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Hi Micheal,

i wish everyone had such a positive opinion like yours, your feed back is greatly appreciated, i hope more people get on board.

Although i do respect EVERYONES opinions, what im looking for here is questions we want to ask the police as a club, so keep them coming.

Ben says hi micheal!

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too hard to pm her? ^^^^^^^

i acknowledge the effort nene and co are putting in, after reading through the last 5 pages, i hear people for it and against it! no matter what i you joe blow say the meeting will go ahead! that being said i agree with the dealing of an old man on a power trip saying pop your bonnets! what was the postive to this? "oh jimmy goonburger rego 380308 had a shinny pipe under the bonnet" not on system? i see no reason how that is viable!

agree you are fighting one person in a whole "gang" who cant change shit!

this saying mod plates are still disregarded!mates have been done for shit they have engineers cert for! cops(generally) have no idea what to look for and this suspcion shit is bull!

not just being a useless post, but i would like to put through a suggestion of talking about

*training for cops to be allowed to defect cars??

* being pulled over 3 times for no reason is considered harrasment, but saying that if you report it to cops are they going to go, oh we pulled him over 3 times last month, but he just did a skid, so cant pull him over now! no they give no shit

* +1 for getting parliament to attend? or even arrange a meet where we can rock up talk to aca or something, heck show them on a cruise or something?? we are people under this hoon lable

i think most other points i wanted to bring up have been discussed already,but i agree and disagree with this movement but wont bag anyone who is putting the efffort in to give this a shot, because best case scenario it will make life easier for us, or worst case well things cant get any worse, !

my 50c

too hard to pm her? ^^^^^^^

i acknowledge the effort nene and co are putting in, after reading through the last 5 pages, i hear people for it and against it! no matter what i you joe blow say the meeting will go ahead! that being said i agree with the dealing of an old man on a power trip saying pop your bonnets! what was the postive to this? "oh jimmy goonburger rego 380308 had a shinny pipe under the bonnet" not on system? i see no reason how that is viable!

agree you are fighting one person in a whole "gang" who cant change shit!

this saying mod plates are still disregarded!mates have been done for shit they have engineers cert for! cops(generally) have no idea what to look for and this suspcion shit is bull!

not just being a useless post, but i would like to put through a suggestion of talking about

*training for cops to be allowed to defect cars??

* being pulled over 3 times for no reason is considered harrasment, but saying that if you report it to cops are they going to go, oh we pulled him over 3 times last month, but he just did a skid, so cant pull him over now! no they give no shit

* +1 for getting parliament to attend? or even arrange a meet where we can rock up talk to aca or something, heck show them on a cruise or something?? we are people under this hoon lable

i think most other points i wanted to bring up have been discussed already,but i agree and disagree with this movement but wont bag anyone who is putting the efffort in to give this a shot, because best case scenario it will make life easier for us, or worst case well things cant get any worse, !

my 50c


im all for proving to the media that not every p plater / import driver is a hoon.

all this misconception in the media makes it seem everyone with a nice import is a hoon.

i look forward to the outcome of said meeting .

Hi all, i agree with so many of these posts both positive and negative. I have seen both sides of the coin when it comes to defects/police harassment like so many others

and would like to see some sort of consistency regarding not only defects but also Police accountability in defect situations. In regards to involving a local MP in helping

to build a not so negative image ( as much as i wish otherwise, being a minority we will never be portrayed in a truly positive way when it comes to the media ) its not a

hard thing to do at all. You will find that a local MP will also want to build a positive image for themselves in the community, this is how they get elected... I have received

help from a local MP to help raise awareness for something just as highly opinionated in the past and got an article in the Advertiser as well wich would give us the opportunity

to try and positively boost ( no pun intended ) our image in the public eye. Its easy to contact these people its just a matter of finding one who is willing to support our efforts.

I wish those actively involved the best of luck in this endeavour, and eagerly await the outcome of this meeting.

Cheers, Simon.

While on the phone with Regency I asked what warrants a minor or major defect - the response I was given was that it is up to the Police Officer at the time to justify whether it is a minor or major defect.

Now, I was defected for two things, one which is a "non standard air filter(covered)" which is silly in my opinion, because the airbox was secured down onto/over the air filter he couldnt access the filter so he defected me for it - what about cars that come out of factory with airboxes that requires tools to access the filter? Mine was basically like that. What is exactly "illegal" here? The airbox that is covering the filter which just happens to prevent access to the filter or the air filter which is perfectly fine by regency anyway?

The boost controller on the other hand, yes it is understandable that it is illegal but DOES this alone warrant a "major defect"? The car will drive fine and is safe. It would take no more than 30 minutes to remove with just a couple tools - a Police station inspection would be sufficient - does it really warrant a $203 "breaking vehicle standards" fine and something like $140 for a Vehicle Inspection at Regency and then having Regency inspect and nitpick at everything else on the vehicle instead of just the items that was listed on the defect papers.

They might want to explain or review amongst themselves what really is a MINOR or MAJOR defect and keep it consistence across each Officer? Example, minor could be something that isnt a hazard towards the driver of the vehicle or others on the road and which can be "repaired" and inspected by a local Police station within a certain amount of time? Possibly a small fee? Dedicated Vehicle Inspection office for minor defects? As opposed to a major being something that is an immediate hazard to the driver of the vehicle and others on the road - say like structural damage, overly loud exhaust, obvious engine problems, overly dark tint, vehicle WAY too low, or a certain amount of various minor defects and so forth.

But yeah, the main points I guess is clarity and consistencies of minor/major/defects.

So what is it with people? - when someone complains about something; someone says why dont they do something instead of complaining wah wah wah etc. But then when someone actually DOES attempt to do something about it you get people complaining its not going to work nothings going to come out of it stop living in a dream wah wah wah etc. - Have a teaspoon of optimism. Something good could come out of this and I hope something does - even if it converts just one Police Officer to see things from our point of view or a few defects less handed out.

Damn guys, great stuff in this thread, I would contribute but pretty much everything I'd say was covered so no point going over it again. Only point I'd like to make though, is if all goes ok after this meeting is that we should try and get an MP or two on board as soon as possible and make a push for modplates. Talking about it with the SAPOL and possibly getting them on to it wont be a bad idea either... speeds up the process.

Best of luck with the meeting coming up and hope something good comes from it.

...The mod plate sounds like a good step in the right dirrection BUT ( that plate is 3 months old and you could of changed the car since then ) was what I experinced was the reply from an officer ...
Damn guys, great stuff in this thread, I would contribute but pretty much everything I'd say was covered so no point going over it again. Only point I'd like to make though, is if all goes ok after this meeting is that we should try and get an MP or two on board as soon as possible and make a push for modplates. Talking about it with the SAPOL and possibly getting them on to it wont be a bad idea either... speeds up the process.

Best of luck with the meeting coming up and hope something good comes from it.

mod plates are a great idea but im thinking its up to us to make sure there updated and mods on the plate are current

a couple of points i raised with Luke

like whats SAPOLs position in supporting a drag strip?

also SAPOLs position in supporting mod plates that require us to get mods engineered and

any mod we want to do has to be ticked off by a certified mechanical workshop

ei boostworx morpowa boostinabox mre the list goes on

So what is it with people? - when someone complains about something; someone says why dont they do something instead of complaining wah wah wah etc. But then when someone actually DOES attempt to do something about it you get people complaining its not going to work nothings going to come out of it stop living in a dream wah wah wah etc. - Have a teaspoon of optimism. Something good could come out of this and I hope something does - even if it converts just one Police Officer to see things from our point of view or a few defects less handed out.

Its human nature Vu. People want to complain and be noticed then have people agree with them. People would easily believe something bad will happen before something good will happen. I pity them.


im all for proving to the media that not every p plater / import driver is a hoon.

all this misconception in the media makes it seem everyone with a nice import is a hoon.

I approached selected members here months ago about approaching the media and working on improving (even if ever so slightly) the image of some import drivers, but that idea was not supported by a majority. There was no way I could do this without the support of key players.

sorry to bud in, this is not my area but honestly i did not read all the thread...

you guys are starting to get defected for mods done to your cars and instead of fixing them you try and make a agreement with police to turn a blind eye to your cars?

wow if this actually works and you are allowed to drive around in modded un-engineered illegal cars because you have a good attitude then thats just too good to be true!

good luck with it.. don't blame you all for trying.. doing up a car properly is pretty hard

sorry to bud in, this is not my area but honestly i did not read all the thread...

you guys are starting to get defected for mods done to your cars and instead of fixing them you try and make a agreement with police to turn a blind eye to your cars?

wow if this actually works and you are allowed to drive around in modded un-engineered illegal cars because you have a good attitude then thats just too good to be true!

good luck with it.. don't blame you all for trying.. doing up a car properly is pretty hard

You're way off mate ... read the thread :(

ok i had a read....

So basically the police have no idea what they are doing? there is no regulations to say what is legal and what is not in SA?

Police have no training on any kind of defects and are not qualified to defect your car at all? what about highway patrol?

So your getting defected according to some rules that the police officer makes up at the time as he goes?

Wow !!

You guys need to stop wasting your time with the police and trying to fix the problem in the police force, thats NOT your job!!. Start going to court. rep yourself and prove to the judge that your car is legal within ADR's.

after you start winning the police might realise there is a problem going on when they start looking very stupid all the time.

can someone give me a explenation of what is actually going on? some info on whos been defected for what.. etc etc

Guilt Toy, Sydney is quite different to what Adelaide is in regards to defects, etc.

I understand that over there, or in Victoria, you have random EPA testing? In which a cop can just note down your number plate, send you a letter and you're required to have your exhaust tested?

Plus you have highway patrols, normal patrols, etc. and various forms of undercover police.

well guys i would really like to get a few points cleared up

and i think that what you guys are doing is awesome

good work, keep it up and hopefully, fingers crossed we can achieve a good result

* Clarify differences between major and minor defects (i think already has been pointed out)

* Legality of suspected defects (also been pointed out)

even though those points have been discussed before

from my point of view i think they are the 2 most important points to be discussed

Guilt Toy, Sydney is quite different to what Adelaide is in regards to defects, etc.

I understand that over there, or in Victoria, you have random EPA testing? In which a cop can just note down your number plate, send you a letter and you're required to have your exhaust tested?

Plus you have highway patrols, normal patrols, etc. and various forms of undercover police.

someone needs to explain the situation to me.

Sounds like this is a case for the Office of the Police Ombudsman!

Put in a complaint that they do not know what they are doing and that they need to be qualified before handing out any kind of defect.

in NSW only highway patrol can defect you and as much as i hate to admit, some of them have a pretty damn good clue of what they are looking for because they have been trained properly!

just tryin to help

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