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heres an idea... buy one house... live in it..., sell it, buy another one, live in it... die without being thought of as a stooge.. or follow the $ sign around and be a multi millionaire with this property and that property, whatever. money comes and money goes.. memories last forever.. or until your senile anyway, have fun and have stories to tell your mates in the old folks home... telling them how you bought this property when you were 18 and made a trazillion dollars off is a piss poor story and aint gonna mean much when your sitting there next to them.. we all end up in the same place, rich or poor.

these people that drive around in their porsches and ferraris... are they really that much more happier than i am?? i get excited when a bargain part comes on ebay.... they freak out when the stock market crashes.. i have a 51cm tv and lost the remote... i can watch the same shows as you with your 132cm lcd... you dont have to live the high life to be happy.. and spending money on cars maybe not so smart in the overall scheme of things.. but we are all on this site, talking about mods and track days and power and handling.. you cant drive/race a house.

they dont make skylines like they used to.. and how many people about to retire are kicking themselves because they sold their GTHO to buy a datsun station wagon for the family.

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damn the rich people for being stooge's..

i also own 2 cars.. is that disrespectful cause i'm denying someone else a car hmmm... you are honestly just a complainer.. does it bother you what others do in life.. i don't plan to live in a retirement home.. i plan to die in my own house..

tell me when you retire from work (too old to do anything) how are you expected to live.. cause you won't be eligible for pension.. you are required to support yourself.. your super? don't count on any holidays when you retire then cause unless your a rich stooge then i'm sorry my freidn but your super isnt going to be of a great amount.. i'm planning for my whole life.. and the life of my family.. why wouldnt i buy a house that i can pay off for virtually nothing.. ppl are always selling houses so i'm denying diddly squat.. if you actually bothered to save your money.. not go out wasting it every w/end.. you will find that you can actually get a loan.. but no you decide to say you cant afford a loan and arent going to try..

so why you come on here dissing those who are trying to get ahead in life cause you CBF doing it... disrespect..

no... you can own as many cars as you want... but when you rent them out then its a problem.. it turns out, i can afford a loan and have been pre approved.. so therefore by the end of this week i should hopefully have made an offer on a house.

i dont plan on living after retirement.. hence why im doing it all now.. im not counting on holidays then... which is why im doing it all now.. i wont be able to drive then and or the laws will be so messed up that we will all have electric cars.. so im doing it now. humans have no purpose, no reason to be here, so whats the point of lingering around when we can no longer have fun and our bodies become slow and fragile

im not a complainer and im all for people becoming rich because of a smart business venture, going out on a limb, or land a great job etc, or are wise with their savings.. but when you take money off someone else for them to live in a house, when they could just buy it in the first place and then you get government help and tax cuts and kick back with your 2 cars and your 4 houses and some douche has paid for it all.. thats hardly working for what you've got.. thats just not right and i dont know how you could do that to someone.

yeah but the fact that i'm stating is the gov't is not supplying pension.. they are wanting to increase retirement age.. when your slow and fragile do you still want to be working? i certainly don't.. i will also be able to retire earlier..

are you telling me if you were able to buy another house and have it cost you relatively nothing and you'll be able to sell it for god knows how much when you retire.. that you wouldnt do it..

and what about all those young people that want to move outta home with mates/gf's what ever.. they cant afford a loan.. so renting is the only option... or those that CHOOSE not to buy a house.. there is currently not enough rental houses for the market avail. hence why the gov't will give me my OWN tax back.. if i can get another house which the gov't allows me to have my money back why wouldnt i do it..

Oh and i also own a skyline in which i spend money n.. and i also chat on these forums about the same things you do.. i go out and have fun.. just took a couple yrs hard work to build up good money in my loan..

these ppl who go out and get good jobs and get paid the big dollars.. they get the big dollars and the bonuses cause they take more and more money off you.. so instead of living in the slums i'm going to rise up and be comfortable in the fact i don't have to stress about the future..

i get NO govt assistance AT ALL.. let me drive that into your head.. they give me part of MY TAX back.. so the rich f**kers in govt making 7-8% pay rises are paying themselves more cause we pay that money.. so why no get some of that back.. and some people who CAN NOT afford a house need to live somewhere.. so i'm supposed to let them live in my other house for free.. trashing it and what not.. while i struggle to pay it off.. GTFO.. you are a complainer.. i have 1 house and 3 cars.. soon to be 2 houses..

and you cant seem to grasp the concept that the govt is currently doing this because there are more ppl wanting to rent then what is avail. so STFU cause your just complaining cause what i'm doing.. i'm hurting no one.. i will not charge a rediculous amount of rent.. some ppl cant get loans.. gotta live somewhere.. or should ppl with investment houses sell up and those renters can live on the street.. or the investors can kick the renters out.. and keep the house to sell for $$$ later on.. how about that.. they have a choice.. just don't rent.. if no one rents then no one will buy investment houses..

i know... arent internet forums great.. calm down champ, the way you came across in your first and 2nd post in here was that some "douche" is paying off your mortgage and some "douche" pays your rental insurance and you get out of it scot free..

my point is... what makes the housing prices go up in the first place?? your house has gone from $300000 to $400000 why?? has the block of land suddenly gotten better?? did a beach move in next door?? did it click over a year and become historic?? or is it because some other investor will come along and buy it to rent it out.. and then if they get competition, it will go up to $450000, and so on and so forth..

where as if there was no investment propertys, house prices would be normal and more people could afford to buy their own house.. and the world is in such a mess because people are working with debt.. you take out a loan to buy a house, then you take out another loan to buy an investment house, then someone else pays for it while you own it, but then the person paying for it loses their job etc, and so on and so forth and then you have to charge a shitload of rent to cover yourself which people cant afford then your stuck with a house you cant do anything with and a large mortgage.. and so on and so forth.

and no.. im not interested in buying an investment property if i had the chance.. im happy cruising through life... im not in the slums, im right where i wanna be, im happy, i may buy a house and do it up and sell it later and buy another one to do up and upgrade and so on.. but not have any more than one and its not specifically to make money on.. i just like to do things up and then move on.

lol i said douche cause i was stirring Roy up.. house prices rise and fall due to demand.. whether it was from investors or not.. they will flucuate.. and then there is inflation.. then when the prices get too high.. they drop a bit..

i do not set the prices.. it has gone up due to the area i live in (golf course entrance down the road).. what i am saying is the govt no longer will be hadling out pensions.. i missed that one by not being born 30 yrs earlier.. so we are required to be self sufficent when we retire.. or go on welfare for an amount i would not even piss on..

its for my future and my childrens future.. they wont have to slum it and will get a start in life.. and as i explained.. tehre are those who need to rent due to bad decisions in life/inevitable reasons.. so if everyone else could afford to buy.. what about those that can't..

oh and i'll be assuming you won't take the gov't grant then.. cause you don't want no kick backs from the govt

i hadnt planned for the govt grant... therefore i have no reason to keep it but it with mine and my g/fs it will help cover costs of buying a house... but honestly, id much rather it go to upgrading ridge st in merewether... anyone else who has stiff coilovers and has to drive down it will agree with me.

after re-reading it i can see now that you were having a dig at roy... sorry mate, i just mistook your sarcasm for uppity bitchiness. so i do apologise for that..

as for my retirement, ive upped my super payments and usually put my tax return in there aswell.. that should take care of later on... im not worried about kids.. so what you will spend on your kids... i will spend on ... well ... my girl, my dog, my house, and most importantly, my car.

back to the topic... are s14s really 10k?? i couldnt find a manual s13 with sr20det for under 10g before i bought the 32.. most of the s14s were 15k and up.. s15s 20k and up

buy a ke70 for $400... strip it out, drop in a 4age, weld the diff up, some falcon springs, add a sports seat and wheel and some mad deep dish 14" ssr mesh rims and you'll be set. then you can buy a diesel lowlux for $2000 and you have a tow vehicle.

Money = security and freedom.

A rich bloke who loses his job tomorrow can afford to kick back and relax. A poor bloke who relies on his pay cheque to get him through another week will be terrified of being jobless.

Money does not make you happy if you are a sour puss, it makes you feel even more happy though when you are already a cheerful person.

i hadnt planned for the govt grant... therefore i have no reason to keep it but it with mine and my g/fs it will help cover costs of buying a house... but honestly, id much rather it go to upgrading ridge st in merewether... anyone else who has stiff coilovers and has to drive down it will agree with me.

after re-reading it i can see now that you were having a dig at roy... sorry mate, i just mistook your sarcasm for uppity bitchiness. so i do apologise for that..

as for my retirement, ive upped my super payments and usually put my tax return in there aswell.. that should take care of later on... im not worried about kids.. so what you will spend on your kids... i will spend on ... well ... my girl, my dog, my house, and most importantly, my car.

back to the topic... are s14s really 10k?? i couldnt find a manual s13 with sr20det for under 10g before i bought the 32.. most of the s14s were 15k and up.. s15s 20k and up

buy a ke70 for $400... strip it out, drop in a 4age, weld the diff up, some falcon springs, add a sports seat and wheel and some mad deep dish 14" ssr mesh rims and you'll be set. then you can buy a diesel lowlux for $2000 and you have a tow vehicle.

series 2 in a mad colour for 11,800

Money = security and freedom.

A rich bloke who loses his job tomorrow can afford to kick back and relax. A poor bloke who relies on his pay cheque to get him through another week will be terrified of being jobless.

LOL but abloke looking down the barrel of the remaining 15-20 years of mortgage is going to shit himself when he loses his job :)

All you people worried about retiring and being old....you need to have more faith in my industry! :) They will have enough pharmaceuticals in 20 years that at 70 i plan on running the hundred in 11 seconds, root like a porn star, drink like a 18yr old and probably be able to catch fish in a running stream with my bare hands. Hopefully by the time i retire all the good drugs will have run out of patent and generics will be coming cheaply out of whatever emerging market the world has left in 40 years time :)

At that age we will all be wishing we had R31 GTS-Rs and we hadnt hung shit on them as kids :)

LOL but abloke looking down the barrel of the remaining 15-20 years of mortgage is going to shit himself when he loses his job :)

All you people worried about retiring and being old....you need to have more faith in my industry! :) They will have enough pharmaceuticals in 20 years that at 70 i plan on running the hundred in 11 seconds, root like a porn star, drink like a 18yr old and probably be able to catch fish in a running stream with my bare hands. Hopefully by the time i retire all the good drugs will have run out of patent and generics will be coming cheaply out of whatever emerging market the world has left in 40 years time :)

At that age we will all be wishing we had R31 GTS-Rs and we hadnt hung shit on them as kids :)

What!...You cant do those things already Roy? :)

heydude, you already have a lot to go off in this topic and it sounds like in your previous post your going to make the (financially) correct decision.

However in black and white terms it's never a good idea to borrow money on a depreciating asset especially a moneypit like a performance car, I guess everyone has their own priority list.

Unless your a moneybags or born into it, you will have to do the hard yards at some stage in your life, how hard and when is upto you.

But your initial question, I think save get off your p's finish study's land a sweet job and get a r34 gtr

I bought my 32 with cash about 7 years ago and have spent well over 50k on it totally enjoyed everyminute of it so far even though it is a track only beast now that sits in the garage more than anything else. It is still a dirty moneypit that has eaten up more than just discretionary funds at times. Far too much of a burden with a part time job IMO.

My 2c


At that age we will all be wishing we had R31 GTS-Rs and we hadnt hung shit on them as kids :wave:

never happen mate :D

At the end of the day, these cars aren't really losing shitloads of value - its not like he's going to go and buy say a VY SS for $30k which by next year will be worth $20k.

At least he's not planning on borrowing 10k for mods or something!

IMO asking for financial advice on an internet forum, especially a car one is going to cause quite a lively discussion, which it has lol.

hey dude i got another way of thinking - do you need to spend big money to have fun in your car? I ( just like a lot of other ppl on this forum ) have spent a fortune on cars. I built them mostly without needing a loan but i got a loan to buy a 180sx when i was an apprentice electrician as a second yr i was paying $100 per week of my $300 per week pay. It worked out ok for me i got back what i paid for the car two years i had it. This is the exception rather than the rule!! I spent a fortune on a rb26 to put back into my r33 after it blew up i never finished the engine in time and sold the car in pieces obviously lost a fortune there but, my point is now i want a cheap car with maybe 300 hp nothing crazy i dont have to worry about a s13 or an r31 or r32 with a bolt on turbo and a safc + coilovers something i can race at the drags if i want or try a track day, leave at the carpark of the local shops and not care if it gets a trolley in the side its nice to have a really nice car excellent paint and hugh hp and the latest model skyline or whatever but in my opinion its just too much money to enjoy it my 2 cents anyway sometimes the cheapest cars are the best fun

debt while your studying for a car that will most probably have serious problems in the future is not a smart thing to do....

most of our imports have been thrashed to the shit house over in japan even before they get here, the km's are always wrong so you should at least do the 100 000km service on what ever car you get no matter if the odometer says its under or over 100 000km's.

before uni i worked full time + a shit load of overtime to buy my car out right, have enough for insurance, and an extra Few thousand incase something went wrong.

Also if you borrow on the car and something gos wrong a month down the track, can you afford to be paying for a car that needs repairs, aswell as repayments on the car, aswell as complete your uni without failing subjects and work enough to keep earning $300/week???? once you get into this cycle you are f*ked...

and your at uni right, lets say RAS1983's calculations are correct.... uni books arn't cheap, don't know about you but last year i spent nearly $1000 just on uni books, depends on your uni, subjects and if you can get 2nd hand ones or not....

your young and have friends that want to do things, go to movies, have something to eat, petrol, possible girl friend.... bla bla bla

general maintenance of the car, turbo cars shud have oil change every 5000km, plus regular servicing, tyres from anywhere of $80 each or more, brake pads,

then the good bit come in a year later, ctp green slip, most people pay around $600, i got mine down to $300, insurance again, rego, pink slip (assuming it passes).

I garantee you will be in the red, and if you don't you will either sell the car anyway and waste allot of money or be a slave to working more hours and increase the risk of getting sick more often, common colds, glandular fever (you'll be off work for a month nearly) general stress...

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