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Cyclists are a road user same as cars, motocyclists, pedestrians etc. The public road system is for all road users. Respect the fact that your fellow human being is unprotected and give them the same/more respect as any other road user. As a regular cyclist, I see the unsolicited angst against cyclists all the time. There is no need for hero car drivers to brush past you with 3" clearance, blast the horn, rev limit your diesel and haze us in black smoke. So understandably we get upset as you are potentially trying TO KILL US !!

You might be just f**king around but it is the cyclist that will be in hospital or dead. Think about that a little.

Dont ever try this shit on me as if you happen to get caught at a red light...I'm dragging you out of your car and beating the @#$% out of you as a lesson.(about once a month on average and the heroes are invariably spineless cowards that whimper alot)

So chill and show the cyclists some respect, it may just be someone you know.

I was waiting for you to see this thread, I used to be a cyclist and I still show more respect to cyclists on the road than most useless motorists. Give them some space they are entilted to the road too.

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Make the Bastards pay rego, Green slips ( after all they can hit and injure people too ) and make the bikes wear a numberplate and have to go for rego inspections just like all of us every 12 months.

That's what happens in some countries eg., China.

Cyclist runs a red light kills a pedistian 200 buck fine. A motorist Jail minimum!

I think the legal system obviously thinks that motorists have greater rights to be on the road to cyclists as there penalities are harsher.

Jeez, cyclist vs pedestrian is just not a good accident to be in. You know no-one can come out of that without serious/paralyzing injuries

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this is to the peninsula peeps, does anyone see these guys riding down the olivers hill in frankston in the morning OMG..ill fill the people in who havnt seen it or been on it...its a 2 lane road both ways with a big concrete barrier in the middle, big hill these bikes FLY down, this 60 km/h road at atleast 70 k's (the other day saw one cyclists come off her bike cuz it was goin to fast and she stacked felt sorry 4 her) anyway problem here is they hog up the whole left lane and i cant count the amount of times i have been or seen a bus coming down and a car f*k me, if ur the car next to the bus who is behind the bike look out because buses are known for just pulling out, ive slammed my brakes so many f*king times its not funny to avoid a bus slamming and crushing me into the concrete barriers and my god if that ever happened u think the bike would be blamed at all f**k no, and when nepean highway in frankston turns into a bike lane do they stay in it? Hell No, they ride 4 wide into the lane

i was shocked when i read one of them leaned on his car pwahhhh i would go mental....

has anyone ever see the cops on the peninsula who ride bicycles?? i did the other week one time only, and where were they riding ON THE FOOTPATH i was so happy to see that, they risk their lives everyday so i dont think there gona take a chance at riding on the road good on em ;)


Edited by Jay_R33
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Flatten then, every one of them. If I had a steam roller I'd take on Beach Road and Mornington every weekend - nah just taking the piss.

What does REALLY shit me it the fact that they want equal rights but SO MANY do not obey the road rules - running red lights etc!!! :wave::P:D

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