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Tank? it's like Optus's support team is there!

IMO Verandah bar or Red Room (impossible to get in) is the way to go.

BRING BACK GAS Nightclub !!!!!!!! RnB hasn't been the same without it.

but other than that, I prefer house/electro clubs anyday of the week...

Moulin Rouge is good :( cosy

Chinese Laundry (younger crowd)

Cargo Bar free... mixed crowd

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Aiite so friday i didnt end up going to Tank, but saturday i headed to Dynasty @ Privilege Bar.. i had to say it was the fkn best RnB club i've been to. The music was awesome, it was actually NEW and the music wasnt repeated.. Best of all the DJ's were awesome and i finally got to hear some proper turntable scratching.. especially happy i met and hanged around with DJ Moto, which probably wouldnt have been easy for him seeing as i had 15-20 tequila shots, 3 jagerbombs and a shit load of smirnoff's. The girls i didnt find snobby but then again the girls i was talking to were mostly tourist type..

One thing that pissed me off hard though was the bouncer kicking up a fuss because i have a mullet (not a huge over the top one at all its small) and hes like no rat-tail's allowed in mate your not getting in (this is when i already had a stamp because id been in there for 2 hours and was just going out for a smoke plus i had a passout) then im lyk wtf ive been in there all this time ive spent $150 on drinks for myself, this isnt a rattail so seriously wtf? and he goes get back in the line, and he started talking to this other DJ and yeah when we got to the front of the line after waiting 10 mins we got back in (i chain smoke constantly but i never went outside until i was leaving because there was no way i was gonna risk it.

Another thing that sucked was going to Gosford lol that place is far as hell i dont know why my mum moved there.. and public transport cost's quite a bit as well. My mate got asked for his concession card so he showed his health care card (which is the same thing in vic but not in NSW fair enough) but then they said his current student ID from monash university was no good because it didnt have the NSW logo or something.. they said they were gonna do him a favour and let him off this time.. But yeahh other then a few things like that sydneys pretty awesome, i mean i wouldnt live there coz i prefer melbourne but its still good :P

Hey guys,

Heading to sydney next weekend from thurs 12th of feb, just wanted to know what you guys think are some good club's to head to friday/saturday that get packed (more girls then guys would be good lol)

Was looking for RnB/Hip Hip type of clubs.. I know DJ Moto is around and is DJ'ing in clubs around sydney so if anyone know's where he's at that would be even better..

My cousin told me that saturday nights Dynasty @ Privilege Bar (cnr of king and george st) might be good.. anyone heard of it and can comment?


Check out Cargo...

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