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Is it just me or is there a massive influx of redbacks in melb atm!!

I was under the impression that we never had any here, or can someone clarify why

theres so many. I've had multiple at home, as have some of my staff.

Then i had this sucker crawl over my hand as i was working of pool equip today

Any one else with hair raisig stories, or photos to go with it?


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I always thought that they were more here in the south than up north... ...Up north they have the Funnel Web... ...and down here we have the Red Back...

You'll find them around the pool because I think they like damp dark places...

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I'm surprised that the spider is still intact in that pic. If that crawled on my hand it would be as flat as an A4 sheet, then i'd take the pic :).

I see red backs on a regular basis, nothing more than usual though

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Is it just me or is there a massive influx of redbacks in melb atm!!

I was under the impression that we never had any here, or can someone clarify why

theres so many. I've had multiple at home, as have some of my staff.

Then i had this sucker crawl over my hand as i was working of pool equip today

Any one else with hair raisig stories, or photos to go with it?

;);) Dayyyyym that's one big ass red back

I've never seen redbacks till this year, found a couple under the bball ring :)

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Certainly plenty in the country but havent seen any around the city. I found one up near Benalla 2 weeks ago with a huge abdomen, it died shortly after I had finished pointing it out to anyone I could find who was interested.

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funny you should start this thread, I kiled one last night on my dogs bed! bastard things they are too!! I hate spiders. 2 years ago while in a rental in Taylors Hill I had RB's everywhere and not the good type, they were of the black spider kind. I remember one night my then puppy got up to pee so I had to take her outside at about 3am, I walked through the bedroom door and straight through a cobweb, I get into the kitchen and turn a light then lean forward too see if anything on me and this RB is hanging off my chin on about 3ft of web I freak and grab a tea towel and crucsh him then do the mandatory GTFO me spider dance!

Have seen a few in the last week though. Must have been the heat that's bought them out

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anything in your garden ... Gnomes ... they live inside those things ... i could (if i cbf) go out and find 4 right now ...

also killed 2 in my gf's house on the lounge room carpet in the last 4months .

mainly white tailes get inside house's , i get big mothers in my joint. biggest to date was about the size of the base of a Rexona can .. or Lynx can

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and this RB is hanging off my chin on about 3ft of web I freak and grab a tea towel and crucsh him then do the mandatory GTFO me spider dance!

Have seen a few in the last week though. Must have been the heat that's bought them out

The question is: Did you squeal like a girl???? ROFL

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I have been looking to buy a house recently and have seen them at, at least, 3 different homes. On one occasion i warned a mother not to let her kids open the shed, at an auction, as there were two sitting near the door.

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The question is: Did you squeal like a girl???? ROFL

Na no squeel, it was much worse.... I ran into the bedroom turned on all the lights, woke my fiance up and made her check to see if anymore on me or any bites. Not satisfied with that I made her call Nurse on call and check the internet for bite symptoms, of which I had most of hahahahaha!!!

I can sit and look at them no problems, it's when they are on me that I freak out!!

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I always thought that they were more here in the south than up north... ...Up north they have the Funnel Web... ...and down here we have the Red Back...

You'll find them around the pool because I think they like damp dark places...


daddy long legs .....

leave them, they get the flies and seeker ants ... (those stray ants looking to bring the rest of the clan in)

Daddy long legs never hurt anyone. Apparently they are extremely poisonous but their fangs are just too short to penetrate our skin... so they just kill other bugs. Yay.

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Haven't noticed many redbacks, but every couple of months I find whitetails inside the house and normally there will be two at a time for some reason (sometimes spaced by a day or two). Nasty little f**kers.

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Personally I'm paranoid about sitting down on an outdoor public toilet seat and a spider crawling around to bite me on the bum, so I always check behind the toilet seat. I know, OCD, but puts my mind at ease.

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