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yeah mate i'll call them! only to fill out paper work for insurance purposes and i'm quite happy sleeping with my katana on the wall

I had a katana on the wall too, didnt stop 4 dickheads trying to smash their way into the house with a shotgun...

And yes, VOC legislation has a maximum payout of $50k for total and permanent disability. It helped me with lost wages and medical bills as Dan indicated. VOC is levied from every criminal fine out there (not all misdemeanours), and not just cars that get impounded.

And like Dan said, you'd have to be doing something hugely stupid to get your car impounded, which to me means that you deserve having the car taken away.


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I had a katana on the wall too, didnt stop 4 dickheads trying to smash their way into the house with a shotgun...

but what would you rather do? as soon as you know there are dckheads in the house are you 1) gonna call the police and wait for about 15 minutes for them to arrive which will then be all over red rover (my mum waited 20 odd minutes for the cops when she was threatened by someone with a knife) or 2) atleast put up a fight and better your chances of avoiding all over red rover

but what would you rather do? as soon as you know there are dckheads in the house are you 1) gonna call the police and wait for about 15 minutes for them to arrive which will then be all over red rover (my mum waited 20 odd minutes for the cops when she was threatened by someone with a knife) or 2) atleast put up a fight and better your chances of avoiding all over red rover

Smart thing to do in any case is to avoid confrontation - Run away if you have to. If you're cornered then you don't have much choice. Yes I was glad I had the katana there to defend myself but even still, 4:1 odds are not good. They were stupid and young and I think they weren't expecting to provoke the hornets nest, and so retreated at the first sign of trouble. More experienced crims would possibly have done worse, I got out of it without being shot..some others aren't so lucky..

As far as police response was concerned, they arrived literally in 3 minutes (and I didn't call them).. Outstanding IMHO.


f u injure someone that has broken into ur house cant they actually sue you?? ive heard something like that happeneing b4 some guy broke into someones house, cut himself badly on broken glass and then sued the house owner!

how the F** does that work!!!

f u injure someone that has broken into ur house cant they actually sue you?? ive heard something like that happeneing b4 some guy broke into someones house, cut himself badly on broken glass and then sued the house owner!

how the F** does that work!!!

that happens mainly in america. in south australia we have laws which mean we can use whatever force deemed necessary to defend ourselves in our own houses. that includes death and dismemberment.


The Rann government is a good starting point if one wanted to make a difference in regards to the current SAPOL directives/lack of legal off-street facilities/minority based decisions.

If you want to try and make a difference, use your vote to see Rann gone and look to vote for candidates that have plans to see this state 'grow'! For heavens sakes, even Tasmania has more going for it these days.

The Rann government are happy to make money from the 'hoon' element via events such as the Clipsal 500 and Classic Adelaide - clearly performance motoring events - however they aren't prepared to be supportive (even if only in process and red tape) to see a motor sport venue built thereby giving residents somewhere to use their cars and bikes legally. This irks me no end, they are basically saying…’come along to our motor sport events and spend up, but don’t even think about taking that interest in motor vehicles to the point that you want to modify your own car’ And don’t even get me started on the complete farce of light vehicle modification enforcement in this state.

The WA government not only supported Kwinana Motorplex, they put taxpayer’s funds into building it - information on these costs is easily found on WA government financial reports. The NSW government (after much lobbying) did likewise with WSID – and they already had a drag strip that was serviceable! I'm not sure about Willowbank in QLD, Hidden Valley in the NT, or VIC and TAS, but I'd be very surprised if the other state government didn't provide support in one way shape or form.

There are numerous motor sport enthusiasts in South Australia; the Clipsal attendance figures confirm this to a certain extent. I don't see why these same people couldn't put pen to paper to show support for a venue like Kwinana or WSID. I know it has been tried before, but that was really only an event that attracted owners of the cars and bikes. What we need are ALL enthusiasts involved. We need a group of people with the resources and time to build a genuine petition and lobby the Rann government. And if that fails, then vote them out and try the next government.

I became a resident of South Australia in 2001 (ex NSW, ex TAS) and in my time I can honestly say that there has been very little if any real progress – apart from residential sprawl and industrial development. And while I’m at it, who the hell signed off on a ‘one way’ freeway!? Complete fools.

I’ve gone off the track of police targeting somewhat, but if you read between the lines you’ll realise that I’m aiming at the root of the real problem here… how can a government be serious about hoon activity if it offers no legal alternatives. This idea that ramping up police scrutiny and forcing people off the road via continual defects isn’t a solution at all, all it does is raise revenue whilst attempting to looking like they are serious about a solution.

A new Adelaide based motor sport facility will never completely eradicate hoon activity on the roads, idiots will always be idiots, but I can bet my bottom dollar that it will see a reduction in these kinds of problems. Moreover, this in turns means police resources can be better utilised in other areas that need them more now!


I've gone off the track of police targeting somewhat, but if you read between the lines you'll realise that I'm aiming at the root of the real problem here… how can a government be serious about hoon activity if it offers no legal alternatives. This idea that ramping up police scrutiny and forcing people off the road via continual defects isn't a solution at all, all it does is raise revenue whilst attempting to looking like they are serious about a solution.

quote of the century.

f u injure someone that has broken into ur house cant they actually sue you?? ive heard something like that happeneing b4 some guy broke into someones house, cut himself badly on broken glass and then sued the house owner!

how the F** does that work!!!

The last i heard was that if someone breaks into your house and you think your life is in danger you can use "reasonable" force to protect yourself.

i beleive the government offered some support for the supposed track, but then bob jane put up his hand and said no ill make AIR good, give me all the $$

something a long those lines at least, someone should be able to confirm/correct me.

but what would you rather do? as soon as you know there are dckheads in the house are you 1) gonna call the police and wait for about 15 minutes for them to arrive which will then be all over red rover (my mum waited 20 odd minutes for the cops when she was threatened by someone with a knife) or 2) atleast put up a fight and better your chances of avoiding all over red rover
Smart thing to do in any case is to avoid confrontation - Run away if you have to. If you're cornered then you don't have much choice. Yes I was glad I had the katana there to defend myself but even still, 4:1 odds are not good. They were stupid and young and I think they weren't expecting to provoke the hornets nest, and so retreated at the first sign of trouble. More experienced crims would possibly have done worse, I got out of it without being shot..some others aren't so lucky..

As far as police response was concerned, they arrived literally in 3 minutes (and I didn't call them).. Outstanding IMHO.


stupid people do stupid things so don't add fuel to the fire and be the hero Ben was lucky this time and he knows it, best thing to do with invaders is comply and DON'T be cocky, if they ask for you money give it to them do what ever is in your power and there wishes to get them to go, is it really worth a trip to the hospital or the morgue because you didn't want to part with $500 that was in your wallet

and nos man would like to see you with the confrontation with the meth head and the trucker that some one posted on you tube now picture that and 3 more of his buddies too all impatient wanting your money or your blood they really don't care which comes first

On that note, 10 red light/speed camera's around Adelaide will now be able to detect unrego'd cars and take a quick snap of them. Good idea, I think.

defiantly a good idea, i hat to think how many people are driving around with no rego and CTP on their car

can't say i have a big problem with the new rules, as long as you don't act like a dick in the car you won't get done for anything.

as far as i could tell this doesn't have anything to do with defecting cars only trying to stop people from driving irresponsibly

that happens mainly in america. in south australia we have laws which mean we can use whatever force deemed necessary to defend ourselves in our own houses. that includes death and dismemberment.


yeah in America its called the "Make my day law" if someone comes after you and you fear for your life you can blow a hole in them as long as its in your house or yard. even set up traps for crims , in Denver some guy hooked up a 12guage sawed off shot gun on his shop door , in the morning he came to work and found a dude missing a head and a huge hole in the door. the deer slug went right trough him and the door . the guy was tired of being broke into.

with lots of guns in America you have to expect guns to be used on you not knifes. but the crime in most places on persons and property don't seem to be as bad as SA in my opion ? myder is higher but people don't break into houses as much cause they might get blown away. seems to work fine. but here for a crim to sue you for breaking into your house and hurting himself or you hurting him is absolutely stupid ? which is why break in continue here at a alarming rate. Oh at its legal to carry a loaded gun as long as its visible in most states. not visible you need a license for concealed weapons. but we didnt have VOC to pay people except on special cases . so its a good thing.

speaking of cops tried to hand over 3 printed photos of a dick head spinning his commy wagon around my area over and over to the cops today (saw a few cops in subway and forgot I had photos went out to my car to get them), they wouldn't accept them anonymously ? even though the person is visible and so is the rego, and the car is in motion sliding with 7 people in it ? with little kids on the sidewalk ? WTF ? I have to go to the station and file a complaint. TOO much trouble for them to just take it and send the P plater a warning ?

QUOTE (CRoNic... @ 4 Jan 2009, 08:28 PM) post_snapback.gifOn that note, 10 red light/speed camera's around Adelaide will now be able to detect unrego'd cars and take a quick snap of them. Good idea, I think.

and you think thats bad, the USA is using this and what I heard is Australia is looking at this too, Highly accurate Face recognition software for use on roadways and airports, bus stations, etc to identify people of interest before they get away ? and lots more I cant say online..lol

the software is the same type, it scans your rego instantly, invasion of privacy , creates a movement pattern of your car in a DB . big brother is watching

Edited by sapphiregraphics
and nos man would like to see you with the confrontation with the meth head and the trucker that some one posted on you tube now picture that and 3 more of his buddies too all impatient wanting your money or your blood they really don't care which comes first

my point being! if your life or your families life is in danger are you gonna waste time calling the cops? i sure wouldn't. trust me i know if they're out for blood they ain't gonna be hanging around waiting for the cops to show up!

if 4 dudes have just knocked on your door and you open the door to see who it is and they just bust in 2 grab you before you even know whats happening a 3rd starts beating you with a club lock while the 4th and 2nd start grabbing possessions i really don't think you will be scrambling for the phone to ring police

until you've all been in situations like this your all just talking shit and it pisses me off to no end

and as for reasonable force DON'T use that as a defense because its so easy to over step that boundary

can we please stop with the stupid legal advice that most of you have no knowledge about

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