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71 taxis defected at Central!


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Originally posted by JimX

FARK ME! You are the first person I have ever seen that agrees with me on Camry drviers!!!!! I thought I was the only one noticing these clueless idiots all over the place. It's good to see that I'm not imagining things.

I agree with you too.... camry drivers are by far the worst... taxis are up there too.

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Guest outlawskyline

Im usually too pissed to take any notice of any noises or the state of the cab, as long as its takin me home, i dont care!! The cabbies in Bathurst are all of an Aussie background

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Camry and Magna drivers are the new Volvos! :(

as for taxis...yeah usually too pissed to care...but i don't think I've ever got in one that doesn't have a strange noise coming from somewhere :P

And I agree with Jay95R33...we get defects for gauges - but they can have those things sitting on the dash...and what's worse is they drive along pushing the buttons and stuff....surely that's just as distracting as talking on your mobile (which you get a fine for!).

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Hehe, I saw a taxi on fire this morning in Sydney CBD :rolleyes: Well, by the time I saw it there was just a HUGE plume of smoke coming out and fire extinguisher foam all over the ground. People were giving him a WIDE berth, let me tell you!

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I never really thought about Camry drivers being ones to look out for... that was until about 10mins ago.

Some nut in a Sportivo overtook me doing about 120 in a 50 zone... i thought.... yeah right mate!

Then I saw him on the freeway doing at least 130 in an 80 zone, tail-gating that even made me squirm, overtaking cars via side streets, red lights and had to be the biggest ****bag I've ever seen on the road. And to top it off, after his antics, I still went passed him doing 80!!!

For those of you who might be on the Geelong - Melbourne freeway, lookout for a champagne coloured Sportivo with a really cool "BUGGER" sticker on the back, number plates SIG-599.

He's got to be the biggest wanker I've ever seen! Make sure you give him plenty of room - cause he can't drive!

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Shell, you got it in one. When toyota started marketing camries (the collective noun?) aggressively, the second hand market for volvos became flooded and died, this was about 1992. Why? because every (old) man and his dog (jack russel) traded their old 240GL in on a new camry.......and so on, until 240 and 740 series volvo values were dead, and all the fogies were in camry's..



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