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Hey guys, loving the forum so far, has been a great source of info.

One thing I would love to see is a place where we can post our answers to the problems we had, sort of like a problem referal. I know that we can look back through the old posts, but they are starting to become quite large, and not everyone posts their answers to problems in the right places.

I know this is a bit unclear so may be an example would help.

I had a problem with my fuel gauge showing full all the time. I posted and a got a few replies. One was on how to remove electrical plugs from the fuel pump, which would send a signal of empty to the gauge and thus I then know where the problem could be E.I. In my case the gauge worked fine, but I had to sort out issues in the fuel tank.

The thought struck me that if this is posted somewhere seperate (even on the main website may be???) as a method of checking fuel gauges are working, it could become a valuable resource. People who have got their problems sorted out could post their "final result" (for lack of a better word) and everyone would be able to instantly check that if they ever had a similar problem.

I know it means a bit more work for people but I for one would be more than happy to make one extra post somewhere seperate.

Other things that people have found (like may be a common fix for BOV, running rich etc) out could be posted that way people could check there first and may be fix the problem themselves.

It just seems a little bit of a waste to see some people with so much knowledge, and not everyone able to access/use it to the full extent.

Well let's here some idea's, I know I would love to be able to find out quickly what are some common fixes to problems .



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I actually think this would be a great idea. A "Troubleshooting" forum or something. It'd make things a bit more spread out - but it'd make the forums ALOT easier to use and it'd b good for those simply looking for help rather than discussing other stuff to do with their Skyline.

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Hmmmm, me thinks we are talking "Knowledge Base" software -

Useful only if people are willing to put the time in to categorising / inputting the different articles.

A very useful tool - not sure if vBulletin can do this sort of thing.

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Yeah I guess it could get a bit large and bloated, I was sort of thinking more along the lines of -

In the Post Subject is your problem, then in the message field you list what exactly was wrong/symptoms then you have a step by step on how to fix it. People would only post once their problem is fixed. This way people could browse a thread/section according to their problem, knowing that it would list symptons, so they knew that it was their problem and a step by step on how to fix. So anyone having hassles with a crook air con could see how to ix the temp sender etc.

I know it probably wouldn't get off the ground/ at least not how I imagine it, just a pity to have to keep asking the same questions again because you can't find the old posts.

Anyway, maybe the admins could cut/paste the useful stuff and lace it on the main website :( Dunno, it would be a lot of work, or like BrendanF suggested, would have to get different software.

Cheers anyway and keep up the good work guys,


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One thing we could do is have a solutions section that once the message was posted that thread is locked to others wanting to reply.


You go to the "Solutions Section"

Start new thread with title "How to solve fuel gauge showing full all the time"

Post your info then lock the thread so no one else can add a comment (only) to keep it neat)

Then submit or something.

The main problem is no matter how many times you tell people NOT to reply someone will and then someone else etc....suddenly your thread is full of rubbish.

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for the meantime, just to see how many people do it, just post "fuel guage problem - solution" in performance or general... i might open another thread inside General.

members can't lock threads, i dont think... only mods and admins.

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