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goes to show how stupid the power fc is when it comes to "knock detection" how it cant see the differance from bearing knock and pinging........

genuine oil filter is best. any one with a anti drain back valve. and if its on a remote filter mount it will amplify the problem, unless the filter is upside down so it cant empty overnight..

an oil filter is an oil filter, and are all made to the same micron filtration level. the only diff is the quality of the drain back valve and sealing gasket.

definately not so.

  • 2 weeks later...

the inside of an Nissan OEM filter look different to the Ryco Z145A at least, and in my car (going off the stock oil pressure gauge) the car runs slightly lower oil pressure with the OEM vs Ryco. They are about the same price anyway.

Was thinking of getting one of those wanky magnetic collars to stick around it lol.

I have seen oil filters cause an engine to sieze. On a mitsubishi pajero 3.5L quad cam if you use the wrong oil filter it doesn't feed oil pressure to one of the heads. Start up oil pressure is very important, with no oil pressure there is metal on metal contact. If an engine is in bad condition (infrequent oil changes/ low oil level) before the filter is changed problems come up. I have seen at least 30 or so engines some with 3000ks on them so with 60000ks on them not having an oil change or running without enough oil in them to cause a small amount of bearing damage. The filter gets changed and even with the filter primed with oil the car comes back on a tilt tray with a spun bearing in under a 1000ks. The small amount of time that an engine has no oil pressure can be the difference between an engine that runs and an engine thats in need of a re-build.

I change my oil when it loses the golden tinge and becomes black, not brown but black. Its usually about 8000ks on my wifes car. Changing your oil every 2000ks and you are wasting $$$$$. my 2 cents worth aye!

  • 7 months later...
someone who values added protection, these filters filter ~10 ten times smaller particulates than ryco or oem and i have the wear check data on my built engines to back it up. We were using K&N (regarded as one of the best money can buy) but found the DRIFT bettered the filtration (particulate testing) and as i buy in bulk cost me substanially less.

i use these on engine setups costing upwards of $25-30k without any qualms.

Ryco are far from leaders in performance filters but they make a great general filter, for general applications.

Where an I get the specifications to review the filtration claim for Drift.

What filtration size did you find with K&N?

At a 10 times reduction you would be looking at around 2 microns which is amazing, compared to the average oil filter of 20 to 30 microns.

After cutting open 25 oil filters, what from your experience can you say, in your opinion , as I assumme there was not an oil analysis done.

Edited by samuri

On the pressure side, figured it might be worth pointing out that every different filter is going to have a different time for oil pressure to build up because they all have different structures.

Genuine Nissans filters are cheap as dirt.. why would you want to settle for anything else.

Get it directly from Nissan dealer for ~$12 a piece, get 5 in 1 visit and they'll last you a while. Probabaly the cheapest part you'll ever need to replace on the car.

You get the for $12?! I got charged $18 last time :D

I got another question on oil filters. Nissan got 2 types of oil filters that can be fitted to RB-series engine. Big oil filters and small ones. They oall have the same thread. My rb20 had a big one. And an rb25 had a small one. Small one costs more. What are the benefits of running a smaller oil filter if none ?

I always thought, that the bigger the oil filter, the more oil it can hold, the better ?

Advantages come from surface area and pressure/flowrate. With a bigger filter and the same internal surface area can support a higher flowrate for the same pump work. Lower pressure doesn't always mean a bad thing (within reason), it may mean the oil is flowing more quickly to important parts of the engine...

whats hte part number for the nissan oil filter same size as teh Z145a?

Z442 mate.

Didnt expect to see this thread again hehe. At the moment i use KnN oil filters and they are great; have a nut at the top like the drift filter so its easy to put in and remove + got rid of my oil issue.

OEM would be good, happy with knn though and prefer to have the nut at the top as it makes the job much easier.

Lets be honest, the nut is by far the most important thing, saves so much knuckle scuffing.

I change my oil when it loses the golden tinge and becomes black, not brown but black. Its usually about 8000ks on my wifes car. Changing your oil every 2000ks and you are wasting $$$$$. my 2 cents worth aye!

Oil going black isn't necessarily the oil breaking down, it's also the important cleaning action of the oil working, cleaning the crap outta the engine. Detergent heavy engines become black very quickly. Just a thought.

The oils thread seems to think that the nissan/ryco/repco filters are inferior to the specific brand name ones. Last time I was at autobarn they guy told me the k&n filters were like $22, same as i've paid for ryco ones.

funny thread, thought i might add that my gtr gettings 20-30 knock reading on startup, doesnt matter hot or cold - i was thinking it might have to do with the twin plate / starter motor?

i use ryco oil filters all the time, never have any problems, oil pressure develops very quickly

wow , this thread is a bit of a joke .... all these people saying "i buy these because they're cheap" please sell your skyline and buy a falcodore . i live by the rules.... you pay for what you get , no such thing as cheap.

Sougi 6000 and a ryco makes it a $70 oil change which I can then afford to do more often... :)

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