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Hi All,

Had a bit of an experience last night on Springvale Rd between Burwood Hwy down to Livingstone Rd just after Mobil / Channel 10.

All I can say is my defensive driving skills kicked in (thanks AAMI), car and myself in one piece.

I turned on to Springvale Rd....over the hill towards the lights at Burwood hwy, pulled up in the far right lane

proceeding towards Nunnawading...was behind about 2 or 3 cars waiting for the lights to change.

There were a few other cars and a truck in the middle and far left lane etc...

I noticed this VS Silver Commodore in the very left lane that merges back in near the bus stop.

He had his indicator on to turn left, a bit odd as he was heading straight.

Started to hear someone yelling out, tooting the horn etc... think it was the guy but who knows, line of sight was blocked by cars that had pulled up to the light in the meantime.

As all cars left the lights, going past the Burv he proceeded to veer/force his way across three/four lanes of traffic straight for me!

Caused a hell of a commotion as he virtually stopped three lanes of traffic, cars veering left/right to avoid colliding with each other and this totally f****d up moron.

Not to mention the cars coming down the hill across Burwood hwy behind us at 80KM...I was just waiting for a huge pile up.

He tried to force me off the road on to the middle nature strip near the burv.

Then after myself and a few other cars got around him, he proceeded to chase me agin pulled in front and tried another rolling stop on me closer to Mobil.....I DIDNT HAVE A BAR OF IT!! and once again used some evasive manourving to get around the c**!, same with other cars that got banked behind me.

Every way I tried to go he tried to get in front first and slow me down.

Then it happened again just after Mobil in front of wobbies world (now gone), anyway, got around him again, never once did i let him bring me to a complete stop or give him time to jump out of the car.

His final attempt about another 100metres down the road was a failure from the start, as I sped up enough to allow him to pull up next to me until we got to Livingstone road pedestrian crossing where I veered of in the turning lane and got away through back streets... I watched in the mirror as he reversed back past the pedestrian fencing to turn and follow but by that time he had no hope, i was gone.

So all who travel in this area just be wary of any silver vs commodore thats starts veering towards you

and tries to pull in front and slow down, he may be trying the same on you.

Didnt get the rego as i was to busy driving, evading, head checking etc...

Spoke to helpful Sargent over the phone at Nuna Police today but not much can be done if there's no rego taken, silver vs's are more common than white ones he commented.

He advised to call 000 from the car if it occurs again, or turnaround and drive away do not get out of the car.

I have never seen this driver/car before and hope not to ever see them again.

Nor have i pissed off anyone, it was a totally random event.

This kind of sh.. makes me want to stop driving.


ps. No other silver stag drivers in the area cut of a vs commodore lately? Case of mistaken identity.

what a dip shit.

thats near me too. might have to get the trusy mini baseball bat i got from rebel sport :( .

bloody holden drivers, did it have anything fancy, like those stupid clear lights ? p plates ? tow bar ? wheels ? anything that stuck other then silver

sorry to hear about it, that area has a few sketchy people and drivers haha

this is when i miss a clutch, RWD/my datto in general... highspeed U-turns FTW

Of course you probably would not be as likely a target in the 1600 as in the Stag

Of course you probably would not be as likely a target in the 1600 as in the Stag

you would be suprised... mine was worth more than my stag, and i worried more about parking it places than i did my stag... heard some horror stories from NSW about dattos and rotors

Cheers peoples.

Yeah it was freaky, but no adreneline rush, no panic like you'd expect,

maybe im starting to become immune from such experiences.

Yeah I've got a clublock & a big maglite type torch :)

It was just a plain old vs, with tinted windows, not lowered or anything, maybe berlina rims but that all.

Prefer not to use clublock, because I would unleash some fury thats for sure and would stop untill the

individual is incapcaitated or I see no further threat to myself.

Seen that those stickers before.... "Dont F.... with me I F... Back! ", " Beware of the owner, not the dog! "....Thats me.

But who knows what they have in the car?? Thats the risk.

That was a sick experience...better never get of your car...remember you have 1700 Kg. of steel around you +you never know what does the sick individual have...you can have a lock but he can have from a stupid knife to a gun so avoid the hand on hand confrontation

( remember since the invention of gun powder there is no more cowards...)

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