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hey all

my r33 gts-t goes fine, no flat spots, revs out nicely, makes good boost, no smoke and good power.

randomly however (also seems to only happen when the headlights are on) the car will stall. not stall as in konk out, but as in you will be driving, doing whatever speed, red lights will come on on the dash, and there will be no motor. crank the starter, it'll fire up and you can keep driving as if nothing happened.

pretty dangerous... is there any particular earth i should be looking at? it has only happened to me when the headlights are on.


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my skyline does this also...did it the other day whilst driving...but mainly wen im in undercover parking spots...do u have an aftermarket BOV? bcuz mine relates back to the fact i have a drift BOV as told to me by some of the guys on here wen i first got the skyline....pretty much i was in a traffic jam the other day and i took my foot of the pedal to quick and the car just dies...all the lights on the dash come on..car keeps rolling lol just chuck it in neutral and start it up goes fine

not sure if this is the same problem but wen read ur post it sounds like what my car does...ive been told to just go back to stock BOV but i love the plumb back noise :domokun:

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