is nice..but a badge? mannn wannabe cars like the evo etc....jus get laughed at by people who know something about cars.

i would seriously be embarassed driving around in a fake Evo wannabe or a GT-R wannabe. I would rather be drivin around in a nice stock GTS-T skyline or a Stock lancer. At least im not tryin to be somethin im not. =)

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well i agree with most ppl here...

a body kit's fine

but GTR badges are a no no...IMO you look like a tool, and deserve to be laughed at lots :)

and talking of badges......i saw a 180 yesterday, with just the red "R" bit from a GT-R badge on the back of it :confused: WTF?

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Kits are fine. They make car look alot better than no kit. I don't think the people with the badges actually think their car is a GTR and don't go around saying it is.

They can do what they want. It's a free country. I couldn't care less how many badges the car has on it.

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If everyone is comfortable with thrwoing opinions around, and as this thread is prefixed by a poll, here's mine.

I reckon gts-t's *can* look great with a gtr kit. I have seen some that are a bit on the cheap side but what you must remember is that it is up to each individual's personal taste - not yours.

I have to tell the orignator of this thread that there are about 6 different reasons to flame/spam/sign-u-up-2-pr0n-lists in your first post. You appear to be close minded, un-intelligent and arrogant beyond your probable 16 years. I'll leave it there because I could tear your post apart but my lunch just arrived...

To everyone else that has posted, thanks for your valuable (mostly) opinions and contribtions. That's what makes this forum so great. To all the people that are down on others for the sake of it, get a chainsaw up your collectives!


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