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I find it humourous that some people WILL NOT give up :)

I had quite a laff yesterday while crusing to collaroy when some bro in an old skyline sillouette decided to cruise 1 metre from my ass down warringah road..... the first set of lights we hit hes up there next to me reving his car like a f**kin meathead just asking for a run.....i declined..

next lights same thing...... but i ran.... chopped him... thought that would be in but noooo hes back for another run... rev the shit out of his car next to me....

do people learn? rofl

I dont suppose this drag legend is on this list is he?


i know what u mean.

I had a oldskool v8 ute, like an old hq kingswood one with a 5.7l in it.

sounded nuts so i thought ok, he sat on my ass on m4 as i entered, so i gave it all the way to 5th till about 5500rpm he was still there.... was impressed but still a redneck :) (was near Penruff)

did sound nice for an 8, just didnt accellerate like mine :)

Worst thing is it wont be him the cops grab when you nail this c*nt just to try and teach him a lesson .... it's seems only the guys with chicks in shotgun learn once you've taken them because they know their girl ain't gonna be impressed if they lose twice.

The loners have no shame .... :wink:

I had a very similar story the other night, guy the R31 pulls out behind me from Subway, i'm just taking off and he's right up my clacker, pulls out behind me and guns it, then slows down next to me and gives it a rev, there's cars up ahead and I ain't going. Bout a km down the road he's stopping and starting, we pulled up to these lights and he's just begging for it. And even though my cars not running great at the minute, he was destroyed. So it's true, there are f**kwits out there who thought they were buying a jap spec VL.

Nah it was a white one. But on the most part, most skyline drivers i've seen have been cool, saw a couple of guys on saturday, waved at one dude in a black GTS, another in a white GST(25T?) with a GTR kit. Then you get tools like that dude, and one night we went out cruising with a guy I know in a White 33 and an S13 Silvia, we lost the guy in the silvia, next thing this guy in a Silver 4 door 33 pulls out of this driveway (Bottolo I think) and just floors it past us. Like what's the point :) ? But there definately seems to be a good number of Skylines out on the weekends. Not so many during the week.

Its kinda funny when kids in their riced up little s**tboxes wanna race. They will risk loss of licence and huge fines 2 race on the street, but dont have the guts 2 race against real Hi Performance cars at Eastern Creek Off Street Drags.

they are all try hard wanna - bees and are just jealous of your car. It s usually best 2 ignore them, unless U really wanna teach them a lesson :)

Well I live on the northside, I saw the White 33 with the GTR kit at Brookside shopping centre. And the Black GTS was just down the road, but he saw me and waved. I saw two other 33's saturday night parked outside Mary Street Night club, the white one drove off and me 3/4 tanked just saw the arse end not who got into it. But the Black one was still there. And I the dude with the Silver 33 4 Door with the Maroon Front Bar a couple of times, he only lives at mitchy as I found out today. Can't remember his name though.

By By,

SKYLINES REPRESENT! Glad 2 hear that you guys here are Showing the Sh***** riceboy fast and furious wannabes whats up when provoked.

Should B up for a cruise on SAT night if car is ready. My suspension is in ( minus control arm bushes) and NISMO mechanical Diff centre should B in by then.......I'll be itching 2 take the car out for a quick squirt...

Mona Vale and Powderworks Rd is my cars playground :)

Dont have ICQ or messenger 2 my knowledge, but i'll PM my mobile # so U can SMS me on SAT.....

Hope 2 catch up with everyone then :)

Guest 33GTS25

believe me jimbo, if you attended this particular club you would be astounded at how many idiots have crawled out of the slime and proclaimed themselves to be human just because they walk on two legs.

mind you the first time i went there ( some years ago) i went with a bunch of guys whom i used to box with.

picture this: 13 big black guys (all of us were islanders) maori's, fijian's samoan's and tongans. the smallest guy in the group was 5'11" and 95 kilos and all of us were boxers/ kickboxers/ body builders

now imagine 7 pimply faced 18 year old uni students who are as "full as a coons valiant" and just happen to think that they are ten foot tall and bulletproof

normal story from here on in: one of the drunk uni students decided to start something he shouldn't have without his parents permission.

in other words he decided to look for the biggest guy in our group and proceeded to tell him that black guys are full of piss and wind and couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag

we, obviously laughed at this guy and went back to drinking and feeling up young girls until out of nowhere this young kid comes flying out of nowhere and thrown a big haymaker into my mates head from behind.

as you can imagine, hell erupted from here on in and this is only one of many stories about this club.

hence. my reasons for not going back to this hole

umm/ rant over

Well I can only speak for myself, I don't go looking for fights, some who they do tend for find their way into my lap though. And I wouldn't park my car anywhere in town, get scared enough just driving through, waiting for a bottle or something. Don't you love it when people try and race you right in the CBD though ? This dude in a lancer just wouldn't give out the other day, followed me right through town, the valley then I finally gave in through newstead. I can't wait till my car is actually running on song though. D贸 you know any good performance centers round town ? I've heard some alright things about Advanced Performance (I think) but they're way over at underwood.

picture this: 13 big black guys (all of us were islanders)



so you guys arn't islanders anymore?

man... thats some crazy shit! :)

(Sorry man, just couldn't resist!! :mrgreen: )


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