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Visiting Blocked Sites?


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Recently the IT dept has blocked a number of sites from our computers. It won't be long till my dept head will get our access back, but in the mean time how can I get to my favourite sites?

I have heard of a website you go to which will then allow you to go to anysite you want. I think it works by changing the address, so www.sau.com would become www.othersite.com/www.sau.com or somwthing like that.. but i can't find anything about such a site.

I can't install anything on the pc either.

Is there a fairly easy way to achieve this?

I don't really care if they can track it or not.

Thanks in advance...

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Recently the IT dept has blocked a number of sites from our computers. It won't be long till my dept head will get our access back, but in the mean time how can I get to my favourite sites?

I have heard of a website you go to which will then allow you to go to anysite you want. I think it works by changing the address, so www.sau.com would become www.othersite.com/www.sau.com or somwthing like that.. but i can't find anything about such a site.

I can't install anything on the pc either.

Is there a fairly easy way to achieve this?

I don't really care if they can track it or not.

Thanks in advance...

I believe you are referring to a web proxy. You go to the proxy site then type the url of the site you want to go & it will attempt to load the url through a bunch of proxy severs. The ip of the proxy sites shows up instead of the real sites ip.

However most of these free proxy sites have all being black listed by the major filtering softwares so its not all that effective. I.E. these sites won't load on the computers @ uni, it will show up as being blocked as "illegal" stuff.

Heres a site with some free web proxy severs you can try your luck on Link

Edited by Mayuri Krab
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Yeah i hear using 7 proxies can work wonders...

umm try googling TOR nodes (can't remember the technical explanation, but i'm pretty sure the sickos on /b/ were using them for JB content etc, think it works on a similar system to a proxy)

at high school, we were able to get into sites thru google cache, or when all else failed, just looked up russian porn or whatever (filter can't read cyrillic lol)

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Recently the IT dept has blocked a number of sites from our computers. It won't be long till my dept head will get our access back, but in the mean time how can I get to my favourite sites?

I have heard of a website you go to which will then allow you to go to anysite you want. I think it works by changing the address, so www.sau.com would become www.othersite.com/www.sau.com or somwthing like that.. but i can't find anything about such a site.

I can't install anything on the pc either.

Is there a fairly easy way to achieve this?

I don't really care if they can track it or not.

Thanks in advance...

try http://www.boomproxy.com I've used this before to get to SAU when it won't load behind some proxy servers at sites that I am at.

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hey, download a program called ultrasurf...i think it is up2 version like 9.2 now, constantly updates with new versions, dont need to install it either it just runs off an exe. you'll see what i mean, it is very easy to use too.

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if your still stuck

tools->internet options-> connections tab-> lan settings

untick proxy server

tick auto detect

thats provided your user permissions allow you to do that :-)

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  • 1 month later...

ssh tunnel through to proxy server at your home, basically tunnel through home connection using ssh or a vpn server.

good until they block your home IP :)

also if you can, RDP into your home computer and surf from there...sometimes the IT dept's forget to block that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

new proxies are popping up all the time so its hard to block them all. Something to consider is how much crap you'll be in if your work monitors web traffic and the IT department sees you hitting up proxies trying to get around the measures they've been told to put in place.

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ones that most it firewalls etc wont capture

email to web gateways

tinyurl obstruction

running a httpd on your home pc and make it script up your favourite sites

get someone (or your home linux box) to run http proxy on TCP 53, some firewalls (and admins) allow 53 TCP out to any host as they believe its required for DNS operation (its not, only xfers)

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