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GTR's: r32 vs r33

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Another VS thread.

I would like to hear everyones opinions about the R32 GTR vs the R33 GTR.

I can afford either one of these very capable machines, and I am weighing up the pro's and cons.

I would like to hear what you guys have to say.. Has anyone here owned both? Also current owners of either vehicle's opinions would definately be considered.


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although I dun own one...yet....

Appearance of R32 vs. R33 can be entirely subjective...so i'll leave that out.

However, paper specs of stock for stock GT-Rs would put the R32 up front, but in real world terms might not be much at all....

if it were up to me I'll get the 33 simply cos it's newer;)

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I have an R33 GTR. I bought it over a 32 mostly because I had a 96 gtst and didn't want to go backwards (age mostly) and prefered the 33's looks. They are bigger than the 32's with more room inside but it comes down to what you like the most. I couldn't find a decent 32 when I was looking so opted for a 33..

Plus my number plates have R33 in them so I had to have one to keep the plates from being stupid!!!!! ha ha ha

Yeah the 32's brand new were quicker but remember that most of them have done more kms' than most 33's so they should be pretty even these days...


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Quicker how, perhaps 1/4 mile. But i would hazard a guess that R33s stop better, quicker around circuits or good stretch of road.

There are so many on the market with nice bits and pieces i think it really comes down to the quality/value of each car your looking at.

Lock yourslef into the market for only an R32 and you may miss an awesome R33, and vice versa.

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The 33 has brembo's whereas the 32 didn't (except for Vspecs), and I guess with newer suspension the 33 might corner better but I wouldn't put money on it. Weight wise it's only around 50 - 70kgs difference so they would still be pretty close. It's only around 1 tenth difference over a 1/4 mile anyway...

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Either buddy, they are both GTR's after all!!! ha ha ha

32 would be a little more 'chuckable' than a 33, but both outhandle most other cars on the road so you have a blast no matter what one you pick.. For long drives I'd pick the 33 with more room. I can punt my R into a corner 15 - 20 km/hr faster than my old GTS and it feels safer too....

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EVL33, Yeah, I was having some fun with that on the test drives. I do love both of these cars.

And ATESSA is definately fun.

I think an R32 would suit me more as its a less 'pimp' looking ride, a bit more down to earth styling.. and imho less inclined to get keyed at your local shopping center by a jealous 80's falcadore owner than an r33..

However, with the 15 year import rule coming in, there will be a lot more people in the lower price bracket range driving around in these. (especially GTR's). This is a bit of a turn off, as mid 2005 everyone will probably have one. Like the Silvias..

The R33 has heaps of room and gets looked at a hell of a lot more though. It's a very tough decision.

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both cars have a similar weight, only 50kgs difference so that doesnt really make much of a difference, both cars are still quite heavy and you notice it around town (and in your petrol bills).

r32 is definately more tail happy, is much smaller inside and has more of a race car feel.

the r33 has a longer wheel base, and reworked attessa, and feels much more stable and is less inclined to get the tail out unless you are really pushing it...

stock for stock the 32 is much more fun to drive, you could almost say the 33 is boring in comparison, and while it still is a fast car it doesnt feel it.

once you reach the 450-500hp mark the 32 starts to get 'unstable' and requires considerable driving skill, around this power level the 33 is just starting to become fun to drive and is still very stable.

once you reach around 600hp the 32 is starting to become unsuitable for the street, however the 33 is brilliant at this stage and shrugs off everything you throw at it, at this level of power the 33 is an awesome car.

over 600hp, 33gtr.

this is just my opinion after driving and riding in both cars at various power levels, some may disagree :(

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I would personally prefer a r33 GTr cause its newer, r32 are a bit old... Is it me or is the r32 dash look real dated? When i sit in a r33 it feels like a new car but the r32 interior is old and small and just done appeal to me at all! but from the outside the look of the r32 from the front those lights..... All i can say is beast!!! i love the r32 body!

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Hey croat,

My g/f is Yugoslav. Good looking people :)

The r32 dash isnt that bad if you put a nismo or equiv dash in. The air conditioning vents on the sides are modern looking, the round ones anyway.

To be honest the 'new car' part is definately a plus.. but I have seen some DAGGY r32 gtr's and recently just seen some r32 gtr's that are in absolutely mint condition that made me fall in love with the series. In any case, I will locate the best quality r32 gtr and the dash will be replaced and i will be putting in new soft black leather on the gearshift and handbrake to make it look new again.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I can either get a really beautiful well looked after r32 GTR with low km's, or get a r33 GTR in the lower part of the price bracket that probably isnt as well looked after.

FYI I am comparing Stock Standard examples.

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ATESSA program of R32 is not as advance as r33, r33's is more predictable, which makes r33 a silighter faster car alround.

also age is a BIG problem, i will pick a r32 IF it is really good condition, else r33 is a better choice

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Hey guys, you've all got good opinions so far, it would be good to hear more.. But..

I am starting to think the R32 GTR is one of those cars that will always be regarded a classic. like the original mustang.. I believe this is the car that a car company got 'Right'. The r33 is also one of those cars, but is not as raw as an example as the r32.

I am of the opinion that the r33 has a softer, more commercial oriented slant the car company introduced to appeal to more people in general. Like the overall size inside and so forth. It seems like less of a racing car.

A good condition r32 with low kilometers is not rare, but certainly is uncommon due to the cars age. I believe if I treat it like a road registered race car, and lube it with racing oils (like Motul) and service it every 5000km's, it will be in a lot more solid running condition than a large portion of R33's out there.

I think keeping the car close to stock, which, In my opinion is still plenty of power and fun.. will mean my car will be on the road the majority of its life.

If I was going to modify the car up to 600hp, I would get a R33, I intend on keeping my car close to stock performance wise.. no more than an exhaust system and air intake.. the r33 simply wont be as chuckable and fun.

I also believe the ATESSA is still quite good on the r32. It's been improved from the r33 to the r34, it does not mean the ATESSA system on the r33 is shite either.

What do you think?

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As a few others have said, i think the R33 is going to be quicker when conrers and stops are introduced, as the ATESSA has been improved, bit better brakes (late model ABS as well... computer power!) and different wheelbase and track, which all go some wasy to making the car grip/handle a litte more consistantly.

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the r33 might be quicker, but the r32 is more fun to drive. And I want fun over speed as I am keeping the car close to stock. The difference is not an overly huge amount anyway.

The fact is its still a GTR and from my small amounts of driving experience in both models an r32 will still kick nine colours of shit out of everything else on the road, especially the wrx lads.

How much of a difference are we talking here between the r33's atessa system? 10%? twice as good?

I guess i'll just have to get a V-spec r32. :uh-huh:

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Dude, if you plan on keeping the R stock you might reconsider your statement about whopping WRX's on the street.. If they are slightly modded and have a decent driver you'll be in for a very close race... Remember the rexy has a lot less weight than we do and 4wd. R's are not super quick when stock, ask any owner... :P

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I think the reason most R's are not quick when they are stock is the terrible exhaust system they are gagged with as well as that 206kw restricter thing.. what the hells it called someone?

When I say 'close to stock' I mean stock with a basic exhaust system (not a $4000 rice cannon) and the restricter removed, and some new air filters for the existing stock air box.

No fmic's, no boost controllers, no bov's or any of that..

I'm sorry, I always thought ATESSA was a better system to 4wd, especially a pig understeerer like a rex.

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