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Vic-nice Roads/spots To Boost/cruise Your Skyline

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Hey fellow skyliners. :(

I wanted to start a new thread on good locations to take your car for a drive. Please feel free to add other locations that you found fun.

Twisty road and great views:

Apart from the obvious one which is great ocean road, towards lorne, I found Arthurs Seat my favourite. Arthus Seat is on the way to Sorrento. It has some twisty roads while you climb up and the mountain has the best view i ever seen anywhere in Victoria. I highly recommend it.

ill add some pictures i took off my mobile camera to give you an idea of what the view looks like from the top. It also pays to go up there during night if its a nice and hot night, apart from beatuiful views, you might even get lucky if your with your ladie/s lol...enough said.



Please feel free do add your thought on great locations, as i am looking to explore Victoria a bit more.

The blackspur for sure! , such a smooth surface and great corners and straights..

maybe in a few years when it looks decent, atm not much of a view to go look ...

but yes roads are very smooth and twisty in some parts :( much fun to drive on

p.s , this may just help the cops out on where to locate and sting skyline drivers ....... hot spots if you must :)

Probably not for a skyline, but my mate took me in his Evo on this windy gravel road that was about 20-30kms - the best public rallying road I have ever been on. Not a single car for the whole stretch. Awesome fun.

Forgot the name of it, but it is the unsealed road you take from the Otway Fly to the Great Ocean Rd. Actually I think there are a few roads in that region quite similar. Almost made me want an Evo.... almost :D

kew boulavard always good at night, not during the day though to many people. Any one ever go there?

Are your referring to Alexandra avenue area? Or somewhere else?

a friend kept insisting that i should visit the boulevard

and then when i did go there with him, I came accross a white Ford Territory with some big antenaes and blue and red light on the roof

it pulled over, let me through and then sat on my tail for about 1km, before turning off to the side and turning its sirens on

lucky me

lol you know everyone i speak to about that boulevard says yeah there was a cop there, a mobile camera unit etc. as i said i drive down there EVERYDAY and have NEVER seen a cop. weird lol.

i do that drive a lot at night.. there are cops occasionally.

lol you know everyone i speak to about that boulevard says yeah there was a cop there, a mobile camera unit etc. as i said i drive down there EVERYDAY and have NEVER seen a cop. weird lol.

funny that. my friend said that there is never any cops there as well.

might be just my luck for picking the right day and time

speaking of the Yarra blvd there - i drive that rd about 3-4 tmes a week to work and back.

the other night i was driving there with a amte about 4am..and i swear i kept seeing flashes form one of the ouses everytime we went past it. so went back past there to have a look and see if it was a mobile camera or what...but cos it was dark i couldt see anythng. Then when we left *flash* twice again. maybe it wsa a pissed off resident taking photos of cvars flying up there late at night to report to the police?

sop anyone wishing to drive that route be careful.

Out of curiousity 0 if it was a resident claiming cars we 'speeding' up the road at night and she tookphotos of our plates, wat can the police actually do without evidence of us driving dangerously or speeding?? anyone know?

Out of curiousity 0 if it was a resident claiming cars we 'speeding' up the road at night and she tookphotos of our plates, wat can the police actually do without evidence of us driving dangerously or speeding?? anyone know?

lol you didn't see anyone and have assumed it was a woman...

Without doubt Mountain highway (Enter from the mount dandenong tourist road). The speed limit is 70km/h and its very twisty and windy. Highly recommended. The speed limit is simply stupid, way too fast for the average driver.

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