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Hello all.

Just thought I'd let you know I'm the proud new owner of RBNTs RS260.

He will be putting it on a truck for me early next week and hopefully should be in my driveway in a few weeks.

I used to own a black RS4V which I traded for a 20B Cosmo and the guy I traded with then sold to Stageagirl Im pretty sure. And I think she has since passed it on.

I see theres a WA cruise coming up.

Hopefully she'll be here in time for that.

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Very nice buy. I've been watching this car since it came up for sale. Thoughts even crossed my mind of selling my 260 and buying one that's 'already done' ;-)

I'm sure you'll love it.

But half the fun is doing it yourself, with the stuff you want, the way you want it. I'd hate to buy a car with everything already done - then what?

Sure you'd enjoy it and all, but after a while it just becomes another car. I'm forever searching the net for idea's, hard to find parts and things to make my ride better. I hope it never ends too.

One day when I'm old, maybe then I'll buy a Toyota or something, as is and leave it alone. :(

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Haha, that is true, but then it's also hard for me to justify the thousands of dollars (when I should be saving for a house) I would spend getting my car to a state where it is as quick as this one. I think if I was to modify my car to the level of this one, my car would probably owe me $10K more than if I just sold it and bought one 'pre-modified'.

But yes, you are right, nothing beats the satisfaction of doing it all yourself :(

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Thanks for the positive comments guys.

Shes currently sitting on the truck waiting for the floods to subside so they can truck her down here.

Ah the waiting game.

Anyone got any news on the flooding up in NT?

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