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So ive got my new High-Flow from hypergear and have been advised by many of you guys on these forums to get the injectors and AFM before my tune otherwise ill just have to tune it twice. (Safe tune with standard Inj etc & then retune with new Inj etc)

I have been been reading through Trents (URAS) FAQ on the EMU and it seems as though I can adjust settings fairly easily.

I have all the usual mods and I am running a Greddy EMU, so my question is if I get the software for my EMU and fix the settings for a Z32 AFM can I also redo settings for the Injectors so that I can drive down to CRD for the final tune?

Also if I was planning of playing around with E85 would 750cc Nismos be sufficient??

I am not out to fully tune it myself but I want to save the installation cost of getting CRD to install the Inj's and AFM cause I can do it myself.

Any views would be greatly appreciated.

yes you can change the AFM and injector setting in EMU then drive to CRD for tuning

I would leave the fine tuning of lag times etc to them

as for changing AFM its just in the drop down box on the front page in vehicle settings and injectors are a simple before and after

no in the emanage car setup menu there is a tab called I/J from memory and the first area down the bottom will say 380cc for your before then in the next Box (the after ) you enter the size of your new injectors and the emanage will scale them for you,well good enough to get you to the tuners anyway


halfway down

you will have to download the full version then update to the latest

also if you havent installed the emanage yet

dont forget to do the jumpers (from memory only jumper no8 needs to be changed )

and you will more then likely need an adapter for inside (the ignition adapter)


Sorry mate I should have been clear with my original post. EMU is already installed. Was done in early 08 bt CRD, just after the software to have a play on the laptop.

joeyjoejoejunior....(What a mouthfull!) so 750's will be plenty with the "standard mods"? Im currently running 217rwkw before Highflow with standard AFM & Injectors aiming for around 250 odd with the Highflow but maybe a bit more with E85

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