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Caught For Speeding And I Wasn't Speeding


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same thing happened to me 20 mins ago, but i had a license, and p plates.

i was coming into a 60 zone, i was doing about 60 at the most (maybe a click or two over) by the sign, dropped back to 4th and pulled up to jsut below 60.

no brake lights see....

now, of course i wasn't speeding, seeing as a very well known speed camera was ahead, about 40 metres. and i spotted the lights of the po po about 300 metres away. probably more.

the police car was on the other side of the road with a truck pulled over, he was on his way back to the car, he jumped in, then i heard the V8 motor give it a little squirt, in about 30 seconds, i was being pulled over.

he approached me and said, mate what's the rush, why didn't you slow down.

i said officer, i was doing the speed limit, of course. i mean there's a speed camera. (pointed behind me) then said, and i spotted your car from a long way away. of course i wasn't going to speed past you, that would be... well plain stupid.

and he said, i've got reason to believe you were speeding. he began to check my car out ( stocko celica)

when he could see what i was doing i got out and said to him, officer, if i was speeding and you have the proof. i'll take the punishment accordingly. fair and square. but i wasn't speeding

then he said, what am i doinng anyway, i said, coming from home girlfriends, he asked me a few basic things, adress, rego, etc. breathalised me and said, get on your way.

i said good night officer, got in and indicated away.

so he didn't have proof. just being a plain jerk. giving p platers a hard time.

it probably didn't help i've got a perfect record.

i'm not sure about your case, maybe he is even more of c unt.

maybe he is completely confused about what he saw.

if that's the case, court should go alright. you might be able to duck that one offence.

but best of luck.

wat a bastard, good for you that you got away with it... all comes down to how you talk back.

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nope, lm 100% confident that l was not speeding, if i was, it maybe of been bout 5km's from rolling down the hill, but thats about it. Think it was a mistake somewhere of reading the wrong cars speed or pulling the wrong car over

they might not have pulled you over if you weren't speeding

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listen, nubcake. if it was 105.5" he woulda got you on the gun, either his talking jibberish or you are... Why would he says ' 105.5 ' if he had no gun? if he didnt have a gun you can surely debate this, you could say his a dodgey cop and he sed ' 105.5' just by looking at your car.

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I've had a very similar thing done to me. A friend was in his car thats very close looking to mine driving along "off the clock" as he said, was seen by HWP coming in the other direction. He seen the HWP and contiuned through the round a bout and drove up a side street dumped the car and ran off.

HWP had to go through the round a bout and up the road a bit to turn around by then I had come down the hill and was going through the round a bout, just past it they pulled me up.

They both ran up to the car and I was just sitting there with my friend wondering what the hell was going on. He was yelling at me saying "What the hell are you doing?" I was like WTF? They said I was going 110 in a 60 zone. I said I wasnt speeding blah blah blah. He went over the car and said you have got no P Plates on this car. I got out of the car and said here they are..... Was on the back window, clearly visable. He said if I squat down on the road I cant see it past the wing. I was again WTF?

Long and short of it is.......He booked me for going 50km over and having no P Plates.

I went to court and had no legal advise, just went myself as I knew I did have P Plates on and I was NOT speeding at all.

The judge asked me what happened and I said I was not speeding and I did have P Plates and I am willing to volunteer to go and attend the Traffic Offenders Course.

The judge said all of you (Two Officers and my mum and myself) go outside and sort it out.

The Police said look we'll drop the fines and you just loose the points and do the course and we'll call it a day.

I argeed, the judge agree.

So all is done and we going down stairs to sign all the paper work blah blah blah. I didnt mind the points going as long as I didnt have to loose my licence and pay $2000+

Its signed and done and as we were walking out my mum says to the Police, kindly joking a bit, look if you want to look at her (as in me) car you dont have to book her next time...........One of the Officers says "We know it wasnt her speeding, but you know, we have to get someone"

So they admitted it wasn't me but still booked me etc, my Mum went off at them and said how could they do this to a young person and they are suposed to be responsible and up holding the law blah blah, but they didnt care much for what she said and they walk off.

So all in all they can know its not you speeding but they'll still fine you and at the end of the day what they say goes.

Maybe go to court and try to get off, prob wont but its prob worth a try. If you have a good record you might be lucky.

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UPDATE - Got letter in the mail, got 189$ for driving on a suspeneded licence and got antoher 1 saying my licence is cancelled, did not get a fine or anything about going over the speed limit which is good cause l didnt feel like paying a $2000+ fine.

So does that mean it is over now l willl not have to go to court, just pay the $189 fine ?

And when they cancel your licence what does that mena, how long can you not drive for?

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