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Inner West Crew Whoretown (toowong/st Lucia/kenmore/indooroopilly And Sometimes Sunnybank?)

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mang I have no idea. I'm guessing I swap trains at beenleigh around 6pm but not sure what time the train gets in to kuraby. might be easier for me to just take a bus to southbank and bus it in

well sunnybank or kuraby trainstation. i can do. or logan, if there is one.

im from sydney so i wouldnt know about brisbane trains.

im pretty sure taht the train from the coast should stop at either kuraby or sunnybank.

call me and we can work something out.

if not, may be able to pick up martin and his mates.

Just found 2 x 2009 Bmw 750's (top of the line 7 series)

Pair $550 for 4 hours... Seems great value to me... Thoughts?

Anyone got any company suggestions?


Ok mangs. Im leaving now.

Colon and smity have my number via pm so just call and let me know if ya'll need a lift.

Discriminating comments taht make me die a little inside, here i come!

Ok mangs. Im leaving now.

Discriminating comments taht make me die a little inside, here i come!


Edited by mosquitocoils

Found another alternative, but its bloody expensive...

Plus I would want to drive it not have it follow me...

I mean I dont even get to ride in the other cars... :D

For the money they charge I should at least get to do a skid in it...


Nah, the rolls would be like an r33...

wait for the tidal wave to catch up when you stop...

Like it wouldn't be worth the look on Geeves' face as you drift his Rolls through a roundabout though :)

Edited by Isola

Lol John you're a dick.

Knackwurst was delicious, missing the 9:30 train was not so deliscious although there was a decent view while waiting for the train :)

Good night out lads.


except for people not knowing how to direct me!

Sif, you loved it. Awesome scenic route!

finally got petrol.

V-Powaaahhh ftw!

Did you drink it?

Nah, the rolls would be like an r33...

wait for the tidal wave to catch up when you stop...


What the hell did you need directions for? It's the German Club...

We were giving him bad directions to make sure colon missed his train :rolleyes:

Like it wouldn't be worth the look on Geeves' face as you drift his Rolls through a roundabout though :cool:


drift a rolls....

you'd need some massive speed into the corners to get the arse out on that 4 tonne beast...

That almost sounds like "I don't think I can do it" :P

+1. Soft :down:

Slow to begin with, but provides the lols later in the piece

Better, the lols are provided earlier without the slow boring lead up

Lol John you're a dick.


wurst was delicious

That's what she said

Knackwurst was delicious

+11ty billion

missing the 9:30 train was not so deliscious although there was a decent view while waiting for the train :cool:

That wait for the train just flew by :P. I bet the extra half hour you had to wait sucked though :rolleyes:

Shame those hotties didn't get on the caboolture train with us :down:

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