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having some drivability problems, running rich off boost, and idling poorly. worst thing is, the problem comes and goes, so im having trouble pinning it down. at times, the car will drive fine for extended periods, and other times it nearly stalls and has great trouble at low rpm off boost.

i have tried all the obvious things, replaced 02 sensor, vac leaks, clean afm, plugs, coilpacks, reset ecu. havent cleaned the "aac valve" though, not really sure what it is, or where it is on my aftermarket plenum.

i thought id check for loose electrical connections, since that would partially explain why the problem comes and goes. found a few things.

what on earth are these?


the arrow is pointing at an electrical socket which is wired back to the crank angle sensor i believe. what does this port do exactly? the connection was loose, and i could slide it on and off without resistance so i cable tied it for now.


is this the aac valve? the electrical socket on the base of this was also very loose, well actually it was unclipped. what effect would that have?


i figure this is a throttle position sensor of some form... but its not there! theres a plug coming out the top, and then this empty socket. im not overly worried since it has always been like that, and the problems only appeared a few weeks ago.

thanks for any light anyone can shed.

also, saw some nice 'lines at la perouse last night.

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First pic is the VVT solenoid. If the connection was loose, it might explain the problems youare experiencing.

#3 is most likely the TPS (just the throttle body is around the other way from a normal Skyline).

Sorry, can't say about #2.

Pretty sure #2 is AAC, but i thought it was connected closer to the firewall on the stock plenum... my memory is hopeless. Check out the AAC cleaning guide, pretty sure it has pics or an explanation of where it is. Sticky AAC can be intermittent and stuff up idle, dont know about rich running off boost tho. Might as well do it anyway as it just costs time not money.

No1 is the variable cam timing solinoid, probably not good to have loose connection.

No2 is idle air control valve (aac) it should only effect idle

No3 is your throttl position sensor(tps) they have 2x connectors only 1x has wires. so the blank connector is normal.

The only other thing l can think of is with that plenum did the wires for the tps need to be extended, if so it may be a wiring problem with the wire extentions.

hope that helps

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