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Who's surfing at work?


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I'm stuck here at work and have been surfing the forums for the past 2 hours while waiting for this damn thing to run.. hence this pointless thread?

I'm so bored and wanna go home....

Who else surfs at work and what kinda work do you do?

Does a good paying job = a nicer skyline?


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Originally posted by Horus

but do you piss in the shower?

ofcourse, sometimes when the water is off and i am just about to get out, so i gotta turn the water back on again to clean up

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contemplated taking a turd once, but thought it would be a lil tough goin down the drain...

i heard this good story about someone i used to know who did this while they were staying in a caravan park. but didnt poke it down the drain. and when he opened the shower door to leave there was a guy waiting to use the shower. kinda sick really.

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how'd this thread turn into one about pissing in the shower? :confused:

Well yes, while at "work", if thats what you call it, I tend to slack off, and seeing as i'm in front of a computer, why not.. mainly that is a function of my job not being a challenge for me at all anymore and pure boredom to be honest these days..

hopefully that will change soon.

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Originally posted by MzDfectd

howdy :rolleyes:  

im here!

oki gtg lunch


I see Ambz committment to this forum has lapsed.

I find it insulting that she lobbed in here, announced herself and then bailed.

What was the point of that?

"Hey Ambz, lift your game, I used to have a crush on you"

Despite having never met her. HOWZ THAT FOR POWERFUL?

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