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Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone has any idea why i keep getting a fairly load, high pitched, one second long beep originating from my head unit somewhere at randoms intervals? I have a 2003 V-35 350GT Sedan and my cd player is cactus like majority (CD Err F0) so i use the AUX IN on the Bose headunit/tv box. I dont get any messages pop up on my display when it happens and i have no lights illuminated on my dash. I have even tried it with the Navigation DVD inserted but that made no difference.

It seems to appear a bit more after i have driven for 1/2 hour or so. Is it some sort of alarm or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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do you have factory tv with navi dvd rom? if so have you checked in your trip computer that your service interval reminder is not on?

um considoring everything is in jap with my TV screen what should i be looking for with this service reminder??

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If you don't have a translated JPNZ manual, yeah that's a challenge. I got one at home, If I got time tonight I can post it here step by step how to get to the service reminder screen. Unless other SAU member have it too and want to post it here before I do...

Hope that solves your problem. gotta get back to work now...

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do you have factory tv with navi dvd rom? if so have you checked in your trip computer that your service interval reminder is not on?

Hmm ok interesting point. Could be a reason why. Beep appears to be coming from the centre console also. I will see what i can do with the servicing, as i think i have a translated manual in my glovebox.

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If the translated manual in your glovebox is the one you've been given from compliance, it's pretty useless for this exercise as it doesn't cover the NAV screen aspect.

Here is step by step instruction to get to the service screen setup:

1. With your Nav screen pops out, press the "Vehicle Information" button (車両情報), which is the top row, third from the right.


2. Using your jog wheel, move the yellow selection to "Mechanical / Service Info" (メソテナソス情報), which is on the right column, third one down.


3. You got 4 categories. They are for: engine oil (エンジンオイル), oil filter (オイルフィルタ), tyres (タイヤ), and other services (その他ピットサイン). In this example below I had everything set to 5000 km, or 0.5 x 1 tens of thousands (万). Maximum on the scale is 15000km or 1.5万.

Chinese and Japanese use "tens of thousands", not "thousands" as opposed to many western numeric system.


4. Using the jog wheel, click OK to go into each category. Repeat below steps (either method a or b) for each category:

a) You can reduce the number of KM travelled to 0 km, that way it will never be ON. to do that press your jog wheel to the left while your selection is in the middle option "Distance Settings" with the <距離設定> symbol. This is to reduce or increase km interval.


Once you reached 0km, note that the last selection down the button (where it has a green indicator) became greyed out.


Don't worry about the top one it's something to do with "Reset" which I could never really figure out what for.

b) If you do not wish to change the interval KM as in point a) above, you can use the third selection "View Notice" (お知らせ表示) where there is a green square indicator. Green indicates this notification is ON.


Click it so the green indicator square become grey. This will turn off your notification for that category.


5) Press the "Return" button (戻る) at the bottom right corner, to go back to the main service screen in Step 3. Repeat Step 4 and 5 for the other 3 Categories if you wish them to be turned off as well.


6) Press the "Return" button again to go back to main Vehicle Information Screen, and press again to go back to your Navigation main screen.

Or you just close down the screen.

If you find this helpful, maybe admin can sticky this up.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry if i misunderstood, but if u mean you wan to find the leaf screen, follow step 1-pressing that button and select the 1st thing in the right column, walah~ leaf thingo~

Question for you guys that changed to aftermarket headunit, when i got mine done, the button for navi and most other stuff doesnt work, but the button that leads to leaf thingo still works.. and when i start the car, the screen starts at TV, with snow flake(pretty normal, coz i didnt change the tuner).. But originally(before changing HU) it should be like nissan welcoming stuff screen when u first start the car..

Anyone got idea why and how to change it back? OR setting the leaf thingo as the FIRST thingo that appear when u start the car?

Thanks in advance~

there is screen with leaf and that shows the Km/L and amount KM you can do with fuel left in tank.

but i still don't get the graphic with the leaf yet.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Guys,

Just revisiting this old thread due to finding out some new info as to what the beeping noise I am getting is refferred to. After a lot of troubleshooting, I finally found the error whilst monitoring the error codes the headunit records in its in-built diagnostic tool. I have managed to isolate the fault down to what is called an 'ES Information Line Cut Error' which displays as 'E-COM ##' on the inbuilt diagnosts, where ## is the number of time the error has occurred. I have been accessing the diagnostics menu by pressing 1 and 6 for a few seconds within 5 seconds of turning ignition onas per the manual. Basically, according to the G35 Workshop Manual I have, as shown in the attachment, this error occurs when the flexible printed circuit is disconnected between the electronic tuner / A/C controls and the audio controller. As far as I know this is the printed circuit board that attaches to the bottom right of the centre console, is this right?

From the above info, and based on what I have experienced previously with the flexible printed circuit cable, my cable may be a bit buggered. Does anyone out there happen to have any tips or tricks as to what I can do to get it working properly? I have previously resorted to securing the cable with electrical tape to ensure it doesnt fall out and thats still the current fix I have!

Any help would greatly appreciated as this noise is driving me crazy!!




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