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I see hooning all the time... and RARELY do I see it being an import. Step out the front door and can see/hear a Crappadore hooning somewhere.

+1 For that VU, I can do the same , the Crappadores with punched cats and no muffler on stock pea shooter tailpipes(sounds shit house), and even a little mini bike doing drag race style burnouts all night!!! till 4am was getting ready to shove it up there ass if I heard it go by one more time..

OH and dont forget the N/A Swift or the rattle can paint job Mitsu shit box with a loud ass muffler that does 5k+ down shifts to slow down in front of his house at 4am. mate its not a race track , use the brakes for a change !!!!

and I know you have bass but at 4am in a silent area every damn night :P , turn it down!!!! its like he wants someone to steal his shit , advertising bass right to his door step.... Idiots all of them!!!!

Oh and not to pay out bike riders but damn I see a lot of Hoon riders, slamming lanes with riders on the back,or really speeding in the city traffic!!!

don't forget the loud as hell harleys(sorry pete) that run no silencer , there excuse ! because a loud bike saves live's????? (due to the noise waking up the lousy brain dead drivers before the poor rider gets sideswiped by dickheads changing lanes into them)? gee maybe loud cars save lives too...lol

dont need loud mufflers to be a hoon!!!! idiots come in all packages

what about the anti-social behavour of the pushy riders on Anzac at rush hour, riding in a pack of 30 blocking traffic(its not a bloody Tour De France) ? last time I checked its illegal to ride side by side blocking traffic when a bike lane is available? I've riden my pushy on Anzac and I would never try to tangle with a car , screw that!!!!! people drive bad enough , why piss them off too!!!

ok maybe I need sleep, after all the downshift/bass/burnout/kids throwing cans noise last night , so I'll stop whinging, things won't change

good idea to petition the Clipsal people!!!

Edited by sapphiregraphics


hoon appears in the urban dictionary, mr ran trying to show he's cool and down with the g lingo :D or something like that

banning clipsal, never happen too much money involved. someone dying infront of thousands of familys and kids cant even delay the clipsal.

too funny had to cut this out :laugh:

Most hoons have no regard for traffic laws and are rude to police officers however this is not neccessarily the case

Hoon 1: Did u hear bro, I killed that xr6 turbo in my stock skyline

Hoon 2: Nice, what did u get up to

Hoon 1: We got up to about 180km/h then i started to back off. Then i took it sideways down a sidestreet coz i thought there were coppers behind us

Hoon 2: Nice, bloody cops!

wtf any explanation will do

5. hoon 4 up, 16 down

A very attractive person, derived from the process of pointing and going, "Hot Or Not?". This has been shortened to the question, "Hoon?" through which the noun "Hoon" has arrived as simply denoting a right fittie.

Girl 1: What about him?

Girl 2: OMG, total hoon!

6. Hoon

A word used to describe a person who uses cars, motorcycles, or marine power vessels for recreation and fun instead of getting from A to B.

Bystander: "Wow that man is enjoying himself letting the power of his beast lay rubber all over the road whilst the car moves at an extremly dangourous speed of about 2Km/H!"

Cop/Granny/Journalist: "Arrest that hoon at once! they are having too much fun!"

Edited by Inline 6

Its all well and good bangin on about hoons on the streets but when is the goverment going to pull there finger out there a@# and get AIR up and running again so kids have somewhere else to do it other than the streets the drags was a good night out for all. Even tho there is Mallala it would be nice to have somewhere closer to go and be able to race/drift without getting into trouble or defected just because it a jap import....

Edited by luke james
Its all well and good bangin on about hoons on the streets but when is the goverment going to pull there finger out there a@# and get AIR up and running again so kids have somewhere else to do it other than the streets the drags was a good night out for all. Even tho there is Mallala it would be nice to have somewhere closer to go and be able to race/drift without getting into trouble or defected just because it a jap import....

AIR is not owned by the Government. Not their problem. This topic has been covered ... time and time again.

The onus is not on the Government to find you a place to "hoon". We have Mallala for that anyway. Its not that far to travel.

Most people boast about affording $1000+ on mods, but can't afford a $120 track day. :( Far cheaper than a speeding ticket in any case. I have a double mortgage, and I can still afford to travel all the way to Mallala for track days.

so just because the government doesnt own AIR that makes ALL the difference and so that means it cant give a cent to AIR or for another motorsport venue in SA? pfft. are you sure your not one of ranns spin doctors? :P lol did you not read page 6 in this thread that other state governments have supported motor sport. the WA government supported and funded the perth motorplex, a purpose built world class motor sport complex. so why cant the SA government do the same? so you might want to tell us how many millions the SA government has given to aami staduim??...time and time again :P

you may have missed the million threads on the topic already. Pretty sure Bob Jane took it all over by himself, and much lobbying has been done on the behalf of the car scene.

Do a search on AIr etc, youll find some interesting and comprehensive information :P

so just because the government doesnt own AIR that makes ALL the difference and so that means it cant give a cent to AIR or for another motorsport venue in SA? pfft. are you sure your not one of ranns spin doctors? :P lol did you not read page 6 in this thread that other state governments have supported motor sport. the WA government supported and funded the perth motorplex, a purpose built world class motor sport complex. so why cant the SA government do the same? so you might want to tell us how many millions the SA government has given to aami staduim??...time and time again :P

A valid point however its not the governments responsibility. I think their PR guys believe that if they help fund motorsport venues it will contradict their hard stance on hoons. Kinda like implementing bikie laws and then buying 2 keys of eccy off them... kinda hypocritical.

It would be nice if they fronted up with some money, but considering this particular governments track record, they would be loathe to spend money on a private venue. They already have enough PR problems/public outcry when spending taxpayers money to bail out car manufacturers, let along a drag racing strip.

Yes I agree with many of the previous posts that having decent venues would help get a percentage of the dickheads off the streets, but for the most part it would be a recreational facility for law abiding drivers. A dickhead is going to be a dickhead at any time/space.

I think the govt would spend money at lala before AIR, let alone getting a new venue happening at garden/torrens islands, however that petition idea for clipsal 500 would really be great if you could get enough signatures and then embarrass Rann by presenting the petition during a public event. (Perhaps after calling the media too *nudge nudge*)

Anyhow, I'm not holding my breath. Both our state government and the opposition have made their feelings abundantly clear... government thru action, opposition via inaction.


A valid point however its not the governments responsibility. I think their PR guys believe that if they help fund motorsport venues it will contradict their hard stance on hoons. Kinda like implementing bikie laws and then buying 2 keys of eccy off them... kinda hypocritical.

It would be nice if they fronted up with some money, but considering this particular governments track record, they would be loathe to spend money on a private venue. They already have enough PR problems/public outcry when spending taxpayers money to bail out car manufacturers, let along a drag racing strip.

Yes I agree with many of the previous posts that having decent venues would help get a percentage of the dickheads off the streets, but for the most part it would be a recreational facility for law abiding drivers. A dickhead is going to be a dickhead at any time/space.

I think the govt would spend money at lala before AIR, let alone getting a new venue happening at garden/torrens islands, however that petition idea for clipsal 500 would really be great if you could get enough signatures and then embarrass Rann by presenting the petition during a public event. (Perhaps after calling the media too *nudge nudge*)

Anyhow, I'm not holding my breath. Both our state government and the opposition have made their feelings abundantly clear... government thru action, opposition via inaction.


i disagree on a few points. can we first compare apples with apples, we are car enthusiasts not criminals. i dont see how government funding of a motor sport complex is going to contradict their stance on hoons if it gets hoons off the streets :P of course a motor sport venue isnt going to get all the dickheads off the streets, people have been spinning wheels, dragging, etc for years. nothing has changed and nothing is going to completely stop it. though i remember reading many many months ago in the paper that when a drag strip (WSID from memory) was opened a police sargeant said hooning became 'non existent' in the area. wow it didnt involve knee jerk reactions (hoon laws) which have not worked, just common sense and initiative...funny that hey? sadly what SAPOL and the SA government is lacking in.

from the stories ive been told what my friends and family members got up to 20+ years ago, well imho i seriously doubt there was ever a 'hoon epidemic'. to me the media has just painted a false picture to the general public who have believed this utter bullshit. unfortunately its just another case of the minority ruining it for the majority and look what we have now...SAPOL handing out defects like lollies. which does nothing at all to stop hooning apart from raking in the $$$ to the government.

well maybe its time to f**k rann off and give someone else a go to get this state out of neutral and into first gear. SA is a back water compared to other states.

ps. i read some of what was written before it was deleted. im not having a go at ruby, i dont care less how many posts i have and how long i have been on this forum. being a car enthusiast i am just putting my point across.

From my experience in WA, building the Kwinana Motorplex was the best possible thing the Govt could do. Before that there were illegal street drags with 300+ cars turning up to secret meeting places. Im talking about highways being blocked off, it was insane! After it started making the front page of the paper the cops ran legal 1/8 mile drags down the main straight at Barbagallo which helped but it was only when the Motorplex was built that it all stopped. It was great in Perth how the police worked with the govt and punters to help solve the problem, rather than the way it is working in Adelaide at the moment.

Out of interest, how typical was it of Transport SA to deny rego to that new fire truck, maybe it didn't have a manual in its glovebox...

so just because the government doesnt own AIR that makes ALL the difference and so that means it cant give a cent to AIR or for another motorsport venue in SA? pfft. are you sure your not one of ranns spin doctors? :D lol did you not read page 6 in this thread that other state governments have supported motor sport. the WA government supported and funded the perth motorplex, a purpose built world class motor sport complex. so why cant the SA government do the same? so you might want to tell us how many millions the SA government has given to aami staduim??...time and time again :yes:

So because you're not getting what you want, you're being an idiot about it? Take a teaspoon of cement will ya.

If you want the Govt to fund AIR then you sell the idea to them. Many have tried for years getting AIR up and running better, with no results. Just because you see no results, doesn't mean people are not or haven't been trying. Stop being so blind and such a waa-waa. Read post #145 again. What other state government do with their investments has no influence on our state government. Don't like it here, move to WA. Sporting stadiums (such as Hindmarsh) around Adelaide attract international events and therefore big $. AIR does not and never did, simple economics when it comes to where the govt will spend its money. See you do a better job. AIR is privately owned, so why don't you write a letter to the owner seeing as you're good on the keyboard.

I've been down this road before and I know where it ends.

Edited by RubyRS4
So because you're not getting what you want, you're being an idiot about it? Take a teaspoon of cement will ya.

If you want the Govt to fund AIR then you sell the idea to them. Many have tried for years getting AIR up and running better, with no results. Just because you see no results, doesn't mean people are not or haven't been trying. Stop being so blind and such a waa-waa. Read post #145 again. What other state government do with their investments has no influence on our state government. Don't like it here, move to WA. Sporting stadiums (such as Hindmarsh) around Adelaide attract international events and therefore big $. AIR does not and never did, simple economics when it comes to where the govt will spend its money. See you do a better job. AIR is privately owned, so why don't you write a letter to the owner seeing as you're good on the keyboard.

I've been down this road before and I know where it ends.

Rubyrs4.... Actually the Govt did at one stage have interest in AIR not that long ago

And way who give a s@#t about if its a money raiser or not I pay rego and insurance on 3 vehicles plus all the other crap that goes in owning a car surely they can put some money back in the community and maybe it will keep 1 idiot of the road and it might just save a life I dont think you can put a money on a life like the govt seems to.... dollars = death Ranns response stuff it keep the money..........

Edited by luke james
Rubyrs4.... Actually the Govt did at one stage have interest in AIR not that long ago

And way who give a s@#t about if its a money raiser or not I pay rego and insurance on 3 vehicles plus all the other crap that goes in owning a car surely they can put some money back in the community and maybe it will keep 1 idiot of the road and it might just save a life I dont think you can put a money on a life like the govt seems to.... dollars = death Ranns response stuff it keep the money..........

I agree with you totally. Don't get me wrong. I see benefits in the govt assisting to get AIR back open. However, as far as the economy goes, its good to see the govt making money, not losing it. Otherwise we see more motorist-targetted revenue like rego increases and higher fines. The govt couldn't justify increases in rego for all motorists to cover an AIR project when barely 0.5% would actually use it. Investing in projects like Hindmarsh Stadium or Tour Down Under etc makes money, or at least better money than AIR, so I can understand why they never went thru with their interest in AIR. But at this time, they do not own or have anything to do with AIR, so saying the govt should do something about it is really quite pointless, when they have far better investments for the state to make. Thats what I mean about having to sell the interest to the government: AIR must look like an attractive investment (either monetary or community benefits) for them to do something about it. However I'm sure the govt see us as sulking children crying on about "we only have hoons because we do not have AIR", which is rubbish ... I remember clearly seeing far more hoons on the road than entrants at the drags, long before AIR became an issue. The death toll is lower this year, and the hoon drivers are adding revenue. Hence, its not the govt's problem, there are things far higher on the agenda.

Edited by RubyRS4
I agree with you totally. Don't get me wrong. I see benefits in the govt assisting to get AIR back open. However, as far as the economy goes, its good to see the govt making money, not losing it. Otherwise we see more motorist-targetted revenue like rego increases and higher fines. The govt couldn't justify increases in rego for all motorists to cover an AIR project when barely 0.5% would actually use it. Investing in projects like Hindmarsh Stadium or Tour Down Under etc makes money, or at least better money than AIR, so I can understand why they never went thru with their interest in AIR. But at this time, they do not own or have anything to do with AIR, so saying the govt should do something about it is really quite pointless, when they have far better investments for the state to make. Thats what I mean about having to sell the interest to the government: AIR must look like an attractive investment (either monetary or community benefits) for them to do something about it. However I'm sure the govt see us as sulking children crying on about "we only have hoons because we do not have AIR", which is rubbish ... I remember clearly seeing far more hoons on the road than entrants at the drags, long before AIR became an issue. The death toll is lower this year, and the hoon drivers are adding revenue. Hence, its not the govt's problem, there are things far higher on the agenda.

I couldn't have said it better (tho I did try...) and as far as changing governments I think Bill Hicks summed it up in one of his standup routines ...

"I think I'll vote for the puppet on the left!"

"I think the puppet on the right is more to my liking"

Both getting played by the puppet master


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