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as mentioned my rb20 runs pretty hot and sometimes on a warm day (30+degrees) it will overheat in slow traffic.

now im running a tripple core radiator, aircon has been removed including the stock thermo fan (aircon removal only done a week ago in an attempt to help improve cooling with not much success)

im thinking about taking out the large single fan that sits behind the radiator and putting in two large thermo fans that run constantly, what are your opinions?

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do the usuals radiator flush (proper one at the radiator shop)

new thermostat

new rad cap

check fan clutch is working (see if theres oil all around the fan hub)

fresh coolant after system flush

pressure test (check for leaks especialy from water pump

if it still gets hot after all that T.K. test for head gasket

Are you running corrosion inhibitor in the cooling system?

You might have a crook water pump - the vanes rust away because of not using the corrosion inhibitor additive.

An article in the latest HPI suggests huge radiators are a waste.

thanks for all the replies so far;

the radiator flush was done recently, has fresh coolant, brand new radiator cap, has been pressure tested, although im not to sure about the corrosion inhibitor which could lead to dead water pump

the clutch fan works and it has a shroud although there is a hole in the top of the shroud big enough to fit all your fingers in at once

and yes i have a front mount, its a gtr one and there is a good 15cm gap, the cooler is also mounted on a slight angle if that makes a difference

the water pump was my next guess but it doesnt make sense if it works fine on most days, if it were stuffed then wouldnt it overheat all the time?

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