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You must have had your baseball cap on backwards-sideways or some other blatant hoon behaviour.

Fight the powers!, I hope the judge gives the cop a serve for clogging the legal system with such frivolous crap.

What a joke.

i also said sorry for taking the courts time for such a small matter - the judge seemed to appreciate that

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to the police members on here ...............................

why is it that every ford focus barina etc that live in my local area that i see every day

have bald front tires and are clearly unsafe never ever get done like this?

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to the police members on here ...............................

why is it that every ford focus barina etc that live in my local area that i see every day

have bald front tires and are clearly unsafe never ever get done like this?

I'm not a cop but I'll answer that.........it's called "Discrimination".

PS Well done for fighting the charge.

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to the police members on here ...............................

why is it that every ford focus barina etc that live in my local area that i see every day

have bald front tires and are clearly unsafe never ever get done like this?

because our cars attract attention. and becuase half the skyling drivers in the world are wankers that drift and skid on public streets?

it's shit, but it's easy to see how the stereotype came about. and let's face it. 4/5 imports pulled over are probably defectable.

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The other scam they pull is not having a spare tyre in the vehicle.... They tryed to pull that on me. I explained to them that I would take the fine and see them in court explaining to them that it is not a defect and they should pull over the new BMW's, Merc's and VW's as they come with a can of spray as the spare or a flat tyre straight tyre out of the factory....If you have a spare it must have legal tread (doesn't have to be pumped up) if there is no spare they cannot do a thing... Helps when you worked in the industry....They decided not to give me the fine and did a RBT instead funny that.....

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im off to court tommorow again at richlands

the f**k wit cops still have not sent the information my lawyer has requested of them!

so im off to ask for 2 more weeks so the idiot qld police can get there shit together

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talk to your lawyer, thats what you've paid him for.

I have never been to court before, but presumably whenever you were going to ask for another 2 weeks, just say something like "the police have failed to provide me with the documents that I have requested and am legally entitled to and as such has wasted another one of my days, and more of the courts time. I wish to ask for the case to be dismissed so I dont have to waste more of the courts time in dealing with a bogus offense."

again, talk to your lawyer - i may have it all wrong ^_^

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talk to your lawyer, thats what you've paid him for.

I have never been to court before, but presumably whenever you were going to ask for another 2 weeks, just say something like "the police have failed to provide me with the documents that I have requested and am legally entitled to and as such has wasted another one of my days, and more of the courts time. I wish to ask for the case to be dismissed so I dont have to waste more of the courts time in dealing with a bogus offense."

again, talk to your lawyer - i may have it all wrong ^_^

ok good info

ill try bring this up in the morning

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Thanks matey

Unless you kick your lawyer in the arse and get him moving he will be quite happy to drag it out as long as the cops want to. Remember, He gets paid every time he does something on your behalf.

he may have you convinced that hes on your side but believe me, He isnt. He is on his side.

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Your lawyer is laughing all the way to the bank, if they don't supply info that has been requested in a fair time you can get it dismissed, been there done that.

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oh nice

my lawyers ok

he advised me he doesent have to attend to adjournments to save me $$$

but i dont mind spending the money to see how this all pans out

it will be good for all of us to take a look at the system and decide if it will be worth fighting that misinformed bigot cop

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