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My airbag light was flashing and I found the solution on the net and it worked first go on my M35.

Turn the ignition to the "on" position. Watch the airbag light closely(it will be on solid) the split second it goes off(beggining to flash) turn the ignition off, count to 5. Turn back to "on" position and do the same another 2 times.

Next time you turn it to "on" position it will blink really slowly(diagnosing) Then switch off. Next time you turn it on it will be solid and then turn off completely.

Much the same as what Iamhe wrote above, that worked for me 6 months ago but a battery replacement last week caused it to flash again. I would say this was caused by a low voltage to the controller. Lucky its an easy fix.

  • 4 months later...

Hi Guys,

my local Repco mechanic couldn't clear my flashing airbag light with his plug in gizmo.

I tried the solution above and it didn't work but did give me a repeating series of flashes which, I assume, helps with the diagnostics.

My airbag light did this after following the procedure above:

9 flashes, pause, 10 flashes, pause, solid for 2-3 secs, longer pause, repeat

Now to find out what that all means.......

need the seat replaced. already done one in a PM35. there is a airbag ram in the base of the seat and the explosive device has died.

its nothing to do with the diagnostic routine you guys are doing and in fact it renders half the system useless when in fault mode. not the sort of thing you want when you smack something at speed.

need the seat replaced. already done one in a PM35. there is a airbag ram in the base of the seat and the explosive device has died.

its nothing to do with the diagnostic routine you guys are doing and in fact it renders half the system useless when in fault mode. not the sort of thing you want when you smack something at speed.

Thanks for the good news. :laugh:

Mine doesn't have the airbags in the seat so I guess its a different problem?

I figure if the reset works for a few weeks or months then its a wiring or connection fault more likely? I'm replacing the seats soon so hopefully Bride has figured out how to get around the problem.

thing is they DO NOT need bags in the seats for this fault. the ram is in the seat base. given that the youngest car (NM35) is 7 yrs and the bags/supporting devices are supposed to be done at 10 yrs most of these cars are either due to be done or about to fail.

  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to dredge this topic up again, but my light has been flashing since I got the car so I can't be certain if something is just broken or perhaps not connected. (You'll need to hear me out..)

And, before anyone asks, here's what I have done already:

1. Checked all fuses using a multimeter

2. Tried to reset the light by the method mentioned elsewhere in this forum

3. Had my local mechanic try to reset the error codes with his computer thingy (that'll be the technical term I'm sure :starwars: )

BTW, the error codes (as displayed on the computer thingy) are:

B1161 CRD RH (OPEN) and


A short time Googling these ODB2 codes shows results from Toyota and GM products with a few anomalies.

eg. Toyota list them as: B1161 Inflatable curtain RH open circuit (84?) & B1166 Inflatable curtain LH open circuit (88?) which sounds a lot closer than GM's "B1161 = Lamp circuit failure".

Since I don't have curtain airbags, I started looking under the seats for signs of seatbelt pretensioners having been activated etc and was greeted with this (see pic):

Now I've read that yellow connectors are typically associate with airbag circuits, so could this be the "open circuit" referred to in the ODB2 error codes?

I also found a picture of under Bis-e Bee's front seat (thanks mate) and it confirms the yellow plug is connected (see other pic).

But.... my car doesn't appear to have anywhere to plug in the free connector.

Any ideas anyone?



yep yours has the same issue as most. the anti subarmine rams are gone. new seat time (x2) for you.

Is this the only option?

Any idea of the cost (they are the leather seats)?

If what you say is true and, depending on the cost, we may be waiting a while to get you to do the cruise/english conversion we spoke about the other day.....


Also Chris, what is the go with those connectors of mine under the seats that aren't plugged in, and look to have no where to be plugged in?

Do they have no bearing on any of this?

Can Nissan really design a car that needs the seats replaced when an airbag component fails?

My X-Trail is about the same age as the Stagea & it's never had any airbag warning lights active. Is that just a matter of time too?

All these unanswered questions.....

come for a drive through the week (call first.) and I'll take a squiz. thing that gets me though . how did it gt complied with that light on and even more so how did it get registered. that is a sizeable defect that should not have been allowed through IMO.

If what you say is true and, depending on the cost, we may be waiting a while to get you to do the cruise/english conversion we spoke about the other day.....


Chook on the forum is the one who can help you with the language conversion in QLD now..

Good luck sorting out the airbag light.



come for a drive through the week (call first.) and I'll take a squiz. thing that gets me though . how did it gt complied with that light on and even more so how did it get registered. that is a sizeable defect that should not have been allowed through IMO.

I'm about 2hrs away so won't be able to drop in this week, but if I'm no closer to sorting it out when I visit for the other work I'd appreciate your input.

I think I'll explore some manuals/wiring diagrams to see what I can learn.

Re compliance/registration - I'm not sure how long the fault has been around but can only guess it happened after those things (but before I got it) as I can't see how it could have passed.

Possibly the importer reset the system so that it wasn't flashing during the "important" steps of compliancing etc.

Mine started to flash again, reset it Thursday night and then on my way to work Friday morning, hit boost and it went off again.

Reset it last night so hopefully it won't happen again for a few months, really hoping it doesn't become a too frequent event.

My error code was the same as Scott's (from memory) something about RHS Cord or something.

Possibly the importer reset the system so that it wasn't flashing during the "important" steps of compliancing etc.

Mine started to flash again, reset it Thursday night and then on my way to work Friday morning, hit boost and it went off again.

Reset it last night so hopefully it won't happen again for a few months, really hoping it doesn't become a too frequent event.

My error code was the same as Scott's (from memory) something about RHS Cord or something.

You may be right but hard to tell since the guy we bought it from isn't saying too much. All I know now is that it can't be reset via the "proper" ODB2 gadget at the workshop nor have I been successful with the DIY method.

I hope you don't have continuous problems with yours as it wears thin real quick. Interesting issue with yours re. it being related to the boost. I wonder what the connection could be there...

I think when I find out what these unplugged yellow connectors are for I'll be a whole lot closer to solving it.

the 4hour drive will answer your questions you know. there is really no point posting it here when no one has the correct tools to fix the thing and further to that I know what I'm looking for when I see the car. most are going to tell you to go nuts with the door swtich which in your case is not going to help.

as it sits now with your car: SRS system offline therefore car unroadworthy therefore its NOT insured if you smack something.


yours is a similar issue. seat ram is farked. common on the V series cars from 2001-2004.

Chook on the forum is the one who can help you with the language conversion in QLD now..

Good luck sorting out the airbag light.



he's already involved in this one:)

the 4hour drive will answer your questions you know. there is really no point posting it here when no one has the correct tools to fix the thing and further to that I know what I'm looking for when I see the car. most are going to tell you to go nuts with the door swtich which in your case is not going to help.

Hi Chris, I'll give a call to tee up a time as soon as I can get half a day free. Could be a week or two though.

Thanks for your help.

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