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Hi, all. You all know about the issues we have with the "Hoon Laws". Now is your chance to do something about them. This thread is for Queensland to gather information about the practice of the hoon laws in your state. This is what I said in the similar thread, now a sticky, in WA:

I believe that the "hoon" laws are badly drafted and give the police far too much power. They are bad law! There are sufficient laws without them. The rules of evidence are also being seriously diluted by pursuing convictions on the word of members of the public. Little old ladies phoning up to say "he was going very fast" should not constitute sufficient evidence. Hopefully it does not, but we shall see.

Populist measures are too easy for politicians, but by implementing such poorly thought out laws those politicians fail to do their duty to ensure that the laws they enact are sound. If they are not sound, they bring the whole system into disrespute. More particularly, they place the Police in the impossible position of applying those laws in an impartial manner, when their human frailty means falling short is inevitable. Hence, they themselves become undermined by the very position that these laws put them into.

I would like to compile evidence of the hoon laws in practice. So if you know of poor application of the law, inappropriate actions by police using the hoon laws, the use of questionnable evidence, or similar, please let me know via this thread and/or pm. Please only first hand experience - not "I know a bloke, who's mate's girfriend's brother".

If we compile sufficient evidence, I intend to put a submission to the Government to change the law. Let the punishment fit the crime!

If anyone else has experiences they are prepared to share, please add them on. Good experiences as well as bad. If you were done fair and square, then please say so. If the policeman was reasonable in his/her behaviour, please say so. If they were aggressive and overbearing, let us know. If you were aggressive and disrespectful, let us know. Best to have basic facts here and more detail in a pm.

Thanks everyone. Please note that I am not knocking the Police, they do a hard job that not many people would do. But a badly framed law allows them to overstep their real powers and some of them will use it - because they are not all saints!

So there you go. We need good data to support our argument. We need information in each state to fight this, as no state government will want to go it alone in repealing them.

Please be careful in what you post. This is not intended to be a thread for you to rant or argue. It is to gather facts.

Thanks guys. Go to it!!

Cheers. :yes:

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Well, i know a bloke who's mate's girlfriends brother...


Anyway, where you have "i'm not knocking the police", the correct word is "i'm not mocking the police". 'Knocking' was a misunderstanding over the proper terminology which is now being used by people as though it was the original term.

Well i am appart of a quite large group of Import Car Enthusiasts on the sunshine coast, and i was wondering i can provide alot of 'evidence' or basicly accounts on the new P-Plate Power Restriction Laws..

And would love to be appart and try my best to contribute..

Because my situation is i am on the P-Plate (P1 & P2) Power Restrictions.. and i own a project car R32 skyline and are waiting till my opens to drive it (or a NA engine conversion).

My point would be that i can provide alot of evidence on people who arnt Hoons, But local import car enthusiasts, who own a turbo car and are still under the "200kw" mark.. But i could go and buy a stock V6 commodore with more power then a stock 180sx or R32 skyline..

But most of the people like to have nice cars that they show off..

Not go burning off their $250+ per wheel tyres!

There is alot i would like to say and get my point accross to the government about this.. and also that the recent P Plate crashes were in STANDARD Vechicles and not IMPORT & Preformance car.. But Commadore, Fords ect..

Because a Real Import Enthusiasts treasures their car.. and not to Destroy it??????

So i would love to help in getting Personal Accounts, Statements, Signature Partitions from drives and other community members to help, Video accounts on what we actually do.. Scenic drives to look out points and Not Hooning... Also anything else that i can to help!

I will send a PM soon but would really like to help contribute to the P-Plate & Hooning Legislation??

Edited by SLi32
Well i am appart of a quite large group of Import Car Enthusiasts on the sunshine coast, and i was wondering i can provide alot of 'evidence' or basicly accounts on the new P-Plate Power Restriction Laws..

And would love to be appart and try my best to contribute..

Because my situation is i am on the P-Plate (P1 & P2) Power Restrictions.. and i own a project car R32 skyline and are waiting till my opens to drive it (or a NA engine conversion).

My point would be that i can provide alot of evidence on people who arnt Hoons, But local import car enthusiasts, who own a turbo car and are still under the "200kw" mark.. But i could go and buy a stock V6 commodore with more power then a stock 180sx or R32 skyline..

But most of the people like to have nice cars that they show off..

Not go burning off their $250+ per wheel tyres!

There is alot i would like to say and get my point accross to the government about this.. and also that the recent P Plate crashes were in STANDARD Vechicles and not IMPORT & Preformance car.. But Commadore, Fords ect..

Because a Real Import Enthusiasts treasures their car.. and not to Destroy it??????

So i would love to help in getting Personal Accounts, Statements, Signature Partitions from drives and other community members to help, Video accounts on what we actually do.. Scenic drives to look out points and Not Hooning... Also anything else that i can to help!

I will send a PM soon but would really like to help contribute to the P-Plate & Hooning Legislation??

I don't think your going to have much luck trying to change the P plate power restriction rules. Especially since they are new, they will wait till they get a decent amount of statistics and everything first so that they can see whether their new rules are helping or not. By the time they do all that, you'll be on your open license anyway.

i believe in the p-plate laws.YET

i do not believe in conviscating cars.

i worked my ass off and paid my taxes to get my r34 and i dont think they should allowed to come and take it away and leave me with 4 years of debt.

my possetions are MINE i worked for them and i pay the cops wages too.

its like if i had a party and i got 3 noise complaints the cops cant just come and take my house away or steal my house from me.

yet you can lose a r34GTR for having a race on the highway. thats bullshit.

i believe we should get large fines or fines that go up each time getting caught for so call "hooning" as in street drifting and excessive speeding but NO one should have the power to take something away from someone. its like legal stealing.

its already f**ked enuff for the youth to get first home loans and to get on there feet without a cop being able to come and take away the one thing they have already worked so hard to get. setting them back.... well in my case it would be 4 years set back and for what?.

an empty space on my driveway. so the pricks can use my car for undercover car or sell it at a auction or watever the sly dogs do with them. think about it. if they take my skyline off me that is the same as smacking me with a 26 grand fine!.. try paying that off when ur 22.

btw i am jsut upset becoz i was threatened recently to have my car taken off me.

oops sorry i jsut saw it had to be an experience

well i wil tell mine

i was in ipswitch and i was taking off from the lights

i have to admit i did put my foot down and i DID have traction control on

when i came onto boost in first a small amount of wheel spin accured only enough to make a small squeel

cop two cars back caught me and pulled me over

and said "what was that all about"

i replied "what was what all about?"

and he said "that burnout you did at the lights"

i told him what happened and that none of it was done on purpose

then he continued to tell me "you know we should be taking your car off you right now but your lovely little lady here (my girlfriend in passenger seat) would have to walk all the way back to brisbane"

"so this is your warning and we are putting it into the system and if you get caught again for such offence your car will be conviscated"

i couldn't believe it using my warning on such an event.

hense my upset post above

oops sorry i jsut saw it had to be an experience

well i wil tell mine




i couldn't believe it using my warning on such an event.

hense my upset post above

Thanks for the input, mate. The second post was definitely more of what I am looking for. Please keep a note of date, time, etc., as best you can, in case we need more details in the future.


oops sorry i jsut saw it had to be an experience

well i wil tell mine

i was in ipswitch and i was taking off from the lights

i have to admit i did put my foot down and i DID have traction control on

when i came onto boost in first a small amount of wheel spin accured only enough to make a small squeel

cop two cars back caught me and pulled me over

and said "what was that all about"

i replied "what was what all about?"

and he said "that burnout you did at the lights"

i told him what happened and that none of it was done on purpose

then he continued to tell me "you know we should be taking your car off you right now but your lovely little lady here (my girlfriend in passenger seat) would have to walk all the way back to brisbane"

"so this is your warning and we are putting it into the system and if you get caught again for such offence your car will be conviscated"

i couldn't believe it using my warning on such an event.

hense my upset post above

Don't get too worried dude, they are just trying to scare you. They can't confiscate your car for doing a small burnout.

Also when they do confiscate your car, first its for 1 month, then 3 months and then its forever. So it's not like you'll lose it forever straight away, you need to be caught several times before it will happen.

stop whoring the thread.. its not for chatting in tyson LOL

and if you don't misbehave in your car (or heavy foot it), then they have no reason to pull you over.. Don't cry cause they caught you.. What is this used my warning thing.. its not like they give you one warning before you are done for anything..

They can't confiscate your car for doing a small burnout.
They can actually, I was told that any loss of traction is treated the same, so a chirp or a scuff of tyres is the same as a full-fledged burnout.

It happened to the guy who bought my old car. It did a miniscule chirp into second when he stuffed a gear change and wasn't used to the button clutch, car confiscated. (And the towie who drove it onto the trailer spun the wheels on the ramps and the car slid off the side...). Another mate, turned right over a dotted line, tight diff means a tyre skipped on the white line, car confiscated. These aren't first hand so they're not strictly on-topic, but just thought it was worth clarifying that you can lose you car for practically anything.

Anyway, back on topic, sorry :)

Was booked for accelerating across a dangerous/blind 'T' intersection. Under the Hoon laws I was "using a car in a manner that made excessive noise". When pulled over I told police there has been several accidents due to people speeding. Go figure?

I was pulled over in melbourne diving mey stock r32 gtst witch i was then tol dwas over teh p[owere to weight ratio as to the specs they have state my car is puutting out 180kws at rears as we all no that is crp to prove my point i now have had to go get my car dynowed weighed and also have to try get orgianl specs from manafacturer in japan witch is not easy the have no idea about cars since wen are teh mecahnice and its as if they look at a car say it looks fast lets fine it how are they to tell if a car has been detuned or not to comply with the law not like they dyno it b4 fineing u

I was pulled over in melbourne diving mey stock r32 gtst witch i was then tol dwas over teh p[owere to weight ratio as to the specs they have state my car is puutting out 180kws at rears as we all no that is crp to prove my point i now have had to go get my car dynowed weighed and also have to try get orgianl specs from manafacturer in japan witch is not easy the have no idea about cars since wen are teh mecahnice and its as if they look at a car say it looks fast lets fine it how are they to tell if a car has been detuned or not to comply with the law not like they dyno it b4 fineing u

:D wow. Get firefox, it has a built in spell checker...

but um anyway, I think this threads more focused on qld...

i got my car impounded after 5 cars aqua plained into a ditch and 2 lost tractioin going onto the bruce highway, where here i come along in 5th gear try to not spin my wheels ( no traction at all) and cop even loses traction to come after me, and then proceeds to lecture me about hooning.. then says his giving me a lvl 1 dangerous driving charge and impounded my car. i then got a letter from the police sayen my car was WRONGLY IMPOUNDED???

go figure

"so this is your warning and we are putting it into the system and if you get caught again for such offence your car will be conviscated"

i couldn't believe it using my warning on such an event.

hense my upset post above

its funny how the government claims they want to lower the road toll, but police go round saying this?? im willing to bet some ppl would rather die trying to out run the cops than have their car confiscated for good.

but on topic i think what ur trying to achieve here is fantasic. i hope it works

Surely these rules cannot last... they give cops way to much power and if a cops had a bad day he could book you for the smallest thing, my mum drives a Honda odyssey that is a people mover i have seen her accidently lose traction in that now my mum if almost 50 and is so far from being a "hoon" but under these laws that is considered hooning its GODDAMN WRONG!!

Sorry off subject just needed to say that.

i could go on for ages about my experiences and about what i copped but why bother??

nothing we say is going to make any difference

we are hoons, we dont have souls!

but $300 and 3 points for sitting in the back seat with my seat belt under my boob for cutting reasons is a f**king joke!

i politely told the officer that i was in fact wearing a seat belt and that i ALWAYS wear a seat belt, but "he saw what he saw"!

i hate being scared to drive my own car

and i think that its BS that you can go to jail for DRIVING A CAR.

you can seriously rape a child and get less time in jail!

that is retarded.... you know some people make mistakes and they learn from them! but going to jail for driving to work to live is just wrong!

Edited by rb25kateosaurus

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