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Inner West Crew Whoretown (toowong/st Lucia/kenmore/indooroopilly And Sometimes Sunnybank?)

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Martin I'll take it.

Also RE bbq if you guys wanna pitch in $5-$10 and I'll go the shops and grab everything. Depends on who's going to come so I know how much stuff to get. Burgers, steak, chicken, kebabs, snags etc.

let us know what the go is.

I’d tag along, but I still don’t have a running car, I got as far as my drive today!! Hell yes!!! Suspected fried injector driver or gremlin power issues to injectors now

Get a lift Josh!

I live in Bulimba. It's like 40minutes from Chapel Hill. Mission for people to come here. Can cat to city if someone is going through that way


Main Entry: me·di·o·cre

Pronunciation: \ˌmē-dē-ˈō-kər\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle French, from Latin mediocris, from medius middle + Old Latin ocris stony mountain; akin to Latin acer sharp — more at edge

Date: circa 1586

: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary, so-so


Not good, not bad, but a negative term nonetheless. Often used to describe something that is average, but was expected to be much better.

She was a mediocre student who could have been much better.

Main Entry: me·di·o·cre

Pronunciation: \ˌmē-dē-ˈō-kər\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Middle French, from Latin mediocris, from medius middle + Old Latin ocris stony mountain; akin to Latin acer sharp — more at edge

Date: circa 1586

: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary, so-so

had to push F5...4times jsut to see that? :S :D

Web site looks great tas :D

+1 for "amateur". I don't think there is any negative connotations in that one. Is there such thing as a part-time professional in motorsports anyhow? or any sports?.

You're also missing a word or two in "we reputable" of the second paragraph in About Us

Edited by GTTG
what do people think about products page? not finished but using that click on the brand and should come up from there?

I want to be able to click on the brand and see products, I wouldnt want to be hotlinked to the brands website. Kinda like Greenline, if I wish to buy an ARC product I can see what the suppler can get, not just re directed to ARC's site


What nismo said. I hate it when shops do that. I don't care if you can get the whole range I want to be able to browse through that catalogue without having 4 different windows open.

correct.. but it will take some time for me to set that up..

due to the fact there are 11ty billion products currently..

but thats the setup i thought of initially to create the whole.. show i sell for each brand instead of linking to their main site..

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