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What not to say when the cops pull you over


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i suppose you'll get done anyway for not answering anything too.

they'll get p!ssed off and canary your car because they have 'suspicion' of something illegal in the car(bov, pod, etc). you then end up going to the rta, which ends up costing you money anyway.

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"these comments dont represent the view of the owners or members of sau they are my views"

my thoughts on this.

have you noticed they mainly go for the defect etc when you are by your self.

rule one dont be a smart arse .

rule 2 dont talk cause you will incrimiate yorself.

conversion would go like this

you = good afternoon officer make sure you get out of your car.

you get pulled over the officers goes "so do you realise you were doing 80 kph in a 60 zone."

reply remain quiet or if you cant help your self I dont realise any thing .

then remain quiet let him talk

don't answer or but in just let him talk

if asked for your licence produce it you are obliged by law to.

then if he asks you to pop you bonnet.

under no circumstances open it .

ask him politly "what are you looking for"

if you must talk

remeber they must get your permission to search your car unless they are looking for a radar detector If you pop the bonnet you are givig your consent for a search.

keep quiet and assume a non threaten position.

then wait if he gives you a ticket he gives you a ticket but admit nothing. and offer no assistance to incriminate your self.

these are some of my thought they might not work but the key is to be quiet and dont let them get you to do things that give you the right to incrimiate you.

if its a random roadworthy test Ie like a booze bus I think you have to comply but on being pulled up on the road I doubt it.



btw I aint a lawyer :)

use this at your own risk no guarantees.

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So let me get this right.....

I Live in SA and if i had a Traffic Cop Pull me over and he says "Pop You Bonnet"

I have every right to well refuse?.... Nicely of course

Wot happens then? Do they just take off or wot?

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they'll probably try to arrange for you to have a proper inspection done, either via a canary or via a visit to your local police station the following day.

I've refused the copper to open my bonnet (when I had my 180)when he asked me to, and the cop went "what do you have to hide", and I said "nothing, what do you expect to find?". he called me a smart arse etc etc, usual badgering n talking down to, then came back with a ticket for speeding and a summons to the local police station in the next 24 hrs, so I went straight to my garage, got all the bolt on's off, drove it to the station, got it checked out and went home scot free. I also took my speeding fine to court, but lost it as it came down to his word against mine, and he was deemed more credible than I. ah well... you win soem you lose some.

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Taken from an ex-copper. Deny. If you keep denying everything. They will eventually let you go.

Cop:" Why were you speeding"

Me:"I wasn't"

Cop:"But I saw you"

Me:"No you didn't"

Keep going down this path. You get you head kicked in but no ticket.

Ofcourse this extends to all matters of the law, as soon as you admit guilt, your farkt.

Also, I am not a lawyer take what I say with a grain of salt.

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Yeah, you have to weigh up the odds.

You can stand on your rights, and act like a noxious little prick, and if the copper is having a real bad day, you are going to get done one way or another.

If the offense is minor, and you can BS your way out of it, you go for the "what is the problem officer ?" routine, and agree with everything he says. You might just get let off with a warning.

The situation on the side of the road when you are all by yourself with no witnesses, is quite a bit different to being in a police station, or in court. Never forget that.

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always carry one of em micro dictation thingy's in your car :D when the coppa comes around start recording...

usually in a situation like this, sumfin like that can throw the copper off, he no longer has the freedom to say what he wants, he'll need to choose his words carefully.

You gotta pretty much treat it like a debate, throw the opponent off, and say only what you need to prove your point or to be courteous, don't say any more.

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You get pulled over, the officer comes up to your window and ask you to wind your window down!

Officer: How r u today?

Civilian: *****(silence)******

Officer: did u know you were speeding?

Civilian: *****(silence)******

* The officer starts looking at you, asif you are some weirdo!

Officer: Ok, can u hand me your licence plz

Civilian: *****(silence)******

Officer: What are you def or something?

* The civilian starts doing sign language on him!

Officer: Ok, you can go i guess!

* Officer goes back to his car and the civilian winds his/her window back up!

Civilian: Succckkkkeerr!

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lol guys what tell it happens to i have been arrested twice, 1st time with no lawyer and second time wiht 1.

this story goes like this. 1st time i thought i would be nice seeings i had no idea what was going and same with my parents, so i told them most things and they where real nice to me, so i though i would get off with a warning, was i wrong 2 weeks later i have a sumens to court for 11 charges :P. iwas really pissed off and same with my parents. i did diversion program which means no criminal record. lucky for me.

the second time i was not at fualt, but coz of my repuation with the local police they decieded to arrest me. learning from past experence i said nothing and did a no comment interview, i thought everything was good until 6months down the track i get anther letter sending me to court.

the first time i went to court the police had no evence againts. me coz i said nothing, so the judge wanted to through it out of court, but the bastard cops decided they really wanted to get me.

to cut the story shot i won in court, sused the police for negilaence and made money from the matter.

so my advice is tell them nothing. remember in court if there 's a dought that u did not do a crime, by law u are not guilty.

also they will try reverse physoclogy againts u . just say nothing. make sure u have a lawyer with u or a friend or parents with if u go down to the police station makes them behavive more.

more information can be found at the legal aid web site stating your right's and is updated with new laws.


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Originally posted by KDR33

You get pulled over, the officer comes up to your window and ask you to wind your window down!

Officer: How r u today?

Civilian: *****(silence)******

Officer: did u know you were speeding?

Civilian: *****(silence)******

* The officer starts looking at you, asif you are some weirdo!

Officer: Ok, can u hand me your licence plz

Civilian: *****(silence)******

Officer: What are you def or something?

* The civilian starts doing sign language on him!

Officer: Ok, you can go i guess!

* Officer goes back to his car and the civilian winds his/her window back up!

Civilian: Succckkkkeerr!

Another good way to throw them off is to have the gold 104 radio station programmed in to your deck, so when they pull you over pump up the golden oldies and sign along. This will throw the cop off when they ask you to roll down your window.


what are the 11 charges the cops got you for after they pulled you over?

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