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Hi Guys,

Im a Australian citizen and In Dec 2005 I have been charged for drink driving (while I was on green "P") reading was 0.055, I had to pay $515, had to participate Traffic Offenders Program (which is a once a week course, show you right and wrong, bla bla) for three months, and licence cancellation for FOUR months.


Im planning to travel to US this May for holiday, I know I have to apply for a VISA since I have a drink driving offence. How serious is this when it comes to US visa? will I be OK?

Has anyone got the same problem before as I have?

what precautions should I take before I apply for VISA?

Does Australia passes crminla records of each and every person who is travelling US to US authorities prior to their arrival?

please guys, shed some light on this...

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call US embassy, dont trust what people say on here, its too important and some people just reply for the sake of it. In the end its your risk, not anyone elses.

call US embassy, dont trust what people say on here, its too important and some people just reply for the sake of it. In the end its your risk, not anyone elses.

I did call them, and its comes with a cost, $3.50 per minute, they weren't that much of a help. only thing they say is i need to apply for a visa, and thats about it....I asked them if drink driving offence is a big deal for this visa, and they cant say anything about it.

Apply for visa here https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov

also, I'm pretty sure DUI isn't going to stop you from being able to enter.

Also everything I have quickly read over this morning looks like you will have to say YES to the first question, asking if you have ever been charged for a crime or whatever, but it also states just answering yes doesn't mean you will be denied.

The worst that will happen is you will have to go and apply again in person at a US consulat. Keep in mind, that if they want to be pricks about it, this can take upward of 2 months .. they can do a full background check on you etc and take copies of your fingerprints. So, if you want to go any time soon you better apply ASAP

I did call them, and its comes with a cost, $3.50 per minute, they weren't that much of a help. only thing they say is i need to apply for a visa, and thats about it....I asked them if drink driving offence is a big deal for this visa, and they cant say anything about it.

lol $3.50/hr,bloody bush detroying the economy and making his country money hungry (more than before)

apply and see how you go, im pretty sure they wont knock you back for one low range drink driving offence, might be another case if you were a repeat repeat (<-- not a typo) offender and got done dui whilst you were disqualified, seriously so many people in aus get done for dui its not funny

Just tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; and they'll let you in from Australia.

Alternatives are the 3Cs...

i) hitching a plane ride from Colombia

ii) sailing into Michigan from Canada

iii) rafting it it from Cuba


Cant apply onliine as in their website clearly say that if you have a DUI, has to apply for a vis ($195 application fee as well,,goshhhhh) I called them and got confirmed too.

and the other thin i found is they send you to do a medical examination too DUI, what they do is give you some question whcih you normaly say "NO" to every thing, and then doctor talk to you about the incident, then blood pressure and heart rate, general check, NO blood tests or Urine test which is good.

Ya so I need to make an appointment with US cons, to apply for a visa.....

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